Title: Neutrino Program at Rochester
1Neutrino Program at Rochester
- Kevin McFarland
- 23 July 2003
- Personnel, etc.
- NuTeV
- Next generation oscillation experiments
- Neutrino cross-sections
- Phenomenology
- Neutrino program at Rochester is currently
between major construction commitments - Ramp up to future projects well suited to
dovetail into end of Run 2
- No one is currently full-time
- Group (mostly senior) currently planning future.
- this will have to change soon
Senior Physicists Students Collaborators Prof.
Arie Bodek (25) Mr. Brian Anderson Prof. Steve
Manly (DOE-nucl) Dr. Howard Budd (25) Mr. Paul
Conrow (RET) Prof. Frank Wolfs (NSF-nucl) Prof.
Kevin McFarland (25) Ms. Aimee Slaughter
(REU) Dr. Willis Sakumoto Dr. Sergey
Avvakumov Dr. Pawel deBarbaro Dr. Un-Ki
Yang (were 25 NuTeV) (were 100
CCFR/NuTeV) Senior Research Assoc. Undergraduates
Secondary Teachers
5Recent Recognition for Work
- Prof. Arie Bodek is an acknowledged expert on
neutrino cross-section modeling - gave recent NUINT02 summary talk
- Prof. Kevin McFarland has given 25 invited
seminars and conference presentations on recent
NuTeV electroweak result - Thesis awards for our students
- Un-Ki Yang FNAL URA Thesis award 2002
(CCFR/NuTeV) - Geralyn Zeller 2003 APS Tanaka prize (NuTeV)(NWU
student, de facto advised by McFarland)
6NuTeV Electroweak Analysis
- Recent three s anomaly in NuTeV sin2qW continues
to be a puzzle of interest to community - McFarland (EW Analysis leader), Zeller, thesis
- McFarland continues activity ininvestigating
possible solutions - e.g., recent collaboration withSven-Olaf Moch
(DESY) oncalculation of NLO QCD effects(shown
to be small, hep-ph/0306052)
MW 80.136 ? 0.084 GeV from
7NuTeV Students
- Avvakumov (Bodek)
- first precise measurement of w/o assuming
CP/CPT - test of LSND CPT hypothesis
- Yang (Bodek)
- CCFR cross-sections, QCDe.g., test of F2
universality - URA thesis award (2002)
8Status of Neutrino Oscillations
- Atmospheric (Super-K) and Solar (SNO, KAMLAND)
neutrino oscillation signatures are well
sin22?gt 0.92 ?m2(1.6
9Oscillation Phenomenology
- Lepton Mixing Matrix has a very different
structure than CKM matrix
- Big elements (B) are numerically 0.3-0.7
- ? Element, Ue3, is less than 0.2
- CHOOZ reactor experiment bounds
- Theory bet is that Ue3 is just around the
10So what about this Ue3?
- If Ue3 is non-zero, then phenomenology of
neutrino oscillations becomes more rich - CP violation in oscillations à la CKM matrix
- Observe matter effects in nm beam
- Sensitive to the hierarchy of neutrino masses
instead of just mass-squared differences - If Ue3 is near zero, this is very odd
- Will have big impact on GUT models
11The Importance of Precision P(nm?ne) at Superbeams
- Conventional superbeams and reactors will be
our next windows into Ue3
- Studying this transition in neutrinos and
anti-neutrinos gives us magnitude and phase
information on Ue3 as well as sign of dm23 - Reactors only measure magnitude of Ue3
Non-trivial phase, d ? CP violation
12How can this be done with Conventional Beams?
- Appearance signal is difficult to extract
- beam backgrounds
- high energy feed-down (neutral currents)
- Off-axis beam technique
- makes it possible
- Beam becomes
- monochromatic
- Less feed-down
- Fewer electron neutrinos
13J-PARC Neutrino
- 0.77MW initially
- 4MW upgrade planned
- Extraction point for n beam is being built
- Off-axis beam to Super-K detector, near Seoul
- At Super-K, L/E295km/0.7GeV
- LOI favorably reviewed by J-PARC PAC
- Proposal submitted to Monkasho soon
- Actively encouraging non-Japanese collaborators
- Physics start date 2008 or 2009?
14NUMI Off-Axis
- NUMI (on-axis) experiment for nm disappearance
will commence 2005 - 0.25-0.4 MW proton power
- Run 10 km off axis at L/E700km/2GeV? Other?
- LOI submitted to PAC
- Proposal to PAC in fall
15Cross-Sections and Modeling
Quasi-elastics nmn?m-p (x1, WMp) Resonance
Region e.g., nmn?m-pp0 (low Q2, W) Deep
Inelastic Scattering nmN?m-X (low Q2, W)
- Plausible models exist to describe some aspects
of data in each region - Transitions between regions?
- A dependence, final-state interactions, etc.
16Status of Cross-Sections
- Not well-known at 1-few GeV
- Knowledge of exclusive final states particularly
poor - Understanding of backgrounds requires
differential cross-sections for these processes! - A dependence?
17Where do Cross-Sections matter?
- nm?nm, dm223, q23
- Signal is suppression in 600-800 MeV bin (peak of
beam) - Dominated by non-QE background
- 20 uncertainty in non-QE is comparable to
statistical error - Non-QE background feeds down from EngtEpeak
- Quantitatively different for MINOS, NUMI-OA
Oscillation with Dm2310-3 sin22q1.0
No oscillation
18Where do Cross-Sections matter?
- nm?ne, q13
- Shown at right is most optimistic q13 we may
instead be fighting against background - NC p0 and beam ne background both in play
- NC p0 cross-section poorly known
- We can model sCC(ne)/sCC(nm). Is it right?
- Precision measurement is the endgame
19Where do Cross-Sections matter?
NUMI 0.7 OA, 3.8E20 POT
- nm?ne vs nm?ne, d
- Cross-sections very different in two modes
- Wrong sign background only relevant in
anti-neutrino - Crucial systematic in comparing neutrino to
anti-neutrino - Need sCC(n)/sCC(n) in sub- to few-GeV region
20Phenomenology I Bodek-Yang Duality
- The problem transition between DIS and resonance
region - High precision neutrino DIS data (e.g., CCFR
NuTeV) is available - Precise low Q2 charged lepton data (JLab, SLAC)
in resonance region - Quark-Hadron Duality?
- When you get near a resonance, it sucks you in.
- Bodek and Yang have shown that charged lepton
resonance data can be described on average with
a DIS-like cross-section
- Currently being implemented in standard n
generators - NUANCE (Super-K, IMB), NUGEN (MINOS)
21Phenomenology II Revisiting Quasi-Elastics
- Strategy
- charged lepton data (lots of it) used to
determine vector form factors - small amount of neutrino quasi-elastic data used
to measure axial form-factors within dipole model - previous neutrino analyses used too simple a
cross-section model
cross-section ratio, before and after
- Bodek, Budd and Arrington (Argonne) have
re-analyzed old neutrino data with more
sophisticated vector form factors - result is a large shift in the effective axial
mass - this has solved a major problem for K2K Q2
distributions - again, being implemented in standard generators
22Rochester Involvement inJ-PARC neutrino
- We have begun an involvement in the J-PARC
neutrino project - McFarland has served on International Board since
2002 - McFarland is 280m (near) detector co-convenor
- Our primary interest is in construction of near
detectors to measure flux and neutrino
cross-sections - plays well into our CDF/CMS/NuTeV detector
strengths - leading the field in cross-section modeling
(Bodek, Budd, Yang) - Current activities
- tests of aqueous liquid scintillator for
cross-section on Oxygen(Conrow, Slaughter,
McFarland, Wolfs) - detector simulation/optimization (Anderson,
23MINERvA Main INjector ExpeRiment n-A
- The J-PARC neutrino beam may not achieve
operating intensity until 2009 - but NUMI beamline available 2005
- beamline off and on-axis allows for a broad range
of neutrino energies accessible in existing NUMI
5m off-axis
5m off-axis
event rate per unit detector mass as a function
of neutrino energy
24MINERvA Detector
- Want a fully active detector to see, e.g., recoil
protons from ?mn??p - Segmented scintillator strips with WLS readout
for the basis of the detector - heavy FNAL investment in this technology
- lots of Rochester experience! (CDF plug, CMS
HCAL) - Cost driver may be photosensors
- evaluating MAPMTs, APDs, Image Intensifiers/CCDs
25MINERvA Detector
- Modular design
- Construct above ground piecewise
- Can add detector or target material as another
Active/passive frame around target
Active scintillator strip target
26Next Steps for MINERvA
- Two EOIs submitted to FNAL PAC in 2002
- one to sit in on-axis and one in off-axis beams
- merger is MINERvA, initially to run on-axis(C.
Keppel, McFarland, J. Morfin scientific
coordinators) - Will submit a proposal to fall 2003 PAC
- physics case, detector conceptual design, cost
27Collaborations with Nuclear Physics
- Neutrino cross-sections and oscillations are also
of interest to the nuclear physics community - Prof. Steve Manly (DOE nucl)
- proposals at JLab to study inclusive and
exclusive resonance cross-sections on nuclei - crucial input for neutrino cross-sections
- Bodek, McFarland signed on as collaborators
- collaborator on MINERvA
- Prof. Frank Wolfs (NSF nucl.)
- development of Aqueous scintillator
- Current successes in analysis (NuTeV) and
phenomenology - as well as detector building skills at Rochester
- We want to build on these strengths to seed a new
generation of neutrino oscillation
andcross-section experiments - we see a unique role for Rochester in developing,
building and analyzing near detector data,
ultimately to be applied to neutrino oscillations - next step MINERvA
- Bridge between particle and nuclear physics