- JULY 2008
2I. Personal experience
3II. Related disorders
- Depression
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Post abortion stress syndrome (PASS)
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Burnout
- Chronic fatigue syndrome, and
- Fibromyalgia
4III. What is burnout?
- Symptoms of burnout
- Emotional exhaustion
- Constant fatigue
- Unstable emotions (get angry easily, or
cry easily) - Cynicism (constant negative emotions, a
constant critical feeling) - Inability to concentrate
5III. What is burnout?
- Symptoms of burnout
- Emotional exhaustion
- Depersonalization
- Loss of personal accomplishment
6IV. Diagnosing burnout
- Psychologically
- Physically
7IV. Diagnosing burnout
- Psychologically
- The Maslach Burnout Inventory
8Dr. Christina Maslach Too long . . .
working too much working in an unjust (unfair)
environment working with little social support
working with little autonomy or control
working in the service of values we strongly
disagree with working for insufficient reward
(whether the currency is money, prestige, or
positive feedback
9IV. Diagnosing burnout
- Physically
- Saliva test for cortisol
10V. Susceptibility to burnout
- certain types of people
- depressives
- people with anger problems
- people with anxiety problems
- people with low self-esteem
- certain jobs
11V. Susceptibility to burnout
- certain types of people
- certain jobs
- high work-home interference
- inefficiency
- we dont matter (or our work)
- constant interruptions
12Patterns related to burnout
- Gender
- women more likely to become emotionally
exhausted - men more likely to become depersonalized
13Patterns related to burnout
- gender
- Age
- younger adults more likely than older
14Patterns related to burnout
- gender
- age
- time on the job
- most often between 1 and 5 years on the job
15Patterns related to burnout
- gender
- age
- time on the job
- education
- most common with 1 or 2 university degrees
16Patterns related to burnout
- gender
- age
- time on the job
- education
- children
- adults with children are less likely than
those without children
17Patterns related to burnout
- gender
- age
- time on the job
- education
- children
- children and elderly parents
- in Israel, even with double responsibility, no
burnout because of family support
18Patterns related to burnout
- . . .
- education
- children
- children and elderly parents
- individualist societies
- higher than in more community oriented
societies US higher than Mexico
19Patterns related to burnout
- . . .
- education
- children
- children and elderly parents
- individualist societies
- success orientation
- more likely with strong drive for success
20Patterns related to burnout
- . . .
- children
- children and elderly parents
- individualist societies
- success orientation
- perfectionism
- greatly increases likelihood
21The critical issue
- no correlation between burnout and caseload
22The critical issue
- No correlation between burnout and caseload
- The critical factor is frustration at the
situation (suppressed anger)
23The critical issue
- No correlation between burnout and caseload
- The critical factor is frustration
- Burnout occurs in the gap between expectations
and results.
24The critical issue
- No correlation between burnout and caseload
- The critical factor is frustration
- Burnout occurs in the gap between expectations
and results. - Do the math . . .
- Expectations reality disappointment
- Expectations reality delight
25VI. Connection with self-image
- Field independent vs. field dependent
- (getting our guidance from inside ourselves, or
from external data)
26VI. Connection with self-image
- Field independent vs. field dependent
- Identity Non Identity
- (Who am I, anyway?)
27VI. Connection with self-image
- Field independent vs. field dependent
- Identity Non Identity
- From inside or outside?
- Where does my identity (self-esteem) come from?
28VI. Connection with self-image
- 0 to 1½ years Trust
Mistrust - (Infancy) (I can trust
those (Life is painful - who care for me)
and unpredictable)
- 0 to 1½ years Trust
Mistrust - Infancy) (I can trust those (Life
is painful - who care for
me) and unpredictable) - 18 to 30 years Intimacy
Isolation - (I accept myself so (I live as best I
- I can accept and can without
- bond with others) asking
why I - do what I do)
- 0 to 1½ years Trust
Mistrust - Infancy) (I can trust those (Life
is painful - who care for
me) and unpredictable) - 18 to 30 years Intimacy
Isolation - 30 to 60 years Maturity Self-absorpti
on - (Adulthood) (I am a secure, (My focus on
productive, myself
leads to - effective, under or over
- balanced person) achievement)
32VI. Connection with self-image
- Burnout and self-image have a common physical
33VII. Physical process
- The HPA axis
- (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal)
34SCN Suprachiasmatic nucleus CRH
Corticotropin-releasing hormone PVN
Paraventricular nucleus ACTH
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
35VII. Physical process
- The HPA axis cortisol imbalance
- Circadian rhythm
36VII. Physical process
- The HPA axis
- Circadian rhythm
- The hippocampus
37VII. Physical process
- The HPA axis
- Circadian rhythm
- The hippocampus
- Connection with the immune system
38VII. Physical process
- The HPA axis
- Circadian rhythm
- The hippocampus
- Connection with the immune system
- Long term affect
39VII. Physical process
- The HPA axis
- Circadian rhythm
- The hippocampus
- Connection with the immune system
- Long term affect
- Difference in depression burnout
- depression has high flat levels of cortisol
is related to a passive response to frustration
(the under achiever with low personal identity) - burnout has low flat levels of cortisol is
related to an aggressive response to frustration
(the over achiever with low personal identity)
40VIII. Avoiding burnout
- Most important action to avoid
- Recognize the risk
41VIII. Avoiding burnout
- Recognize the risk
- Learn and practice self-awareness
- the ability to step outside ourselves and
analyse our responses (I can feel myself getting
angry . . .
42VIII. Avoiding burnout
- Recognize the risk
- Learn and practice self-awareness
- Learn and practice renewal techniques
43VIII. Avoiding burnout
- . . .
- Learn and practice renewal techniques
- Eating habits
- Exercise
- Time away
- Social issues
- Spiritual issues
- Issues of self-worth
44VIII. Avoiding burnout
- . . .
- Learn and practice renewal techniques
- Issues of self-worth
- Who I Am in Christ
45Who I Am in Christ
- I am accepted
- John 112 I am Gods child (also Rom 814-16).
- John 1515 I am Christs friend.
- Col 114 I am redeemed and all my sins are
forgiven - I am secure
- Rom 835-39 Nothing can separate me from the
love of God. - Phil 320 I am a citizen of heaven.
- I am significant
- Matt 513-14 I am the light of the world and
the salt of the earth. - John 1516 I have been chosen to bear fruit.
46VIII. Avoiding burnout
47IX. Treating burnout
- Learned helplessness.
- Even when past efforts have not worked, dont
quit trying. It does not mean that there are not
good solutions. Keep seeking fresh ways to cope.
48IX. Treating burnout
- Learned helplessness.
- Figure out why it happened
49IX. Treating burnout
- Learned helplessness.
- Figure out why it happened
- Make lifestyle changes
50IX. Treating burnout
- . . .
- Make lifestyle changes
- Change careers or jobs (Matt 188-9)
- Eating habits
- Exercise
- Time away
- Social issues
- Spiritual issues
- Issues of self-worth
51X. Spiritual connections
52Isaiah 40
- 1 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.
- 10 See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and
his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with
him, and his recompense accompanies him. - 11 He tends his flock like a shepherd He
gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them
close to his heart he gently leads those that
have young.
53Isaiah 40
- 13 Who has understood the mind of the LORD, or
instructed him as his counselor? - 14 Whom did the LORD consult to enlighten him,
and who taught him the right way? Who was it that
taught him knowledge or showed him the path of
understanding? - 15 Surely the nations are like a drop in a
bucket they are regarded as dust on the scales
he weighs the islands as though they were fine
dust. - 17 Before him all the nations are as nothing
they are regarded by him as worthless and less
than nothing.
54Isaiah 40
- 21 Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it
not been told you from the beginning? Have you
not understood since the earth was founded? - 22 God sits on his throne above the circle of
the earth, and its people are like insects. He
stretches out the heavens like a tent to live in. - 23 He brings princes to nothing and reduces the
rulers of this world to nothing. - 24 As soon as they are planted, as soon as they
take root in the ground, he blows on them and the
wind sweeps them away.
55Isaiah 40
- 25 The Holy One says, "To whom will you compare
me? Or who is my equal?" - 26 Lift your eyes and look to the heavens Who
created all these? He who brings out all the
stars one by one, and calls them each by name.
Because of his great power and mighty strength,
not one of them is missing. - 27 O Jacob, O Israel, why do you complain and
say, "My way is hidden from the LORD my cause is
forgotten by my God"?
56Isaiah 40
- 28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD
is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends
of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can discover. - 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases
the power of the weak.
57Isaiah 40
- 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young
men stumble and fall - 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew
their strength. They will soar on wings like
eagles they will run and not grow weary, they
will walk and not be faint.
58Isaiah 4031
- . . . those who hope in the LORD will renew
their strength. - They will soar on wings like eagles
- they will run and not grow weary,
- they will walk and not be faint.
59Isaiah 4031
- . they will run and not grow weary,
- burnout
- they will walk and not be faint.
- depression
60X. Spiritual connections
- Isaiah 40
- our view of God has a lot to do with our view
of our situation - The image of God
- we have the ability to use our conscious minds
to out think our natural, emotional responses to
61Isaiah 4031
- . . . those who hope in the LORD will renew
their strength. - They will soar on wings like eagles
- they will run and not grow weary,
- they will walk and not be faint.
- ? ? ?