DCW and DHW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mains water is supplied to the kitchen sink (2) to provide a potable supply. ... Low pressure DCW supply may not be potable. A Low pressure system is more prone ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DCW and DHW

  • Model Low Pressure System
  • Plumb Set Group TM August 2003

Domestic Main Cold water feeds
  • Main rises through Domestic Stop Cock (1)
  • A drain off valve will be installed in line
    immediately after the stop cock
  • Mains water is supplied to the kitchen sink (2)
    to provide a potable supply.
  • Mains water rises to the Domestic Cold Water
    (DCW) storage cistern (3) (normally located in
    the roof space).
  • Water level in the DCW cistern (3) is controlled
    by a float valve.
  • As water is drawn from DCW cistern (3) it will be
    replenished from the rising main.
  • There is an externally venting overflow mounted
    25mm below the main feed into the tank (green)

Domestic Low Pressure Cold Water
  • Water contained in the DCW Cistern (3) is fed at
    low pressure to various installations such as the
    bath (5), sink (6) and toilet cistern (7)
  • The actual pressure will depend on the static
  • Pipe work is normally in 22MM copper though it is
    likely to rise in 15MM section to the toilet
    cistern (7) and possibly to the wash basin (6)
    for neatness.
  • An Isolation valve is installed in line on the
    rise to the toilet cistern, to enable ease of
    float valve maintenance.

Domestic Hot Water feed
  • The Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Cylinder (4) is fed
    directly from the DCW Cistern (3). A shut off
    valve (probably a gate valve - not shown here)
    will normally be installed in the area of the DHW
  • The Low pressure cold feed to the DHW Cylinder
    always enters the cylinder near the bottom
  • Cold water is heavier than hot water and so would
    sink anyway and
  • If cold water is introduced at the top of the
    cylinder it will cause a swirling action and mix
    with hot water already stored there. Water would
    then become tepid.

Domestic Hot Water Heating Circuit
  • Hot water leaves the boiler (8) via the 22MM
    Primary Flow copper pipe which takes it to the
    top of the DHW heat exchanger (worm) immersed in
    the water held in the DHW Cylinder (4).
  • As the Primary Flow passes down through the Worm,
    it conducts heat through the copper walls of the
    Worm, and heats the water contained in the DHW
    Cylinder (4).
  • The water in the Worm never comes into contact
    with the water in the DHW Cylinder (unless a
    fault has occurred).
  • Water leaving the Worm (Primary Return) has given
    off much of its heat to the Water in the DHW
    Cylinder. It returns to the boiler (8) to be
    reheated so that the process can continue.

Domestic Hot Water Supply
  • Hot water flow depends on the opening of a tap or
    valve (such as a hot water valve on a washing
  • For a hot water flow to commence, the open tap or
    valve must be situated below the top of the water
    level in the DCW cistern (3)
  • Hot water contained in the DHW cylinder (4)
    naturally rises to the top of the cylinder and
    the hot water exit is therefore at the top.

Domestic Hot Water Supply (cont)
  • When a tap is opened, the hot water is pushed out
    of the DHW cylinder by the cold water from the
    DCW Cistern (3) which enters the DHW cylinder (4)
    at the base.
  • Remember - the hot water is pushed out by the
    cold water entering the DHW cylinder (4) because
    there is a head of cold water. That is to say
    that the water level in the DCW cistern (3) is
    higher than the water level in the DHW cylinder.

Balanced HC Water - safety features
  • Boiler high temperature thermostat will limit
    temperature in primary flow.
  • If this fails and the primary flow overheats
    water will expand and either cause a pressure
    relief valve to open or water will overflow back
    to a feed and expansion (FE - not shown here)
    tank if fitted.
  • DHW Cylinder thermostat limits DHW temperature
    (set to 65 degree C)
  • If hot water in the cylinder expands too much it
    is vented back into the DCW cistern. If this
    results in the cistern becoming overfull the
    external overflow from the cistern will operate.
    Note the position for the connection of the DHW
    supply vent pipe work (into the DHW outlet but at
    least 450MM from the DHW cylinder).

Balanced DCW DHW Schematic
Balanced Domestic HC Water
  • Advantages
  • Hot and Cold pressure is the same at all
    installations except the kitchen sink
  • A limited cold water supply is maintained if the
    main supply is temporarily cut
  • The call on the the main is reduced at peek times
  • Lower specification valves (such as gate valves)
    can be deployed on Low Pressure pipe work
  • Low Pressure supply is quieter in operation.
    Small flaws such as loose tap washers and long
    unsupported pipe runs are unlikely to pose noise
  • Cold water supply to the kitchen sink can be
    maintained whilst the Low pressure DCW system is
    being serviced.
  • Disadvantages
  • Low pressure DCW supply may not be potable
  • A Low pressure system is more prone to freezing
  • Toilet cisterns take longer to fill than those
    supplied by the main
  • Have to locate and close DCW cistern Low Pressure
    supply valve, to work on Low Pressure cold water
    applications. Where no valve exists, have to
    drain DCW cistern

  • Model Low Pressure System
  • Plumb Set Group TM JULY 2003
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