Title: Session Two - Agenda - Nov. 3rd/5th 08
1Session Two - Agenda - Nov. 3rd/5th 08
- Planning Strategies
- Assignment Two
- Create a list of suggestions that you will use to
create a positive interactive learning
environment for your students (maximum of two
typewritten pages - 10 or 12 point font please).
- Please hand in this assignment at the beginning
of Session 3 in January.
2Session Three - Planning Strategies
- Planning well before the actual teaching
- Planning just before you actually teach
- Planning the first few years
- Creating a positive interactive learning
environment for your students - Planning
- Practice Teaching Handbook
- General Planning Model
- Lesson Plans
3Planning well before the Students Arrive
- Key components (8 of them)
- Why plan (8 reasons)
- Planning the PILE (5 elements)
4The 1st Key Variable when it comes to
planning well before the Students Arrive.
10The 2nd Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
The Principles of L___________
11The 2nd Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
The Principles of Learning
12The 3rd Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
Ex_________/ O_______
13The 3rd Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
Expectations/ Outcomes
14The 4th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
Te_______ St__________
15The 4th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
Teaching Strategies
16The 5th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
L___________ A __________
17The 5th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
Learning Activities
18The 6th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
19The 6th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
20The 7th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
21The 7th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
22The 8th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
23The 8th Key Variable when it Comes to Planning
well before the Students Arrive
24That finishes the topic Planning Well Before the
Students Arrive
- Whats next?
- Back to the original agenda
25Session Three - Planning Strategies
- Planning well before the actual teaching
- Planning just before you actually teach
- Planning the first few years
- Creating a positive interactive learning
environment for your students - Planning
- Practice Teaching Handbook
- Planning Model
- Lesson Plans
26Session Three - Planning Strategies
- Planning well before the actual teaching
- Planning just before you actually teach
- Planning the first few years
- Creating a positive interactive learning
environment for your students - Planning
- Practice Teaching Handbook
- Planning Model
- Lesson Plans
27Session Three - Planning Strategies
- Planning well before the actual teaching
- Planning just before you actually teach
- Planning the first few years
- Creating a positive interactive learning
environment for your students - Planning
- Practice Teaching Handbook
- Planning Model
- Lesson Plans
28Session Three - Planning Strategies
- Planning well before the actual teaching
- Planning just before you actually teach
- Planning the first few years
- Creating a positive interactive learning
environment for your students - Planning
- Practice Teaching Handbook
- Planning Model
- Lesson Plans
29Session Three - Pt. 1 Planning Strategies
- Planning well before the actual teaching
- Planning just before you actually teach
- Planning the first few years
- Creating a positive interactive learning
environment for your students - Planning
- http//www.nipissingu.ca/faculty/dougb/ott/docume
nts/FinalPHBook08.pdf - Practice Teaching
- Handbook Planning Model P. 21
- Lesson Plans p. 23.
30A quote worth considering
- "I've come to a frightening conclusion that I am
the decisive element in the classroom. It's my
approach that creates the climate, It's my daily
mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I
possess tremendous power to make a child's life
miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture
or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate
or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations it is
my response that decides whether a crisis will be
escalated or de-escalated and child humanized or
dehumanized." - by Halm Ginnet from the book, The Teacher,
January 2000