Title: Airedale Terriers
1Airedale Terriers
By Morgan Truax morganlt_at_interchange.ubc.ca LIBR
500 Foundations of Information Technology
2Airedales are
- The largest breed of Terrier dog, sometimes
called King of the Terriers
- A recognized breed of the Canadian Kennel Club
- Born black, but eventually turn tan with a
black saddle
- One of only a few hypoallergenic breeds of dog
3A Brief History
The Airedale hails from the Aire Valley in
Yorkshire, where it was first bred in the mid
19th Century Crossbred from an Otter Hound and
a Black-and-Tan Terrier, the Airedale was bred to
be a larger sporting and hunting dog Became
popular as a multipurpose terrier which could
track, hunt, and retrieve Because of their
obedient, steadfast and courageous nature, plus a
powerful bite, they were considered an excellent
police dog During WWI and WWII, they served as
sentries, messengers, guards, patrol dogs,
munitions carriers, search dogs, ambulance dogs,
and camp rodent exterminators
4Airedales are great friends! They are smart and
inquisitive. They are fiercely loyal and
protective. They are brave in the face of
danger. They are exceptionally affectionate. They
have endless patience. They love to play and have
5Breed Standards
- Size
- 23 inches at the shoulder
- Should be sturdy, well-muscled and well-boned
- Coat
- hard, dense and wiry
- Lie straight and close to the body
- Small waves permissible
- Colour
- Tan with a black or grizzle saddle
- Body
- Back
- strong and level
- Chest
- deep but not broad
- Tail
- carried gaily, and of good substance
6There are several reputable Airedale Terrier
breeders in British Columbia
Horsin Around Terriers Ladysmith, BC Skydale
Kennel Lumby, BC Santer Kennel Prince
George, BC Majubadale Airedales Yarrow, BC
There are also clubs and associations which can
help find the right Airedale for you! Airedale
Terrier Club of Canada Canadian Kennel
Club (Please click links to view)
7Airedales arent for everyone and many are left
in neglect. The AireCanada Airedale Rescue
Network is a Canadian association of Airedale
lovers who place abused and neglected Airedales
in loving homes. They not only find suitable
adoptive homes, but prevent further abuse by
educating the public about the breed. Learn more
at airecanada.com
8Weve had many Airedales over the years
14and little Maggie
15He is swift, formidable, graceful, big of brain,
an ideal chum and guard. ....To his master he is
an adoring pal.
- Albert Payson Terhune
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