Title: Se acuerdan de los refranes
1- Se acuerdan de los refranes?
- Perro que ladra, no muerde
- Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando
- A caballo regalado no se le mira los dientes
- En boca cerrada no entran moscas
- Más vale tarde que nunca
- Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres.
- Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.
- Mas vale prevenir que curar.
- No es oro todo lo que reluce.
- No hay mal que por bien no venga
- De Tin Marín de Don Pinguey
- Pablito clavó un clavito
- Si Pancha plancha
- Paco Peco
3Gramática para el examen final
- Gustar/ le cae bien
- Reflexives
- Irainfinitive/ en vez de inf/ tener ganas de
- Más..que/menosque/tancomo
- Present perfect
- Imperfect (all of them)
- Preterite (all forms)
- The weird verb!
- Me gusta/n I like it/them
- Te gusta/n you like it/them
- Le gusta/n he/she/usted likes it/them
- Nos gusta/n we like it/them
- Les gusta/n they/you guys like it/them
5With verb/s -like to do something___ gusta
- I like to work and study.
- Do you like to read?
- He likes to read novels
- We like to throw trash through the windows
- They like to talk about politics .
6With a noun -like something ___ gusta noun I
like that good-looking guy. Do you like the
birthday cake? She likes the Drama class. We
like the movie. They like basketball.
7With a plural noun___ gustan plural noun
- I like hamburgers.
- Do you like tall girls.
- Does he like sandwiches?
- We like fancy cars.
- They like girls.
8Negative likingsno before the pronoun!
- I do not like that song.
- You dont like the song?
- Carla doesnt like her hippo.
- We do not likr homework
- They do not like their mothers food.
9Yo gusto
- Never ever, ever use it!
- It does not exist.
- NEVER use yo with gustar
- It is always just
- me gusta..
- Or
- A mí, me gusta
10Hemos entendido?
- Write down one thing you like and one you dont
11Direct object pronoun
- Me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las
- Who/what receives the action of the verb.
- I saw you. I saw, whom?
- Te vi.
- We didnt see them. We didnt see, whom?
- Nosotros no los vimos
- I did my homework. I did, what?
- My grandparents visited us. They visited Whom?
12Spanish v. English
- me /m?/ me /mi/
- te you
- lo it, him
- la it, her
- nos us
- los them
(masc.) - las them (fem.)
13- Entendiste? Ahora tú!
- Cómo lo dices en español?
- Reemplaza el DON (direct object noun) por el DOP
(direct object pronoun) - REMEMBER English is backwards! ?
- He put his dog in the box.
- The girl makes fun of the boy.
- They mistreated the dogs.
- Do you know my fiancé?
- The students won a scholarship.
14IOPs -Indirect Object Pronouns
- Me, te, le, nos, les
- Who the action is directed towards
- They threw him the ball
- him is the IOP because the ball was thrown to him.
15Spanish v. English
- Me /m?/ me /mi/
- Te you
- Le him/her
- Nos us
- Les them/you guys
16- She gave a chocolate. Ella dio un
chocolate. - She gave me a chocolate. Ella me dio un
chocolate. - You use me because the chocolate was given to me.
- What if the chocolate was given to us? Then
- Ellos nos dieron un chocolate.
- You use nos because the gift was given to us.
17- You said hi, to her.
- In english you place the indirect object after
the verb. - y en español
- Tú le dijiste hola a la chica.
- The direct object goes before the verb
18Qué pronombre usarías?
- We bought them a new car.
- Nosotros ___ compramos un coche nuevo.
- A. Me B. te C. le D. nos E. les
19- Ahora, D and IOP
- Direct Obj. prons. Indirect Obj. Prons.
- me Me
- te te
- la, lo le
- nos nos
- los, las les
- Moreover, when we have any combination of the
following pronouns, we get se - la
- lo le se
- las les
- los
20- Example
- The children give an apple to the teacher.
- Los niños le dan una manzana a la profesora.
- Now if we have to replace both, direct (green
word) and indirect object (blue word), then this
sentence will be like this - Los niños se la dan por el dia del maestro.
- and the pronouns go before the verb indirect,
direct and verb.
21- because
- the combination of indirect pronoun le or les
and direct pronouns la, lo, las or los implies a
change of le or les to se. - Thats why it is NOT Los niños le la dan, but
Los niños se la dan. - and the pronouns go before the verb in the
following order indirect, direct and verb. - wrong sentence
22Ahora es tu turno. Cómo serían la siguientes
oraciones en español? 1. Her mother bought her a
gift. She bought it at Wal-Store. 2. They give a
car to their parents. They gave it to them for
their anniversary 3. Why dont you assign us
homework. Give it to us for the summer, please.
- In Spanish there are lots of verbs just like in
English. - For example, take the verb llamar
24Llamar to call
- Yo llamo I call
- Tú llamas You call
- Él/ella/usted llama He/she calls
- Nosotros llamamos We call
- Ellos/ellas/ustedes llaman They call
25But what if I want to say I call myself?
- You need a reflexive pronoun! They make verbs
directed (or reflected back) at the person doing
the action - Me myself
- Te yourself
- Se himself/herself
- Nosourselves
- Se themselves
26- So instead of just llamo (I call) yo can say
- me llamo I call myself
- or
- te llamas.. He calls himself
- or
- se llaman They call themselves
Sooo, the reflexive verbs changes the meaning of
the verb! To call became to call oneself or
basically say My name is.
27Examples of changes
- poner to put
- ex Puso el coche en la cochera
- ponerseto put on oneself
- Me pongo la ropa/ se ponía más fuerte
- Levantar to lift
- ex Voy a levantar el lápiz del suelo
- levantarse to lift oneself
- Me levanté a las siete hoy.
28Some verbs you only use in their reflexive form
because you do them for yourself
despertarse darse
cuenta bañarse caerse ducharse sentirse afeita
rse sentarse vestirse darse
prisa cepillarse desmayarse acostarse llenarse
los ojos de engordarse adelgazarse
29Más reflexivos, Hurrah!
- asustarse
- reírse a carcajadas
- casarse
- burlarse
- Meterse
- quedarse
- enamorarse
- enojarse
- enfermarse
- morirse
- tropezarse
- ponerse
- lastimarse
- quejarse
- acercarse
- volverse loco/a
30Conjugation bañarse
- Me baño me bañé me bañaba
- Te bañas te bañaste te bañabas
- Se baña se bañó se bañaba
- Nos bañamos nos bañamos nos bañábamos
- Se bañan se bañaron se bañaban
31Ahora es tu turno!
- Write three things you did this morning as part
of your daily routine using reflexive verbs.
32El futuro familiarIrainfinitive
- This is how we say that someone is going to do
something - Irto go
- A to
- Verb what the person will do!
33IR (present tense)
- Yo voy
- Tú vas
- Él/ella/usted va
- Nosotros/nosotras vamos
- Ellos/ellas/ustedes van
- Voy a comer mi ensalada.
- Vas a bailar un tango?
- Va a graduarse este año.
- Vamos a viajar a Francia.
- Van a besar a su perro o gato hoy?
- Are going to
35What if we use it with iba?
- Iba a comer mi ensalada
- Ibas a bailar un tango?
- Iba a graduarse este año.
- Íbamos a viajar a Francia.
- Iban a besar a su perro o gato hoy?
- Was going to
36Ahora tú
- Write 3 things you are going to do in the summer,
in Spanish, por supuesto.
- Másque morethan
- El agua es más saludable que una soda.
- Menosque lessthan
- Creo que los tacos son menos sabrosos que las
enchiladas. - Tancomo asas
- Tu diálogo fue tan interesante como el mío.
38In the first example, we are comparing water and
soda therefore, those could vary. We are also
saying that it is healthy, which is an adjective,
so this adjective could vary also. What are we
comparing on the second and third examples? What
is the quality adjective- we are comparing?
39- What else we should be careful with?
- Yes, agreement.
- If we are talking about tacos, then we say son
and also sabrosos because they are masculine
plural. Verdad?
40 So. what if I compare your blouse and my blouse
and say that your blouse is less pretty than
mine? What would you say? En español, por
supuesto. Now, compare el cine y la
television Ahora, un ratón y una cucaracha
41- Of course, agreement also applies to masque,
- Menosque, and tan como.
- plus to
- Yo, tú, Ud, él, ella, nosotros, ustedes,
etcanything or anyone we would like to compare.
42So, how would these sentences be?
- You are as tall as
- I am shorter than
- We are as cool as
- They are less nice than
- Be careful with subject/verb/adjective
- agreement!
- Nosotros somos más chidos que esos vagabundos
allá. - Subject masc/pl verb plural and adjective
43Spanish would be boring if it did not have
irregularities, verdad? So, there are a few
with comparissons. Examples We do not say
bueno más bueno malo más malo but we
say bueno mejor malo peor We also say
oldermayor youngermenor
44Present Perfect
- The tense we use when we want to say that someone
has done something! - He I have
- Has You have
- Ha He/she has
- Hemos We have
- Han They/you guys have
45What about the something?
- Remember the secret formula?
- Take a verb (bailar)
- Take off last two letters (bail)
- Add -ado or -ido
- How do you know which to add?
- -ado is for -ar verbs (bailar/llamar)
- Bailado (danced)
- Llamado (called)
- -ido is for -er/-ir verbs (comer/salir)
- Comido (eaten)
- Salido (left)
- Watch out for irregulars!
- Hecho done (hacer)
- Puesto put (poner)
- Leído read (leer)
- Escrito written (escribir)
- Cubiertocovered (cubrir)
- Visto seen (ver)
- Dicho said (decir)
- Muerto died (morir)
- Roto broken (romper)
48Write 3 things you have achieved so far in your
young life.
- Examples
- He escalado el Everest.
- He visto la luna desde mi ventana.
- He escrito muchos text messages in Spanish
- class.
- Just like in English, when different people do an
action, the verb changes slightly depending on
who is doing the action. - I run
- He runs
- As the verbs change slightly depending on who
does the action. They also change a little when
they are put in a different tense. - I run
- I ran
- In English there is no set pattern for the past
tense, but luckily in Spanish there is!
52-AR Verbs Pretérito
- Example COMPRAR
- Take off the -ar and add
- Yo -é
- Tú -aste
- Él/Ella/Usted -ó
- Nosotros -amos
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes -aron
- Compré
- Compraste
- Compró
- Compramos
- Compraron
53-ER/-IR Verbs Pretérito
- Examples
- Take off the -er/-ir and add
- Yo -í
- Tú -iste
- Él/Ella/Usted -ió
- Nosotros -imos
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes -ieron
Comer salir (to eat) (to leave/to go
- Comí Salí
- Comiste Saliste
- Comió Salió
- Comimos Salimos
- Comieron Salieron
54decir/hacer/ir/ver irregular in preterite
- Yo dije
- Tú dijiste
- Él Co. dijo
- Nosotros dijimos
- Ellos Co. dijeron
- Yo vi
- Tú viste
- Él Co. vio
- Nosotros vimos
- Ellos Co. vieron
- Yo hice
- Tú hiciste
- Él Co. hizo
- Nosotros hicimos
- Ellos Co. Hicieron
- Yo fui
- Tú fuiste
- Él Co. fue
- Nosotros fuimos
- Ellos Co. fueron
55Más verbos irregulares en el pretérito Poner/poder
/estar/tener Yo puse pude estuve Tú
pusiste pudiste estuviste Ud./él/ella puso
pudo estuvo Nosotros/as pusimos pudieron
estuvieron Ustedes/ellos/as pusieron pudieron
56But, as we very well know..
- In Spanish there are TWO past tenses!
- One for things that happen in a specific time
frame. (preterite)
- The other is used for descriptions, emotions, and
things that are more vague and seen as not
completed in the past - It is called the
- Remember
- the -aba and
- -ía endings!
58-aba (-ar verbs)
Example hablar
- Yo -aba
- Tú -abas
- Él/ella/usted -aba
- Nosotros/nosotras -ábamos
- Ellos/ellas/ustedes -aban
- Yo hablaba
- Tú hablabas
- Él hablaba
- Nosotros hablábamos
- Ellos hablaban
59-ía endings (-er/-ir verbs)
Example salir
- Yo salía
- Tú salías
- Él Co. salía
- Nosotros salíamos
- Ellos Co. salían
- Yo -ía
- Tú -ías
- Él/ella/usted -ía
- Nosotros/nosotras -íamos
- Ellos/ellas/ustedes -ían
60Irregulars ser/ir/ver
- Yo era iba veía
- Tú eras ibas veías
- Ud./él/ella/ era iba veía
- Nosotros éramos íbamos veíamos
- Ustedes/ellos/ellas eran iban veían