Title: Technology and Innovation Development Award TIDA
1Technology and Innovation Development Award
Presenter Dr Michael Ryan SFI
2General Webinar Information
Presented by Michael Ryan Scientific Programme
Manager Science Foundation Ireland
- Conference call is LISTEN-ONLY MODE
- Formal presentation followed by QA
- Attendees can submit text-based questions any
time during presentation (via QA pane) - Please keep questions SHORT and SUCCINCT
- Questions will be answered verbally following the
presentation - Webinar will finish no later than 12 noon
- Presentation and the QA will be posted on
website following Webinar
- Introduction
- Objectives of the Technology and Innovation
Development Award - Eligibility Criteria
- Funding Available Eligible Costs
- Review Criteria
- Deliverables
- Application Preparation
- Submission Deadline
- Q A
- The Technology and Innovation Development Award
(TIDA) is designed to encourage SFI funded
researchers to develop new technologies
independently, or through interaction with
industry collaborators - These interactions can lead to SFI funded
researchers becoming more informed about
industrial priorities and research needs, whilst
allowing industrial collaborators to become more
informed about important new science and
engineering research developments in Ireland - To facilitate greater interaction with industrial
partners and enhance the generation of new
applied technologies
- To enhance the existing SFI funded scientific
programmes through the skills and expertise of
the industry partners - To provide opportunities for reciprocal RD
placements between industry and Irish research
bodies - To allow the buy-out of a faculty members
teaching time (e.g. payment for a replacement),
in order to facilitate commercialisation activity - To provide the opportunity for researchers to
host an academic with relevant expertise in the
technology field, or business development expert
so as to benefit from their commercial expertise
- To encourage Principal Investigator-led research
collaboration with industry partners - To provide the resources for pre-proof of concept
research which, could lead to applied research
and technologies - To give Irish graduate and post-doctoral students
additional industry-relevant research experience
- To encourage more industry-based research
activity in Ireland with the industry partners - To inform SFI-funded scientists about important
industrial priorities and research bottlenecks - To inform industry about novel scientific
research developments in Ireland
- Applicants must be existing SFI award holders who
have already undergone the international peer
review process - Eligible award holders include PI, PICA, RFP,
Research Professor, PIYRA and US-Ireland award
principal investigators - Applications where collaboration with industry is
sought will be deemed more competitive if
industry cost-share is provided - The SFI award holder is defined as the grant
holder named on the Letter of Offer of the
existing award
Cost-share in-kind is acceptable
The budget available, on a competitive basis, is
up to 100,000 direct costs for a period of up to
12 calendar months.
- Applications should be realistically budgeted
relative to the requirements of the project - Requests at lower levels are welcome
Note The TIDA awards are subject to an overhead
10Eligible Costs
- Relevant research expenses, including equipment,
consumables travel - Contributions to salaries/stipends for staff
hired specifically to carry out the planned
activities. Please see SFI website (SFI grant
application budget policy) for more information - Access to necessary special facilities which are
not available in the host institution (or
Ireland, which may require international
11Review Criteria
Applications will be reviewed by SFI and
international experts as appropriate. The
proposals will be evaluated on the following
- Quality of the applicant
- Quality of the proposed research project
- Quality of the proposed industry collaboration or
technology development, including its novelty and
potential to advance both the existing research
programme and knowledge within the field - Justification of the need for this collaboration
- Progress made to date on any existing SFI awards
- Potential contribution to the scientific and
economic development of Ireland
- Technology and Innovation Development Award
holders are expected to - submit a written report of up to 5 pages within
thirty days of the end of - the award detailing the outcomes arising from the
13Application Preparation
- Completed cover sheet signed by the applicant,
SFI award holder and signed stamped by the
Irish research body - Completed contact details of the applicant, the
SFI award holder and any collaborator - CV of the applicant (max. 5 pages)
- CV of collaborator/industry partner or
mentor-consultant (max. 2 pages) - Completed outline of the proposed research
project (max. 5 pages, excluding references).
Include justification for TIDA and any
collaboration - An indicative budget should be provided with
budget justification for any costs incurred
during the TIDA (max. 2 pages) - A letter of support from an academic or industry
14Deadline Application Submission
- All submissions to the SFI TIDA programme must be
endorsed by an eligible Irish Research Body - Applications should be submitted electronically
from the proposed host institute research office
to TIDA_at_sfi.ie, and the subject line should
include the research body and applicants name.
Applications will be acknowledged by email - Each applicant may submit more than one relevant
application for a Technology and Innovation
Development Award - A joint application may be submitted by a group
of SFI-funded investigators whose research
programmes will each benefit from a single
Technology and Innovation Development Award in
this case a single application should be made - Completed applications must be received at the
office of Science Foundation Ireland by 13.00 on
September 4th 2009
- Any questions compiled during the Webinar will,
where possible, be answered shortly - The FAQ list available on the TIDA web page will
be updated - Any additional questions should be emailed to