Title: Of course I have the time
1Of course I have the time
Ive been thinking of you
2Qualitative Action Research Methodology
- Azimi Hamzah
- Director, Centre for Extension, Entrepreneurship,
and Professional Advancement, Universiti Putra
3KNOWING YOU KNOWING ME Name Azimi Hamzah (Prof.
Dr.) Tenure 37 years Specialization Adult
Learning, YRD (Youth Resource Dev.) Designations
Director, Centre for Extension,
Entrepreneurship, and Professional Advancement
National Coordinator,
Commonwealth Diploma Youth in Development.
Development Centre for Excellence Professional
Affiliations Commonwealth Youth Programme,
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, ASEAN
Youth Sub-Committee, Japan Olympic Center
Ministry of Youth and Sports, IYC, MBM, NYCC
Communication Tel. 89466992, Fax 89417236
E.mail azimi_at_putra.upm.edu.my
- Paradigms of research
- Quantitative vs Qualitative Research
- Choice of research method
- Definition of Qualitative Research
- Paradigms of Qualitative Research
- Action Research
- Quantitative (Positivist)
- objective reality
- measurable, operational measures
- reductionist
- Qualitative (Non Positivist)
- multiple realities
- socially constructed
- understand phenomena via meanings people assign
6How is Qual different from Quant?
- More inductive
- Grounded in thick descriptive accounts
- More discovery oriented
- Fewer people are studied intensively
- Recursive
- Triangulation
- Researcher as instrument
7Quantitative vs Qualitative
- Objective
- Lit. review done early
- Tests theory
- Analysis by numbers
- Use instruments
- Go for generalization
- Sample size 30-500
- Subjective
- Lit. review on-going
- Develop theory
- Analysis by words/ideas
- Researcher as inst.
- Go for uniqueness
- Seeking information rich sample
8Choice of research methods is dictated by the
research questions
- How many parents would consult their general
practitioner when their child has a mild
temperature? - What proportion of smokers have tried to give up?
- Why do parents worry so much about their
childrens temperature? - What stops people giving up smoking?
- We should explore the ideas and concern with the
subjects -- to seek the emerging pattern for
9More examples of research questions
- By what processes do Asian Civilization subject
incorporated in higher institutions? - How does managers attitudes in shared
responsibility settings affect productivity? - By what processes the innovative unit become
institutionalized? - What is the nature of an effective
transformational organization?
10Qualitative/Non Positivist Assumptions
- Ontology Nature of reality Realities are
multiple and constructed in specific situations - Epistemology Relationship knower (inquirer) and
known (object of inquiry) Inseparable - Generalization time and context bound i.e. not
one true statement - Causality impossible to distinguish causes from
effects - Roles of Values inquiry is value bound eg.
values of inquirer - Aim of Inquiry understanding and reconstruction
11Qualitative method -- definition
- . . . Qualitative researchers study things in
their natural settings, attempting to make sense
of or interpret phenomenon in terms of the
meanings people bring to them
12Qualitative approach -- definition
- Is one in which the inquirer often makes
knowledge claims based primarily on
constructivist perspectives (i.e. the multiple
meanings of individual experiences, meanings
socially and historically constructed, with
intent of developing theory or pattern) or
advocacy or participatory perspectives (i.e.
politically issue-oriented, or change oriented)
or both
13Qualitative Research Paradigms
14Computer Assisted Qualitative Analysis Software