Title: GLOBE Virtual Meeting Live Webcast
1- Welcome
- GLOBE Virtual Meeting Live Webcast
- Dr. Ed Geary and Dr. Donna Charlevoix
- 3 August 2009
- 2100 - 2200 AM MDT-US
- (4 August 1400 to 1500 GMT)
2Please write questions you would like answered
in the Questions section of the Control Panel
and click Send
3- Virtual GLOBE Annual Meeting
- Webinar Presentation
- GLOBE 2009-2010
- Highlights and Opportunities
Dr. Edward E. Geary, Director----3 August
2009 UCAR----Boulder, Colorado
4GLOBE Impact Around the World1995-2009
The international GLOBE network has grown to
include representatives from 110 participating
countries and 129 U.S. Partners coordinating
GLOBE activities that are integrated into their
local and regional communities. Due to Partner
efforts, there are currently 52,832 GLOBE-trained
teachers representing 22,735 schools around the
world. Over 1.5 million GLOBE students have
contributed 19,905,339 measurements to the GLOBE
database for use in their inquiry-based science
5International Highlights 2008-2009
- Regional Offices Established in
- South Africa, Lebanon, India, Netherlands,
Argentina, Texas - 500 participants at the 2008 GLE (Africa)
- GLOBE Students Win Science Fairs in Uruguay and
Texas (Latin America and North America) - Over 15,000 Orion constellation measurements
submitted for the GLOBE at Night 2009 campaign. - 12 Years of GLOBE Games (Europe)
http//www.globe.gov/star/GLOBEGames09 - GLOBE Students in 11 Countries participating in
CloudSat (Canada, Thailand, India, New Zealand,
Germany, Australia, Estonia, Croatia, United
States, Cameroon, and Dominican Republic) - Ocean for Life (Near East-North Africa)
6Program Highlights 2008-2009
- New NASA-UCAR/GLOBE Cooperative Agreement Signed
- 1 September 2009 through 28 February 2014
- New NASA-GLOBE Scientists
- Lin Chambers, Charles Ichoku, Charles Gatebe, and
Bob Cahalan - Climate Research and Education Workshop (Geneva
Jan 09) - Weather, water, and climate
- Carbon, energy, and climate
- Ecosystems, biodiversity, and climate
- ESSP Events and Progress
- Carbon Cycle
- Seasons and Biomes
- Watershed Dynamics
- GLOBE 2.0---Student Research Collaboratory Phase
7Upcoming Events2009-2010
- Youth Voices at World Climate Conference 3 (Sept.
2009) - Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb (Sept. 2009)
- 1st Global Warming Investigation (Sept.-Dec.
2009) - Copenhagen15 Climate Meeting (December 2009)
- 1st Energy and Carbon Footprint Investigation
(Spring 2010) - 2010 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Calgary (Summer
2010) - Climate Research Campaign-Professional
Development Workshop (Summer 2010)
8Invitation to the GLOBE Community
- Student Climate Research Campaign (SCRC)
- GLOBE Web site 2.0
- GLOBE Student Research Collaboratory
- Datasets, data tools, data services
- Collaboration tools and services
- National and Regional Climate Investigations
Events - New Educational Products and Services
- Evaluation of Student, Teacher, and Community
Impacts - New Regional Sponsors
- Corporate, Foundation, Individual
- Alumni and Parent Council
10Please write questions you would like answered
in the Questions section of the Control Panel
and click Send
11 GLOBE Student Climate Research Campaign
- Dr. Donna Charlevoix
- Climate Campaign Coordinator
- 3 August 2009
- GLOBE Virtual Annual Meeting
12Student Climate Research Campaign Goals
- Engage gt 1 million K-16 students and teachers in
climate science research by 2013 - Enhance Climate literacy and understanding for
millions of people around the world - Empower students, teachers, and citizens to take
action on climate and environmental issues
affecting their communities. - Create a compelling model for integrating
environmental research into K-16 classrooms
13Student Climate Research Foci
- Water-Weather and Climate
- Carbon Cycle, Energy, and Climate
- Human Health and Climate
- Ecosystems, Biodiversity, and Climate
4 Investigation Areas Designed to provide local
relevance, global collaboration, and exploration
of timely climate issues
Global Warming Drought Heat Waves Tropical
Disease Ecology Ecosystem Phenology
Low-level ozone Particulate matter Black carbon
Deforestation Carbon sequestration Carbon cycle
ocean, air biota
15We Want to Hear from You!
- We need you to share your
- ideas, events and experiences!
- What activities are you doing that compliment
these broad investigations? - What national or regional groups are working on
related topics? - What climate-related events are planned for your
region or country? - Are you interested in participating in a review
panel advisory board?
16We Want to Hear from You!
- Post your ideas, questions, thoughts to the
- Virtual Meeting Website
- Email ClimateCampaign_at_globe.gov.
17Please write questions you would like answered
in the Questions section of the Control Panel
and click Send