Title: Radical Responsibility
1Radical Responsibility
- The Harkness Method
- At G.H.S.
An Update
2The Harkness Initiative
- What I have in mind is (a classroom) where
(students) could sit around a table with a
teacher who would talk with them, and instruct
them by a sort of tutorial or conference method,
where (each student) would feel encouraged to
speak up. This would be a real revolution in
methods. - Edward Harkness
3Student Data- In Their Words
I feel as if we are learning to learn. My
classmates seem to be intellectually
energized. Students learn from each other and not
just the teacher. We trust our classmates to tell
us if were off track but also to help our ideas
grow if theyre good. Everyone at the table is an
4Student Data- In Their Words
- I love starting class with the faintest concept
of an idea, throwing it out and letting my
class-mates pounce on it, chew it, and devour it
until it comes out as something full of force. - The table changes learning entirely as it calls
for students to dictate what to explore and how
to go about it. - The participation comes when each student is
ready, and this is the greatest aspect.
5Student Data- In Their Words
- There was a moment when no one was speakingwe
reflected in silence. I saw puzzled expressions,
then one student had an epiphany and sent the
conversation in a whole new direction. - This is an effective learning tool that propels
education to a new level. - We have definitely learned. Is that not the point
of education?
6Principles of Learning
Honors English II class discussing A Catcher in
the Rye around the table. February 7, 2008
- What you should see ACCOUNTABLE TALK
- Accountability to the Learning Community
- Actively participating in classroom discussion
- Listening attentively
- Elaborating on each others ideas
- Working to clarify
- Accountability to Knowledge
- Specific and accurate information
- Evidence from the text
- Getting it right
- Accountability to Rigorous Thinking
- Constructing explanations from the text
7In Action
8Principles of Learning
AP Literature and Composition discussing Their
Eyes Were Watching God around the table, February
7, 2008
- Accountable Talk
- Self-Management of Learning
- Learning as Apprenticeship
- Academic Rigor in a Thinking Curriculum
9Harkness Method, The Oval
10G.H.S. The Possibilities
- Harkness Classrooms
- A Harkness Lab
- The SlideWrite Ons
- Laptops Accessibility
- One table, two tables, three tables, four
- A Style of Teaching for All Students