Title: Methods of self assessment and training CPD
1Methods of self assessment and training CPD
2Components of postgraduate training
- Some on the job learning
- Some form of structured teaching
- Some scholarly activity
3What is self assessment?
- 3 parts to self assessment
- You can define what you are assessing
- There is a standard to compare against
- You are able to obtain feedback on the result
4What are the functions of a teacher?
- Organise a learning year
- Induction of learner to practice
- Provide information
- Plan learning tasks
- Assess their learning
- Facilitate learning
- Use effective teaching methods
5The Training Year
A middle
A beginning
An end
Previous Experiences Aims for the
year Competing interests
Educational Environment Educational
Theory Organised Clinical care
Volume Variety of Work Enough
Teaching Resource Buildings Equipment Library
Exams Career Competencies
Previous Experiences Aims for the
year Competing interests
7Assessing your educational environment
- 5 key areas - The DREEM
- The learners perception of learning
- The learners perception of the teacher
- Their academic self-perceptions
- Their perceptions of the atmosphere
- Learners social self-perception
8Assessing your curriculum
- The CRISIS measure
- Convenient
- Relevant
- Interesting
- Self-assessment
- Individualised
- Systematic and Speculative
9Assessing your use of educational theory
- Brookfield's 6 principles for facilitation of
adult learning - Participation in learning is voluntary
- Effective practice requires attention to
increasing the adults sense of self worth - Facilitation is a collaborative effort
- Praxis reflective practice is at the heart of
learning - Facilitation fosters critical reflection
- The aim is to nurture self directed empowered
adult learners
- Tutorial analysis
- Video of tutorials
- Trainers groups
- Individual feedback form GPR
- Practice inspections
- JCPTGP visits!