Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Planetesimal Accretion in alpha Centauri
- Philippe Thébault (Stockholm/Paris
Observatories) - Francesco Marzari (Padua)
- Hans Scholl (Nice)
(Thébault, Marzari Scholl, Icarus,
2006) Thébault, Marzari Scholl, MNRAS, 2008
2the a Centauri system
a Cen B K1V MB 0.93 M?
a 23.4 AU e 0.52
a Cen A G2V MA 1.1 M?
No gt 2.5MJup planet around any of the stars (Endl
et al.2001)
3long term orbital stability
Holman Wiegert (1997)
the alt2.5AU region is safe in the coplanar case
4embryos-to-planets phase
possible in the alt2.5AU region
Quintana et al.(2002) (Barbieri et al.2002,
Guedes et al.,2008)
5planetesimals-to-embryos phase
MarzariScholl (2000)
possible in the alt2 AU region
BUT assuming single-size planetesimals !
6Planetesimal accretion dynamically quiet stage
Runaway growth
gravitational focusing factor (vesc(R)/?v)2 If
?v vesc(r) then things get out of handgt
Runaway growth
8our numerical approach
- ltdVgt evolution among planetesimals of different
sizes, under the influence of - companion stars gravitational perturbations
- gaseous friction
- Derive ltdVgt maps for all impactor/target
pairs (R1,R2) - Use collision outcome prescriptions to Interpret
ltdVgt(R1,R2) in terms of - unperturbed accretion
- perturbed accretion
- erosion
9gas drag
- Gas density profile axisymmetric disc (??!!)
-r0 -a
nominal set-up (parameters with ? are explored in
the runs)
11(e,a) evolution gas free case
secular oscillations with phased orbits
no ltdVgt increase untill orbit crossing occurs
12(e,a) evolution with gas
differential orbital phasing according to size
13ltdV(R1,R2)gt distribution
high ltdVgt as soon as R1?R2
at 1AU from the primary and at t104yrs
14Critical fragmentation Energy (Q) conflicting
BenzAsphaug, 1999
15Accretion/Erosion behaviour
Vero2ltdV erosion
Vero1ltdVltVero2 unsure
VescltdVltVero1 perturbed accretion
VescltdVltVero1 normal accretion
at 1AU from the primary and at t104yrs
16Initial planetesimal size-distribution
- what is a population of km-sized
planetesimals ? - depends on planetesimal formation process
- progressive sticking?
- gravitational instabilities?
- Our nominal distribution Maxwellian with ltRgt5km
- explore other distributions (Gaussian,
power-laws, etc) - explore different size ranges (0.1-1km
5-50km) -
17nominal case
the agt0.5AU region is hostile to planetesimal
18Alternative size distributions
accretion-friendly only for extremely peaked
19Alternative gas disc profiles
accretion friendly only for gas free cases (for
20small planetesimals population
at 1AU from the primary and at t104yrs
21big planetesimals population
at 1AU from the primary and at t104yrs
22a Centauri B
perturbed accretion
normal accretion
nominal case
- Static axisymmetric gas disc
can only make things worse
24a first go at coupled hydro/N-body simulations
Crucial role of the numerical wave damping
but ltdVgt always higher than in the axisymmetric
gas disc case!
(Paardekooper, Thebault, Mellema, 2008)
25initial conditions/time scale
lte0gt eforced 100 orbital dephasing
lte0gt 0
quick relaxation (few 103yrs) of the initial
26possible solutions to our problems(?)
- large (gt25km) initial planetesimals?
- outward migration of planets?
- Different initial binary configuration?
- Re-phasing after/during gas disc dissipation?
27large initial planetesimals?
at 1AU, mutual collisions result preferentially
in accretion for planetesimals gt25km...but
- how realistic is a large initial
planetesimals population? - -gtmaybe possible if quick formation by
instabilities - but how do grav.inst. proceed in the dynamically
perturbed environment of a binary? - -gtmore difficult if progressive sticking
- always have to pass through a km-sized phase
- in any case, it cannot be normal (runaway)
accretion - -gt type II runaway? (Kortenkamp, 2001)
28planet migration?
- gas disc induced migration (I,II or III)
- mostly inward (?)migration, makes things even
worse - later, planetesimal-scattering induced migration
(gas-free disc) - Nice model scenario
- BUT, so far, tested for giant planets beyond 5AU
- Realistic for terrestrial bodies within 1AU?
29different initial binary configuration?
- most stars born in clusters
- early encounters and binary compaction/exchanges
are possible
Initial and final (e,a) for binaries in a typical
cluster (Malmberg et al., 2007)
30accretion after/during gas dispersion?
- gas is removed after 107yrs
- -But, differential ltdVgt acquired with gas cannot
be easily erased - -In addition pure gravitational effect alone
trigger high ltdVgt within a few 105yrs. - rephasing during gas dispersal (Xie Zhou,
2008) - - low ltdVgt after ?tdispers. (105yrs?)
- - But, not low enough for lt5km planetesimals
- - But, long accretion-hostile period
(tlt?tdisper.) - gt fragmentation of planetesimals into
ever smaller debris - gt fast removal by gas-drag induced
inward drift?
31test run with sudden gas removal
- gas suddenly disappears at t104yrs
ltdVgt stay at a high level
32test run with progressive gas dispersal
- dispersion starts at t104yrs
progressive re-phasing BUT radial drift of small
- agt0.5AU (0.75AU) region hostile to km-sized
planetesimals accretion
- robust with respect to size-distribution and gas
disc profile
- planetesimals-gtembryo phase more sensitive to
binarity than embryo-gtplanets
in-situ planet formation in the habitable zone is
difficult with the present binary configuration