Title: Chemical Reactions: Acids and Bases
1Chemical Reactions Acids and Bases
- Significance and measurement of pH (5.1)
- Acids and bases overview (5.2)
- Carbon dioxide and carbonic acid species in
natural waters (5.3) - Influence of CO2 dissolution on pH (notes)
- Distribution of carbonate species as function of
pH (notes Bjerrum plot transparency) - CO2-pH relations in natural waters (Table 5.3,
Fig. 5.3)
2Humic and fulvic acids
- Humic compounds are refractory, high molecular
weight organic compounds - mixtures of long
polymer chains of variable lengths gfw. They
act as acids, giving up H from carboxylic and
phenolic groups, which gives them high surface
charge and CEC (i.e., they are effective
chelates). - Fulvic acids low molecular weight (500-1500
g/mol), soluble in acid and alakaline solutions - Humic acid Intermediate molecular weight,
soluble in alkaline solutions, insoluble below pH
2 - Humin highest molecular weights, insoluble.
- pKa of humic and fulvic acids gt 3.6 (weak)
- Fulvic acid produced by organic decay in soil A
horizon. Forms soluble complexes with Fe3, Al3
and other metals, which are transported during
downward percolation. Aerobic decay of fulvic
acid chelates causes metals to precipitate in B
3Metal hydroxides
Acid-base properties of minerals and rocks
Most minerals are salts of weak acids (silicic,
carbonic, phosphoric) and strong bases (e.g.,
NaOH, HOH, Ca(OH)2). During dissolution, anion
hydrolyzes to form weak acid OH-, increasing pH
of water. Thus, minerals help to neutralize
acidity, and ? contribute to alkalinity. Solubilit
ies increase with decreasing pH. Examples
calcite, apatite
- Metal hydroxides are amphoteric, meaning they can
either accept or donate protons, depending on pH.
Ex - Al(OH)2 H Al(OH)2 H2O
- Al(OH)2 H2O Al(OH)3? H
- Hydrolysis of metal cations (Fe3, Al3, Mn4,
etc.) contributes to acidity. Intermediate IP
causes cation to repel H from H2O molecules in
inner sphere, forming aqueous hydroxycation. The
concentrations of these species affects pH.
4Acidity Alkalinity
- Acidity capacity of water to give or donate
protons - Immediate acidity (and alkalinity) considers
species present only in solution (not solids) - Acidity undesirable because it increases
solubilities of many minerals ? TDS, ? hardness,
and ? concentrations of toxic heavy metals.
Corrosive to fish other aquatic lifeforms Acid
waters must be treated by dilution and
neutralization, at great expense. - In dilute, potable waters, most of acidity is
cause by carbonate species, and CA 2H2CO3
HCO3- H - OH- - Alkalinity capacity of a water to accept protons
- Carbonate alkalinity HCO3- 2CO32-
- Total alkalinity CB HCO3- 2CO32- OH- - H
- Bicarbonate is the only significant base in
natural water with pH lt 8.3, and derives from
weathering of silicates and dissolution of
5Acidity Alkalinity Titrations
- Total equivalents of acidity CA or alkalinity CB
measured by titrating with standardized solution
of acid or base Cstd (eq/l) Vstd(l)
Csample(eq/l) Vsample(l) - - for freshwaters, may also be computed from a
total analysis - Inflections in titration curve are equivalence
6Summary of controls on the pH of natural waters
- pH of most natural waters range between 4 and 9
(transparency, Fig. 5.4). - Water-dominated systems humid climate soils
stream sediments. Carbonic and organic acids
frequently replenished by rainfall fresh
recharge, extensive reaction with minerals during
chemical weathering. Intermediate pH results from
balance between dissociation of weak acids and
consumption of H (and CO2) by weathering
reactions. - Rock-dominated systems (arid soils, deep
groundwaters) - low fluid/rock ratio. Minerals
(salts of weak acids strong bases) dissolve
increase pH.