Title: Paradigms, theories
1Paradigms, theories instructional strategies
2The Hierarchy
Instructional strategies
3What is a paradigm?
- A comprehensive belief system that guides
research and practice in a field - Several competing paradigms in education today
- Post-positivism
- Interpretivism
- Critical Theory
4Paradigms (Belief Systems)
- Post-positivism (Objectivists)
- One reality universal truths
- Learning is transmitted knowledge
- Acquisition metaphor
- Interpretivism (Constructivists)
- Multiple realities based on experience
- Learning is constructed knowledge
- Participation metaphor
5Theories from Post-Positivism
- Behaviorism
- Pavlov, Skinner
- Stimulus-response (behavioral changes)
- ()/(-) reinforcement behavior modification
- Information processing theories
- Atkinson, Ausabel
- Internal, unobservable process involved in
learning - Mnemonics, advanced organizers, encoding
6Characteristics of Objectivist strategies
- Traditional
- Teacher centered
- Out-of-context
- Linear
- Skills-based
7Objectivist Instructional Strategies on the
- Direct instruction
- Drill and Practice
- Expert systems
- Tutorials
- Computer assisted instruction
8Theories from Interpretivism
- Social constructivism
- Dewey
- Problem-based, student-centered, collaborative
- Zone of proximal development / Scaffolding
- Vygotsky
- Individual differences, personal creativity
9Theories from Interpretivism
- Cognitive Development
- Piaget
- Concrete, semi-concrete, abstract
- Discovery Learning
- Bruner
- Active participation, exploration
10Theories from Interpretivism
- Multiple intelligences
- Gardner
- All students have talents and all can learn
- Education suffers more from disteachia
11Multiple Intelligences on the Internet?
- Linguistic
- Logical Mathematical
- Spatial
- Bodily-Kinesthetic
- Musical
- Interpersonal
- Intrapersonal
- Naturalist
12Characteristics of Constructivist Strategies
- Active
- Authentic
- Knowledge construction
- Social
- Iterative and recursive
13Constructivist Instructional Strategies
- Telementoring
- Case-based instruction
- Simulations
- Collaborative learning
- Situated learning
14A Mixture of the Two?
- A link between two planets much be forged so
that students may travel freely from one to the
other, depending on the characteristics of the
topics at hand and individual learning needs -p.
15Internet-based instructional strategies in this
- Hotlists
- Multimedia Scrapbooks
- Internet Scavenger Hunts
- Virtual Fieldtrips
- Webquests
- Telecollaborative Activities
- Digital Resources
- Simulations
16- It is a fallacy to think that technology will
make traditional content outdated The corollary
to this thinking is that traditional content is
less important than learning to learn... Is a
dangerous doctrine. (Tinker, p.2, quoted on p. 52)