Title: Module II:
1- Module II
- Design Principles I
- Naylin Oo
- Information, Communication and Space Technology
Division - UNESCAP
2Module II Design Principles
- Section 3 Best practices, drawing board, layout,
and concepts of color, font, theme... - Section 4 HTML, links, images
- Section 5 Tables, FrontPage basics
- Section 6 Practical exercise
3Module II Design Principles I
- Session 3
- Drawing Board
- Naylin Oo
- Information, Communication and Space Technology
Division - UNESCAP
4Drawing board
- Structure
- Style
- Layout
- Font
- Color
- Theme
- Content
- Functionality
5Stylistic Considerations
- Be frugal
- Stick to the point
- Cultivate a voice
- Think globally
6Visual Structure
Source Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com
7Visual Structure
Source Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com
8Page size (length)
- Web pages should not be longer than 2 to 6
screens. This limit is recommended for 2
reasons - To economize on download time and be user
friendly to those using slow connections - To facilitate quick and efficient response to
Search programs
9Page Layout
Source Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com
10Page headers and footers
- Headers Site identity
- User may enter the site on ANY page
- Unique visual identity
- Include basic navigation links
- Footer Provenance
- Origin of the page
- Age of the page
- Basic link (Top page, home)
- Legal notice
11Sample Page Layout
Source Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com
12Module II Design Principles I
- Session 4
- Introduction to HTML
- Front Page Basics
13What is HTML?
- Telling the browser what to do, and what props to
use. - A series of tags that are integrated into a text
14HTML Tags
- Tags are - surrounded with angle brackets
- ltBgt or ltIgt
- Most tags come in pairs
- exceptions ltPgt, ltbrgt, ltligt tags
- The first tag turns the action on, and the second
turns it off
15HTML Tags (cont.)
- The second tag (off switch) starts with a
forward slash. - For example ,ltBgt text lt/Bgt
- Can embedded, for instance, to do this
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtYour textlt/HEADgtlt/TITLEgt it won't
work. - The correct order is-
- ltHEADgtltTITLEgtYour textlt/TITLEgtlt/HEADgt
16HTML Tags (cont.)
- Not case sensitivity
- Many tags have attributes.
- For example, ltP ALIGNCENTERgt centers the
paragraph following it - Some browsers don't support the some tags and
some attributes.
17Basic HTML Document Format
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtWENT'99lt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt ltBO
DYgt Went'99 lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
See what it looks like
- HTML documents begin and end with lthtmlgt and
lt/htmlgt tags - Comments appear between lt!-- and --gt
- HEAD section enclosed between ltheadgt and lt/headgt
- BODY section enclosed between ltbodygt and lt/bodygt
18Creating HTML Documents
- Many high-level tools (Annex I) exist for
creating Web pages - Microsoft FrontPage
- Netscape Composer
- Adobe PageMill
- Macromedia DreamWeaver, HotDog,
- Also, many applications have "save to HTML"
options (e.g., Word)
- Adding Images
- Use ltIMG SRCimagefilenamegt tags
- By default, browsers can display GIF, PNG, and
JPEG files - Other image formats may require plug-in
applications for display
20Images (cont.)
- Attributes of IMG tag
- ltImg srcmy.gif width50 height50 alignright
altMy imagegt - width, height
- align
- alt
21Images (cont.)
ExampleltIMG ALTUNESCAP SRC/images/UNESCAP.gifgt
Display as
with the image Display as UNESCAP
without the image
22HTML Links
- ltagt to create a link to another document.
- The target attribute
- lta href, target_blankgtxxxlt/agt
- opens the document in a new browser window.
- The name attribute
- lta nameabcgt
- lta hrefabcgtUseful textlt/agt
23Hypertext Links
- Links can contain images and other text-level
elements (i.e., ltA HREFgt ... lt/Agt) - Link to Absolute URL
- Use a complete URL beginning with http//
- ltA HREF"http//host/path/chapter2.html"gtChapter
2lt/Agt - Link to Relative URL
- Use a filename or relative path to filename
- Interpreted location of current file
- ltA HREF"chapter2.html"gtChapter 2lt/Agt.
24Hypertext Links
- Link to Section
- Use a section name (see below) preceded by
- ltA HREF"Section2"gtSection 2lt/Agt
- Link to Section in URL
- Use absolute or relative URL, then , then
section name - ltA HREF"chapter1.htmlSection2"gtSec. 2 of Chap.
1lt/Agt - Naming a Section
- Use ltA NAME"..."gt and do not include the pound
sign - ltH2gtltA NAME"Section2"gtImageslt/Agtlt/H2gt
25How to change color in HTML?
- Color names
- ltFont colorwhitegt
- Color names can also be defined by Hexadecimal
number - Changing the Background color
- ltBODY BGCOLOR19378agt
- Changing Text color
- ltBODY BGCOLOR19378a TEXTffffff
LINKffff66 VLINK66ffffgt - Spot color
- ltFONT COLOR66ffccgtWENT'99lt/FONTgt
26Module II Design Principles I
Tables are common tools for arranging complex
layout on a Web page
Cell Padding
Cell Spacing
Source Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com
30Layout in a Table
lthtmlgt lt!- COMP519 page12.html 1.09.05
--gt ltheadgt lttitlegtTable Layoutlt/titlegt lt/headgt
ltbodygt lttable border1gt lttr
align"center"gt lttdgtLeftltbrgtColumnlt/tdgt
lttd valign"top"gtRight Columnlt/tdgt lt/trgt
lttrgt lttdgtSome datalt/tdgt lttdgtSome
datalt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
- Can have a border on tables using the BORDER
attribute lttable border1gt - Increasing the number makes the border thicker
lttable border2gt - Can control the horizontal and vertical layout
within cells - lttd align"center"gtlttd align"right"gt
- lttd valign"top"gtlttd valign"bottom"gt
- Can apply layout to an entire row
- lttr align"center"gt
- lttr valign"top"gt
31Table Width
- By default, the table is sized to fit the data
- Can override and specify the width of a table
relative to the page - lttable width"60"gt
lthtmlgt lt!- COMP519 page13.html 1.09.05
--gt ltheadgt lttitlegtTable Widthlt/titlegt lt/headgt lt
bodygt lttable width"100 gt lttrgt
lttdgtleft-most lttd align"right"gtright-mostlt
/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
32Other Table Attributes
- Can control the space between cells margins
within cells - lttable border1 cellspacing4 cellpadding8gt
- Can add headings ltthgt is similar to lttdgt but
displays heading centered in bold - ltthgtHEAD1lt/thgt ltthgtHEAD2lt/thgt
- Can have data that spans more than one column
- lttd rowspan2 align"center"gtfourlt/tdgt
- Similarly, can span more than one row
- lttd colspan2 align"center"gt five lt/tdgt
Source Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com
34Flexible Tables
See the different
Source Web Style Guide, www.webstyleguide.com
35Module II Design Principles I
36FrontPage Basics
37FrontPage Basics
Switch to different view mode
Preview webpage in browser
38Create a Web Page from scratch
- Click on File in the file menu and select
New. New task pane will appear on the right
hand side of FrontPage. - Click on One page web site under New web site
section. - In the pop up box, double click on One page
These toolbars are mostly used in FrontPage for
creating and designing web pages.
40Example Insert Hyerlink
- Select either some text or a picture
- Click on Insert on the file menu
- Select Hyperlink
- In the pop-up box, type in the URL in the Address
box. Then, put the name of this URL in Text to
display box.
41Example Insert Pictures
- Click on Insert on the file menu.
- Point the mouse to Picture.
- Select From File.
- In the pop-up box, locate the picture on the
computer that you could like to upload.
42Example Formatting Text
- Highlight the text
- Go to the style boxes
- Select the desire style