CSCE 715: Network Systems Security - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSCE 715: Network Systems Security


Asymmetric encryption helps address key distribution problems. Two aspects. distribution of public keys. use of ... Fastest method is 'Pollard rho method' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSCE 715: Network Systems Security

CSCE 715Network Systems Security
  • Chin-Tser Huang
  • University of South Carolina

Key Management
  • Asymmetric encryption helps address key
    distribution problems
  • Two aspects
  • distribution of public keys
  • use of public-key encryption to distribute secret

Distribution of Public Keys
  • Four alternatives of public key distribution
  • Public announcement
  • Publicly available directory
  • Public-key authority
  • Public-key certificates

Public Announcement
  • Users distribute public keys to recipients or
    broadcast to community at large
  • E.g. append PGP keys to email messages or post to
    news groups or email list
  • Major weakness is forgery
  • anyone can create a key claiming to be someone
    else and broadcast it
  • can masquerade as claimed user before forgery is

Publicly Available Directory
  • Achieve greater security by registering keys with
    a public directory
  • Directory must be trusted with properties
  • contains name, public-key entries
  • participants register securely with directory
  • participants can replace key at any time
  • directory is periodically published
  • directory can be accessed electronically
  • Still vulnerable to tampering or forgery

Public-Key Authority
  • Improve security by tightening control over
    distribution of keys from directory
  • Has properties of directory
  • Require users to know public key for the
  • Users can interact with directory to obtain any
    desired public key securely
  • require real-time access to directory when keys
    are needed

Public-Key Authority
Public-Key Certificates
  • Certificates allow key exchange without real-time
    access to public-key authority
  • A certificate binds identity to public key
  • usually with other info such as period of
    validity, authorized rights, etc
  • With all contents signed by a trusted Public-Key
    or Certificate Authority (CA)
  • Can be verified by anyone who knows the CAs
    public key

Public-Key Certificates
Distribute Secret KeysUsing Asymmetric Encryption
  • Can use previous methods to obtain public key of
    other party
  • Although public key can be used for
    confidentiality or authentication, asymmetric
    encryption algorithms are too slow
  • So usually want to use symmetric encryption to
    protect message contents
  • Can use asymmetric encryption to set up a session

Simple Secret Key Distribution
  • Proposed by Merkle in 1979
  • A generates a new temporary public key pair
  • A sends B the public key and As identity
  • B generates a session key Ks and sends encrypted
    Ks (using As public key) to A
  • A decrypts message to recover Ks and both use

Problem with Simple Secret Key Distribution
  • An adversary can intercept and impersonate both
    parties of protocol
  • A generates a new temporary public key pair KUa,
    KRa and sends KUa IDa to B
  • Adversary E intercepts this message and sends KUe
    IDa to B
  • B generates a session key Ks and sends encrypted
    Ks (using Es public key)
  • E intercepts message, recovers Ks and sends
    encrypted Ks (using As public key) to A
  • A decrypts message to recover Ks and both A and B
    unaware of existence of E

Distribute Secret KeysUsing Asymmetric Encryption
  • if A and B have securely exchanged public-keys

Problem with Previous Scenario
  • Message (4) is not protected by N2
  • An adversary can intercept message (4) and replay
    an old message or insert a fabricated message

Order of Encryption Matters
  • What can be wrong with the following protocol?
  • A?B N
  • An adversary sitting between A and B can get a
    copy of secret key Ks without being caught by A
    and B!

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
  • First publicly proposed public-key type scheme
  • By Diffie and Hellman in 1976 along with advent
    of public key concepts
  • A practical method for public exchange of secret
  • Used in a number of commercial products

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
  • Use to set up a secret key that can be used for
    symmetric encryption
  • cannot be used to exchange an arbitrary message
  • Value of key depends on the participants (and
    their private and public key information)
  • Based on exponentiation in a finite (Galois)
    field (modulo a prime or a polynomial) - easy
  • Security relies on the difficulty of computing
    discrete logarithms (similar to factoring) hard

Primitive Roots
  • From Eulers theorem aø(n) mod n1
  • Consider am mod n1, GCD(a,n)1
  • must exist for m ø(n) but may be smaller
  • once powers reach m, cycle will repeat
  • If smallest is m ø(n) then a is called a
    primitive root
  • if p is prime and a is a primitive root of p,
    then successive powers of a generate the group
    mod p
  • Not every integer has primitive roots

Primitive Root Example Power of Integers Modulo
Discrete Logarithms
  • Inverse problem to exponentiation is to find the
    discrete logarithm of a number modulo p
  • Namely find x where ax b mod p
  • Written as xloga b mod p or xinda,p(b)
  • If a is a primitive root of p then discrete
    logarithm always exists, otherwise may not
  • 3x 4 mod 13 has no answer
  • 2x 3 mod 13 has an answer 4
  • While exponentiation is relatively easy, finding
    discrete logarithms is generally a hard problem

Diffie-Hellman Setup
  • All users agree on global parameters
  • large prime integer or polynomial q
  • a which is a primitive root mod q
  • Each user (e.g. A) generates its key
  • choose a private key (number) xA lt q
  • compute its public key yA axA mod q
  • Each user publishes its public key

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
  • Shared session key for users A and B is KAB
  • KAB axA.xB mod q
  • yAxB mod q (which B can compute)
  • yBxA mod q (which A can compute)
  • KAB is used as session key in symmetric
    encryption scheme between A and B
  • Attacker needs xA or xB, which requires solving
    discrete log

Diffie-Hellman Example
  • Given Alice and Bob who wish to swap keys
  • Agree on prime q353 and a3
  • Select random secret keys
  • A chooses xA97, B chooses xB233
  • Compute public keys
  • yA397 mod 353 40 (Alice)
  • yB3233 mod 353 248 (Bob)
  • Compute shared session key as
  • KAB yBxA mod 353 24897 160 (Alice)
  • KAB yAxB mod 353 40233 160 (Bob)

Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  • Majority of public-key crypto (RSA, D-H) use
    either integer or polynomial arithmetic with very
    large numbers/polynomials
  • Imposes a significant load in storing and
    processing keys and messages
  • An alternative is to use elliptic curves
  • Offers same security with smaller bit sizes

Real Elliptic Curves
  • An elliptic curve is defined by an equation in
    two variables x and y, with coefficients
  • Consider a cubic elliptic curve of form
  • y2 x3 ax b
  • where x, y, a, b are all real numbers
  • also define zero point O
  • Have addition operation for elliptic curve
  • geometrically, sum of PQ is reflection of
    intersection R

Real Elliptic Curve Example
Finite Elliptic Curves
  • Elliptic curve cryptography uses curves whose
    variables and coefficients are finite
  • Two families are commonly used
  • prime curves Ep(a,b) defined over Zp
  • use integers modulo a prime
  • best in software
  • binary curves E2m(a,b) defined over GF(2m)
  • use polynomials with binary coefficients
  • best in hardware

Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  • ECC addition is analog of modulo multiply
  • ECC repeated addition is analog of modulo
  • Need a hard problem equivalent to discrete
  • QkP, where Q, P belong to a prime curve
  • is easy to compute Q given k, P
  • but hard to find k given Q, P
  • known as the elliptic curve logarithm problem
  • Certicom example E23(9,17)

ECC Diffie-Hellman
  • Can do key exchange analogous to D-H
  • Users select a suitable curve Ep(a,b)
  • Select base point G(x1, y1) with large order n
    s.t. nGO
  • A and B select private keys nAltn, nBltn
  • Compute public keys PAnAG, PBnBG
  • Compute shared key KnAPB, KnBPA
  • same since KnAnBG

ECC Encryption/Decryption
  • Must first encode any message M as a point on the
    elliptic curve Pm
  • Select suitable curve and point G as in D-H
  • Each user chooses private key nAltn and computes
    public key PAnAG
  • To encrypt Pm
  • CmkG, PmkPB, k random
  • To decrypt Cm
  • PmkPBnB(kG) Pmk(nBG)nB(kG) Pm

ECC Security
  • Relies on elliptic curve logarithm problem
  • Fastest method is Pollard rho method
  • Compared to factoring, can use much smaller key
    sizes than with RSA etc
  • For equivalent key lengths computations are
    roughly equivalent
  • Hence for similar security ECC offers significant
    computational advantages

Comparable Key Sizes
Next Class
  • Hashing functions
  • Message digests
  • Read Chapters 11 and 12
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