Title: Lessons from the Wild
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2So I turned my mind to understand, to
investigate and to search out wisdom and the
scheme of things (NIV).
- Explore the attributes of both wild and tame
animals that God created. - Should we imitate them or not?
- The goal for our spiritual safari is defined in
Ecclesiastes 725
3Dont be lazy and keep saying, Theres a lion
outside! A door turns on its hinges, but a lazy
person just turns over in bed. Some of us are so
lazy that we wont lift a hand to feed ourselves
- Found in the rain forests of Central and South
America - Sleeps upside down for about 18 hours per day
- Reputation for being a LAZY animal
- Bible warns against being lazy in Proverbs
4Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones.
Learn from their ways and become wise! Though
they have no prince or governor or ruler to make
them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering
food for the winter (Prov. 66-11, NLT).
- A social insect
- Work together as a TEAM
- Always busy
- On a mission and God points them out to us
5Killing is a terrible sin, but anger is a great
sin too because it violates Gods command to
- This WILD member of the cat family is ferocious
and dangerous. - Stand ready to pounce on and destroy other
animals. - Actions are similar to anger described in Matthew
6He that is slow to anger is better than the
mighty and he that ruleth his spirit than he
that taketh a city (Prov. 1632).
- Slow and deliberate
- Known as a PATIENT animal
- Built-in defense mechanism takes his head inside
his hard shell instead of fighting like the
leopard. - The turtle teaches us the best line of defense
when it comes to anger
7The thief Satan comes only to steal and kill
and destroy. (John 1010, NIV).
- So BOLD it is feared by man and other animals
- Climbs trees to eat monkeys and goes into water
to eat fish - Large and powerful
- The jags boldness is similar to Satans bold
ways to lead us away from Christ
8I have come that they may have life, and have it
to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good
shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John
- Found on hillsides in many places, but we found
our lamb in Nazareth - Meek and mild animal, exactly opposite from the
jaguar - Christ is not only pictured as the Lamb whos
blood redeemed us, but as our Good Shepherd
since we have such a hope, we are very bold.
9Dont copy the behavior and customs of this
world, but let God transform you into a new
person by changing the way you think (NLT).
- A unique species of the lizard
- Changes color to match its surroundings
- Much like humans trying to blend in with the
crowd - Romans 122 warns us about compromise
Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on
earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father
in heaven (Matt. 1032 NLT).
10I can do all things through Christ which
strengthens me (Phil. 413, NIV)
- Boldest and most powerful of all animals King of
the Beasts - Often used as a symbol of strength and courage
- We need that kind of strength as Christians
- Several scriptures point to this strength
Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your
heart (Ps. 3124, NIV).
The righteous are BOLD as a lion (Prov 281b,
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12Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths
guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are
God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day
long (Psalm 254-5).
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Belong to our God!Rev. 191