Title: NCATE Accreditation Assessment Plan: Drexel University School Of Education
1NCATE Accreditation Assessment Plan Drexel
University School Of Education
- John Dewey Quintet
- Online Assessment Project
- EDUC 708
- Summer 2004
2Team Members
- Steve Benko
- Nick DiGregory
- Ryan Farrell
- Dayton Handrick
- Tamara Peffer
- Brian Thompson
3Drexel University School of Education
- Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
- Instruction Certification
- Elementary Education (K-6 grade)
- Grade K-12
- Environmental Education
- Library Science
- Secondary (7-12 grade)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Space Science
- General Science
- Mathematics
- Physics
4Additional Graduate Level Certifications
- Teaching English as a Second Language
- Instructional Technology Specialist
- School Principal
- School Superintendent
5Drexel School of Education (SoE) Pursuit of
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher
Education (NCATE) Accreditation
- NCATE Expectations and Standards for applicants
2001 and beyond - Development of an assessment system
- Display of currently collected performance
assessment data - Identify and include assessments at a variety of
points through out the teacher candidates
development - Develop a timeline for development and
implementation of these assessments - Identify a design for the collection, analysis,
compilation and application of the data - Identify aspects of the system that address the
quality of the schools programming - Identify how technology is used in the
development, use and maintenance of the developed
assessment system
6Existing Drexel SoE Program AssessmentTools
- Undergraduate course work
- Graduate course work
- Field Experience Assessment
- Portfolio Development
- Praxis or Licensing test scores reporting
7Needed Drexel SoE Assessment Tools
- Graduate surveys
- Employer surveys
- Graduate post graduation measures of competence
8Goal of John Dewey Assessment Development Team
- Assess the success of the Drexel SoE Teacher
Preparation programs success in preparing and
producing teachers competent in teaching with
integrated technology in a post graduation
setting - Successful development of the accreditation
assessment procedure addresses the following
areas of interest - Documentation of learned outcomes
- Accuracy of targeted instructional practices for
facilitation of learning - Post-graduation performance
9Three Post-Graduation Assessment Sub-Surveys
- Review by employing supervisor or department head
- Teacher reported comfort and technology
integration questions - Classroom performance as measured through Drexel
Graduates student performance levels
10Who is to be assessed (and why)
- Focus Group Criteria Drexel SoE Graduates 1998
to Current - Drexel SOE graduates prior to 1998 to 2001- used
as base line because the Tech standards both
national and state were not yet officially
published. - Drexel SOE graduates post 2001- used as the
comparative data. Post ISTE and state standard
development. It was thought that after this time
Drexel began increase its focus on tech
integration to help teachers and their students
meet these standards.
11Survey Methodology
- Each survey will facilitate data collection
through Zoomerang Zpro services - Survey participants will be solicited via email
and postcard campaign - Expected response rate of 50
- Incentives to encourage participation include
Drexel Alumni T-Shirts - Participating alumni or supervising respondent
sign in to survey site Zoomerang Zpro to enter
data and assessment materials
12Data Collection Basics
- All Drexel Graduate survey responders will
provide the following - Length of employment
- Certification areas
- Grade level
- Praxis scores
- Additional training post-graduation
- All sub-survey areas will be tagged with this
data via inter survey coding
13Data Analysis Basics
- Analysis tools and comparison resources
- Zoomerang Zpro
- SSPS statistical analysis tool
- NACTE database and national statistics
- COFHE research support
14Data Analysis Basics
- Specific to Survey
- Include in General Form
- Summary commentary
- Statistical comparison between pre 2001 and post
2001 Drexel graduates - Compare to district teachers and students as well
as performance at national and state levels - of similar answers and ranges
15Feedback Loop and Needs Accommodation
- All Drexel SoE Graduate Participants receive copy
of report for group so students may compare their
input - Drexel SoE Department head, committee groups, and
faculty will receive data and recommendation
report - Based on these recommendations remediation may be
made to instructional units through restructure,
addition of courses, etc.
16Feedback Loop and Needs Accommodation
- Drexel will continue to monitor graduates in two
phases to see if skills are retained or improved
upon - 1 year after graduation/ placement
- 5 years after graduation/ placement
- The continued monitoring in 2.5 year cycles will
also indicate if modifications to the SoE
curriculum have initiated the desired change
17Drexel Graduate Supervisor Questionnaire
- Identifies technology levels of employing school
district - Asks supervisors to compare Drexel Graduates
skills, aptitude and attitude to that of
coworkers - Utilizes ISTE School Administrator standards
section V. as a guideline - Sample questions (some modification may be
18Drexel Graduate Supervisor Questionnaire
Innovative Classrooms and Meaningful Learning
- Investigates teachers willingness to utilize
websites or class homework pages - Investigates student access potential
- Reviews technology teaching techniques observed
for the purposes of real world assessment
19Drexel Graduate Supervisor Questionnaire other
areas investigated
- Investigates districts use of data driven
decision making - Connects data collection and analysis methods
used at the school to No Child Left Behind
Compliance and Drexel Graduates ability to use
these tools - Does not directly address Community Involvement
20Drexel Graduate Tech Integration and Comfort
- Related to the ISTE Technology Facilitation
Standards - Addresses technology and concepts
- Collects data through both subjective and
objective response - Sample survey questions
21Drexel Graduate Technology Integration and
Comfort levels Innovative Classrooms and
Meaningful Learning
- Investigates planning and designing lessons and
teaching, learning and the curriculum encourages
analysis of Innovative Classroom practices - Identifies assessment and evaluation tools used
within the classroom, and productivity and
professional practices questions supporting
Meaningful Learning and real world assessment
22Drexel Graduate Technology Integration and
Comfort levels NCLB goals
- Although NCLB is not directly addressed within
the survey the overall goal of the survey
supports the ultimate goal of NLCB - Increasing the quality of education, using all
available resources
23Drexel Graduate Technology Integration and
Comfort levels Other Areas Investigated
- Through investigation of tech use practices
teachers will more likely become cognizant of
Community Interactions which may enhance learning - Teachers use of tools which collect data such as
grades or analyze responses can assist teachers
in making Data Driven Decisions in regard to
curriculum and lesson plan development - Feedback loops will offer suggestions here
- Quantitative use numbers will provide data for
decision making to determine if improvement is
24Drexel Graduate Student Performance Survey
- Compare Drexel Graduates skill in facilitation
of learning through utilization of technology - Documented by changes in standardized test scores
and real world assessments - PSSA
- CAT scores
- Compare results within Drexel graduate pool,
regional results, state level results and
national percentiles - Focus on appropriate age or grade level ( survey
embedded dropdown will allow for level selection
and will provide appropriate questions) - Skills targeted by ISTE NETS for students
(Technology Foundation Standards for ALL Students
25Drexel Graduate Student Performance Survey
Innovative Classrooms and Meaningful Learning
- Data demonstrating teachers ability to develop
Innovative Classroom and successful integration
of technology to facilitate in a
multi-disciplinary style is demonstrated through
changes in basic subject areas - Student portfolio records track interdisciplinary
improvements and use of technology in a real
world Meaningful Learning scenario
26Drexel Graduate Student Performance Survey NCLB
- Directly targets state standard proficiency
levels used to accomplish NCLB goals - Monitors increase or decrease in proficiency
levels related to introduction of Technology
integrated learning - PSSA sections to be monitored as tests become
available - Reading
- Writing
- Math
- Environment and Ecology
- Science and Technology
- Geography
27Drexel Graduate Student Performance Survey Other
Areas Investigated
- This section does not actively investigate
Involved Communities - Collected data provides basis for strength/ needs
Data Driven Analysis and decisions about
appropriate remediation - Grade appropriate student questionnaires may also
be incorporated by the teacher to help gauge
input as to student technology knowledge base - Middle School
- High School
28Budget Considerations
- For the years selected to survey we anticipate a
averages of approximately 30 undergraduate
education majors per year (Drexel IT Site). - We expect a response rate of approximately 50
and will attempt to boost this number through the
use of an incentive T-shirt, which will be
produced and mailed in house. This cost will be
incurred by Drexel. - Post cards, labeling and mailings will be done in
house by student workers to help defray costs and
to alert alums about the survey. This cost will
be incurred by Drexel.
29Budget Draft
- Zoomerang Zpro Survey Tool 600 per year
- or 50 per month
- SPSS Analysis Tool for Windows 1,249.00
- COFHE participation membership fee 150.00
- Incentive Alumni T-shirts _at_ 8 240 1,920.00
- Mailing of T-shirts _at_ 3.65 per shirt
240 876.00 - John Dewey Consulting Analysis Fees
7,000.00 - _at_ 100 per hour
- (Does NOT include food, travel, lodging, expenses
or data Analysis) - Postcard Printing _at_ 0.21 240 50.40
- Postcard Postage _at_ 0.20 240 48.00
- Student Helpers
- _at_ 8 per hour for 10 hours for 2 workers 160.00
- Grand Total 11,953.40
- Survey repeat costs for analysis will be reduced
by approximately 1/2
30Project Summary
- Through the implementation of this survey
developed by the John Dewey Quintet, Drexel SoE
will be able to assess - the effectiveness of their teacher preparation
program - the integration of technology by program grads
- The survey will provide pertinent, real world
data to allow the SoE to make meaningful
data-based decisions and make adaptations within
their programs to further prepare teachers in
meeting the real world goals and demands of NCLB
in their classrooms.
31Quick Reference
32Resource Links
- Drexel University School of Education
- No Child Left Behind
- Zoomerang Zpro