Title: ISP Satisfaction
1ISP Satisfaction
- Winnie Chung (MCom Thesis)
- Presented by John Paynter
- Background Information
- Research Objectives and Questions
- Scope of the Study
- Research Methodology
- Results of Data Analysis
- Conclusion
3Background Information
- High Internet Penetration
- More than 50 of New Zealanders have access to
the Internet and 34 use it on a regular basis - About 50 national ISPs and 38 regional ISPs
(http//www.netguide.co.nz) - Different services offered by ISPs
- Different Prices, Plans, Speeds and technologies
- More potential ISPs are trying to enter the
industry - Only 5 of broadband adoption in NZ
4Research Objectives and Questions
5Scope of the Study
- Focus on retail/residential/individual ISP users
- Household ISP registration
- Exclude business ISP users
- E.g. business solutions for accessing the
Internet - Exclude public Internet access facilities
- E.g. Internet cafes and libraries
- Focus on urban areas
6Literature and Background Research
- Publications (26)
- Preliminary interviews (8)
- ?Essential Constituents for the Provision of
Internet Access Service
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10Theoretical Framework
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3.2 Development of Theoretical Framework and
3.2.1 Illustration of the ISP User
3.2.2 Theoretical Framework
3.2.3 Hypotheses
- Hypothesis 1O Users of large ISPs have the same
Overall Satisfaction as users of small ISPs - Hypothesis 1A Users of large ISPs have higher
Overall Satisfaction than users of small ISPs - Hypothesis 2O Narrowband users have the same
Overall Satisfaction as broadband users - Hypothesis 2A Broadband users have higher
Overall Satisfaction than narrowband users - Hypothesis 3O Free service users have the same
Overall satisfaction as charged service users - Hypothesis 3A Free service users have higher
Overall satisfaction than charged service users - Hypothesis 4O Narrowband factors are not related
to the Overall Satisfaction of narrowband users - Hypothesis 4A Narrowband factors are positively
related to the Overall Satisfaction of narrowband
users - Hypothesis 4aO Narrowband Customer Support and
Service does not differ between large and small
ISPs - Hypothesis 4aA Large ISPs provide better
narrowband Customer Support and Service than
small ISPs - Hypothesis 5O Broadband factors are not related
to the Overall Satisfaction of broadband users - Hypothesis 5A Broadband factors are positively
related the Overall Satisfaction of broadband
users - Hypothesis 5aO Broadband Customer Support and
Service does not differ between large and small
- Hypothesis 9O Broadband adoption barriers are
not related to the likelihood of future broadband
usage - Hypothesis 9A Broadband adoption barriers are
negatively related to the likelihood of future
broadband usage - Hypothesis 10O Broadband Usage is not related to
Gender - Hypothesis 10A Males are more likely to use
broadband than females - Hypothesis 11O Broadband Usage is not related to
Income - Hypothesis 11A High Income people are more
likely to use broadband than low-income people - Hypothesis 12O Broadband Usage is not related to
Size of ISP - Hypothesis 12A Broadband users are more likely
to use broadband provided by large ISPs than
small ISPs - Hypothesis 13O Broadband Usage is not related to
Education Level - Hypothesis 13A Highly educated people are more
likely to use broadband than lowly educated
people - Hypothesis 14O Broadband Usage is not related to
Internet Usage Preference - Hypothesis 14A Broadband Usage is related to
Internet Usage Preference - Hypothesis 15O Broadband Usage is not related to
153.3 Research Methodology
3.3.1 Research Design
3.3.2 Data Collection Method
3.3.3 Ethics Consideration in Data Collection
3.3.4 Data Analysis Methods
Table 3.3 Research Design Choices for the Study
16Research Design (continue)
17- Preliminary Interviews
- ISP users
3.3 Research Methodology
3.3.1 Research Design
3.3.2 Data Collection Method
3.3.3 Ethics Consideration in Data Collection
3.3.4 Data Analysis Methods Questionnaires Interviews
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22The Breakdown of ISPs
Main ISPs
23The Breakdown of ISPs
Secondary ISPs
24The Breakdown of ISPs
Former ISPs
25Length of Time Using the Main ISP, Overall
Satisfaction and Retention
Satisfaction and retention are significantly
correlated (positive) to each other at the 0.01
level (2 tailed).
26Length of Time Using the Main ISP, Overall
Satisfaction and Retention
The calculation of the F statistics (2.72) from
the ANOVA exceeds the critical value of ?1.96,
indicating that the null hypothesis is rejected
at the 0.05 level. It is concluded that not all
group means are equal.
Tukey method (post hoc test) suggests that users
who have used their ISP between 1 - 2 years have
significantly higher satisfaction than those who
have used their ISP between 3 - 6 months.
27ISP Characteristics and Overall Satisfaction
Speed of service
Service Charges
Size of ISP
28Slingshot says the disadvantages of the big
companies I see that is they are very slow to
respond and in case of Xtra for instance and
Clear, they are very hard in cutting their price
because they got a large amount of revenue coming
in, so reducing their price by 10, they are
losing a lot of money.
Slingshot says Some really small ISPs have
couple hundreds of customers or may be a few
thousands of customers, they are really set up
with a tight budget and they could fall over any
day literally. Um. a good example is Voyager,
who fell over recently and there are other ISPs
are on the edge. Even Ihug is really close to
the edge financially.
Telecom says Small ISP cant afford things like
backup systems or redundant networks or
multi-tier support staff or escalations. For
example, our email systems cost 7 million dollars
which is for a small ISP they can never do.
Telecom says broadband customers are more
technically sophisticated and also want a lot
more value than they are prepared to pay for
typically. Broadband at the moment is not a
goodtheres not parameters for customers to
understand whats good value or whats not good
value. They dont have a lot of benchmarks to
compare so their expectation are higher than
dialup where people would have a higher
satisfaction with it.
29ISP Characteristics and Overall Satisfaction
ISP Characteristics
Size of ISP
Overall Satisfaction
Speed of Service
Service Charges
30ISP Performance Variables (5) for providing
Narrowband Connection
31ISP Performance Variables (19) broadband and
32Narrowband Factors Factor Analysis
33Narrowband Factors vs Satisfaction Stepwise
- Four variables (Connectivity, Speed, Email
Service and Customer Support and Service) were
added to the regression model. Web Site
Functionality was removed, because the unique
variance of satisfaction explained by this
variable is not significant at the 0.05 level. - This model explains 36 percent of the total
variation of Overall Satisfaction. - The regression model with the four variables is
significant at the 0.05 level. This means that
the null hypothesis can be rejected. Four
narrowband factors are related to Overall
Email Services
Customer Support and Service
Overall Satisfaction
Web site Functionalites
Slingshot says that modems (internal or external)
OS, noise on the line and whether one is running
some programs (those that use up a lot of memory)
behind are factors that may affect the connection
Telecom says And if people are having problem
maintaining a connection often there are software
settings on their PC, which we can help them
change to get them more reliable. For instance,
the OS settings, Dialup setting, TCP settings.
Telecom says Theres just diversity. Theres
hundred of different kind of modems, theres
hundred of different kind of PC and theres many
of different kind of operating systems. The
permutation or combination of that mix combined
with some variable line quality in some areas
mean that you can never guaranteeyou know.
Slingshot says We think that it is more
important to get things like the bandwidth, the
reliability the fact that we have a policy of not
allowing busy tones.
35Price is the main thing customers focus on, but
we view that it is not the thing they actually
want. What we seen is growth of non-priced
attributes, quality of network, quality of
service, stability to connected and stay
connected. Price has to be competitive. Quality
of email service, outages, helpdesk services and
support, all the components. the whole range of
Customer Support and Service
Slingshot says We know that our target market
dont use helpdesk much so we dont believe that
priority which we charge for helpdesk phone calls
but we do provide free email. It doesnt mean
that if customer has a problem, if it is a minor
problem then they will think twice about it
before calling us.
Slingshot says We do have technical support.
Its free emails and free fax. Um..for emails,
we normally respond within a couple of hours. So
its pretty fast turn around like for instance if
you use ClearNet and you send an email, they
normally within a day but we respond within a
couple of hours.
36T-test of Narrowband Customer Support and Service
Against ISP Size
- T-test for equality of means is significant at
the 0.05 level (the null hypothesis is rejected).
- This suggests that the narrowband Customer
Support and Service differs from large ISPs to
small ISPs. - Small ISPs have a significantly lower narrowband
Customer Support and Service level than large
37Broadband Factors Factor Analysis
38Broadband Factors vs Satisfaction Stepwise
Customer Support and Service
- Two variables (Speed and Customer Support and
Service) were added to the regression model. - This model explains 39 percent of the total
variation of Overall Satisfaction. - Email Service, Value, Additional Service and Web
Site Functionality were removed because the
unique variance of Overall Satisfaction explained
by each of these variables is not significant. - The regression model with the two variables is
significant at the 0.05 level (means that the
null hypothesis can be rejected). Two broadband
factors are related to Overall Satisfaction.
Email Services
Additional Services
Overall Satisfaction
Web site functionalities
39T-test of Broadband Customer Support and Service
Against ISP Size
- T-test for equality of means is not significant
at the 0.05 level. - The null hypothesis cannot be rejected.
- This suggests that the broadband Customer Support
and Service do not differ from large ISPs to
small ISPs.
40Satisfaction of Different Broadband Technologies
Test of difference between means of DSL, Cable
and Satellite
It was found that using ANOVA to test for
difference is not a feasible in this case because
there are insufficient observations in some cells
(Satellite and Cable). The number of broadband
users is small and most broadband users use DSL.
For this reason, ANOVA was not conducted.
Although the means of Satellite, Cable and DSL
are different, we have no confidence that they
are significantly different.
41Broadband technologies
Slingshot says The disadvantages of satellite is
that you get really long, very high latency which
mean basically the time takes for the signal to
go out and then come back in again is very long.
So even they say that they can provide broadband
for a large customer base it is a very slow
response service.. And I think for upload
trafficThey use a modemso really the only
broadband in the market place at the moment is
Telecom ADSL.
Telecom says Satellite is expensive and the
quality is no good
Slingshot says The cost of bandwidth provides
these broadband services (Cable) have been in the
past quite privative.
Telecom says Say you got ADSL, cable, Satellite,
you got an install cost, a quality and a
throughput cost or marginal cost. ADSL has a
very low install cost, cable you got to dig up
everyones drive way, thats an exceedingly high
cost, satellite you got to buy a dish, thats a
very high cost.
42Broadband Adoption Barriers (21)
43Broadband Adoption Barriers - Factor Analysis
44Broadband Adoption Barriers Stepwise Regression
Limited Opportunity to change
- Only one variable (Cost) was added to the
regression model. The other five variables were
all removed because the unique variance of
Likelihood of Future Broadband Usage explained by
each of these five variables is not significant.
- The simple regression model with one variable is
significant at the 0.05 level. This means that
the null hypothesis can be rejected. - This model only explains 11 percent of the total
variation of the Likelihood of Future Broadband
Lack of broadband information and knowledge
Uncertainty about supports and services
Likelihood to adoption broadband in the near
Reluctance to change
Limited subscription plan available
45Potential of Broadband in NZ
Slingshot says It will be at a point where the
majority of connections are broadband there will
still be a big chunk of dial-up connections
because of the very price sensitive people. But
it will take Telecom to severely change their
price structure for broadband before mainstream.
Slingshot says It is in my opinion anyway
Telecoms entire fault as to why broadband hasnt
really taken off to the extent that it should has
because nowadays bandwidth is not a cost factor,
well it is but it is not a significant cost
factor. The infrastructure out there in the
market place but unless Telecom changes their
price structure to make it at least break-even
for other competitors, umno one really wants to
take it up and really heavily promote it.
Slingshot says The price structure is just
really bad for JetStream. They just cost too
much like um. so thats why a lot of customers
are on JetStart because they perceive it is a
flat right.
Telecom says the southern cross cable, you know
how much it cost, 1.2 billion dollars.Thats
12,000 million dollars. how many people are
there in NZ? 4 millions Ok, 4 millions, how
much each do we have to pay?..Divided them up300
dollars. thats for everybody was on the
Internet but only 1 million people is on the
Internet. So the marginal cost is very high, the
fixed cost is very high.
46Characteristics of Broadband Users
47Characteristics of Broadband Users
48(No Transcript)
49ISP Viewpoint of Satisfaction Factors
50Advantages and Disadvantages of Large and Small
51ISP appraisal of Broadband Internet in NZ
- Results indicate that user satisfaction directly
reflects retention - Narrowband and broadband users have slightly
different satisfaction requirements. - Connectivity, Speed, Email Service and Customer
Support and Service (in order) are significantly
important for narrowband users. - Broadband users however perceived that Speed and
Customer Support and Service (in order) are the
two significant importance factors. - ISPs should focus attention based on the relative
importance of these factors. - In addition to these factors, ISPs perceived that
Value and Web Site Functionality should not be
ignored. - There was no evidence to suggest that Speed of
Service (narrowband or broadband), Service
Charges (free or charged) and Size of ISP (large
or small) effect overall user satisfaction - However, narrowband users perceived that large
ISPs provide significantly better Customer
Support and Service than small ISPs.
- ISPs should spend special effort on new
subscribers (those that who stay with an ISP just
between one to three months), as they are
significantly less satisfied than those who stay
with an ISP between one to two years. If ISPs
can ensure the satisfaction of these users, they
are less likely to switch. - Broadband users are more likely to subscribe to
broadband with large ISPs than those smaller
ones. Male, Preference for Heavy Entertainment
Traffic, high General Computer Skills and
preference to use longer hours on the Internet
per day, are the characteristics of potential
broadband users. - If ISPs want to increase their broadband customer
base, they should concentrate targeting users who
fit these characteristics. - The broadband market in NZ is still in an infancy
period with too little proper choice available
for users. The penetration is low and Cost is
the barrier that significantly prevents the
adoption of broadband. The future of broadband
in NZ looks good, as the infrastructure is ready.
However, this will not takeoff unless if price
is reduced, either initiated by ISPs, or by
government subsidy.