Title: ET 633 GeV 0.19
1 Testing QCD jet production
Run ?? at the Tevatron pp collider provides a new
level of precisionin the knowledge of QCD
processes in hadron collisions
R-? view
- Jet production measurementsare stringent tests
of QCD - Perturbative QCD (pQCD)
- Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs)
- High transverse momentum (PT)tail sensitive to
New Physics
Dijet Mass 1374 GeV/c2
ET 666 GeV? 0.43
ET 633 GeV? -0.19
Calorimeter LEGO view
Inclusive Jet Cross Section
b-jet Cross Section
- b-jets include most of b-quark remnants
- Small dependence on fragmentation
- b tagging uses displaced tracks inside jetsto
reconstruct secondary vertices - Extraction of b fraction by fitting Monte-Carlo
templates to the Data
- Use KT algorithm preferred by theory
- Infrared and collinear safe to all orders in
pQCD - No merging / splitting issue
- Well defined comparison with Theory
High masses of B hadrons
Long lifetime of B hadrons
8 orders of magnitude!
- Good agreement between Data and Theory
- Data fully corrected to the hadron level
- NLO corrected for non perturbative effects
- Systematic errors dominated by jet energy scale
- NLO uncertainties mainly from PDFs
- Gluons at high x
Data fully corrected to the hadron level
- Comparison to Pythia Tune A as expected
- Comparison to NLO will come soon
2Diboson Production
- W's and Z's are the standard candles of CDF
- All combinations of electroweak bosons can be
pair-produced at the Tevatron. - Tests production models and couplings between the
electroweak force carriers.
- Our acceptance for these events in muon and
electron channels is understood to 2. - Track resolution dpT/pT 0.15pT
- Cross-section ratios can be used to determine
fundamental parameters such as the width of the W
- W? photon PT spectrum sensitive to non-SM
couplings. - Z? search for resonances.
?W (CDF) 2079 41 MeV
- A future method for determining luminosities.
- WW production in hadron collisions firmly
established for the first time in Run 2. - An important discovery channel at the Tevatron
? - axis
E/p peak in W en events determines energy
- Measurement strategy
- Calibrate tracker with muons from low-mass
resonance decays - Calibrate calorimeter with e tracks from W decays
- Model hadronic response using Z ll events
W Mass in the Standard Model
v2GF (1-mW2/mZ2)(1 - Dr)
Radiative corrections dominated by top, Higgs
Response and resolution from Z data
J/y mass independent of muon momentum
Total uncertainty 76 MeV (cf Run 1 79 MeV)