Title: The Stars
1The Stars
Great Idea The Sun and other stars use nuclear
fusion reactions to convert mass into energy.
Eventually, when a stars nuclear fuel is
depleted, the star must burn out.
2Chapter Outline
- The Nature of Stars
- The Anatomy of Stars
- The Variety of Stars
- The Life Cycles of Stars
3The Nature of Stars
4The Nature of Stars
- Astronomy
- Oldest science
- Star
- Fusion reactor in space
- Ball of gas
- All stars have a beginning and an ending
5Measuring the Stars with Telescopes and Satellites
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Measurement of photons
- Wavelength
- Intensity
- Direction
- Variation
7Orbiting Observatories
- Great Observatories Program
- Hubble Space Telescope
- Spitzer Infrared Telescope
- Chandra X-Ray Observatory
8The Anatomy of Stars
9The Structure of the Sun
- Structure
- Stellar core
- Convection zone
- Photosphere
- Chromosphere
- Corona
- Solar Wind
- Stream of particles
10(No Transcript)
11The Suns Energy Source Fusion
- Suns Energy Source
- Historical
- Current
- hydrogen
- Fusion
- 3-steps-hydrogen burning
- P P ? D e neutrino energy
- D P ? 3He photon energy
- 3He 3He? 4He 2protons photon energy
- Life expectancy
- 11 billion years
12The Variety of Stars
- Differences
- Color
- Brightness
- Distance
- Absolute brightness
- Energy output
- luminosity
- Apparent brightness
- Behavior
- Total mass
- age
13The Astronomical Distance Scale
- Time
- Light-years
- Measurement
- Triangulation
- Cepheid variable
14The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram
- Star Groupings
- Main-sequence stars
- Red giants
- White dwarfs
15The Life Cycles of Stars
16The Birth of Stars
- Nebular Hypothesis
- Laplace
17The Main Sequence and the Death of Stars
- Stars much less massive than the sun
- Brown dwarf
- Glows 100 billion years
- No change in size, temperature, energy output
18The Main Sequence and the Death of Stars
- Stars about the mass of the sun
- Hydrogen burning at faster rate
- Move off main sequence
- Helium burning
- Red giant
- Begin collapse
- White dwarf
19The Main Sequence and the Death of Stars
- Very Large Stars
- Successive collapses and burnings
- Iron core
- Catastrophic collapse
- supernova
20Neutron Stars and Pulsars
- Neutron Star
- Dense and small
- High rotation rate
- Little light
- Pulsar
- Special neutron star
- Electromagnetic radiation
- End state of supernova
21Black Holes
- Black Hole
- Result of collapse large star
- Nothing escapes from surface
- Cannot see them
- See impact on other stars
- Detect x-rays, gamma rays