Title: ERM Lahmeyer International
1Pilot project Simulation of CO2 Emission
Trading Joint project of Hesse State
Environment Ministry Deutsche
Ausgleichsbank Executed by ERM-Lahmeyer
International GmbH, 500 PPM Inc EUtech GbR A
Presentation to delegates of COP 6 at the ISI
side event The Hague, Netherlands, Nov 15th 2000
2Basic Information about the German State of Hesse
- Population (1996) 6.03 Million
- Gross Domestic Product 305.6 bn DM (150 bn Euro)
- CO2 Emissions 60.6 Million tons
- Industry focus Services and export-oriented
manufacturing sectors including chemicals,
electronics and car manufacturing
3Project Goals
Capacity building for the participation in the
CO2 market
Simulate Industry -
Internal learning processes
structures - Praxis
orientated conclusions
Government - Internal
learning processes
structures - Praxis
orientated conclusions
Participate Industry -
CO2 optimised decisions on invest-
ment and production -
Profit optimised CO2 market
particip. Government
- Efficient market supervision
- Reduction of economic
climate change costs
Educate Industry - Creating
conscience - Involvement in
business process - Adaptation
of information flows
Government - Emission inventories
-Allocation mechan. - Regulations
for prod. and transactions
Status-quo Industry - Voluntary agreements -
Energy saving programs Government -
Eco-Tax - Funding programs - Information on
climate change
4Participating Companies
5Key Issues for Participating Companies
- Are there minimum size requirements?
- Can companies be too small to participate in ET?
- What are the system boundaries for ET?
- Do companies, emission sources or relevant
business activities participate? - How are indirect emissions (heat and electricity)
accounted for? - How are existing agreements for climate
protection converted to ET? - Can grand-fathering based allocation solve this?
- Is relative absolute participation in the same
system possible?
6Accounting of indirect emissions (electricity and
- 18 TWh, (4 of the German electricity demand)
economically available potential for electricity
savings - Potential 10 Mio. tons of CO2 reduction
(Federal Ministry for Economy) - 6 of the German emission goal (21 reduction
compared to 1990) - Additional and not yet economically available
saving potentials of electricity and heat - New economic incentive on the consumer side,
especially valid for SME
7Why emphasis on small and medium sized
enterprises ?
- The DtA plans to fund the participation of SME in
emissions trading - Funding programs based on emissions trading to
reduce energy consumption - Development of a trading platform for
standardised energy efficiency projects - Economic chances in the emissions trading market
should be also available for SME - SME should be able to participate voluntary in an
emissions trading market - More participants in the market improve the
market efficiency (lower costs for the climate