Title: Out of Hours Needle stick Injury Flow Chart
1Needlestick/Splash/Bite Injury
Out of Hours
Needlestick/Splash/Bite Injury Flow Chart
Perform First Aid
For further advice please phone Advice Line on
Ext 25011 or 0113 3925011 if phoning externally
Assess if Percutaneous or mucocutaneous exposure
has occurred (see Pg 2 of Policy)
No exposure
Complete IR1 No further action
Contact Site Matron via switchboard (0113
2432799) and commence checklist form (Appendix 4)
Obtain Hep B bloods and vaccination history from
Obtain bloods from source patient for
HIV/HBV/HCV testing
Site Matron to contact specialists for advice
HIV risk. Recipient attends AE for PEP
Assess source patient for risk of HIV/HBV/HCV
(see Appendix 1)
Contact OHS on next working day
Known Hep B Positive
Site Matron to refer recipient to GUM (LGI) or
HCV risk identified
Complete IR1
If recipient has no history of Hep B
vaccination to attend AE for Hep B vaccine
If recipient has no history of Hep B vaccination
to attend AE for Hep B vaccine
Managers Complete RIDDOR if recipient
exposed to a known HIV, HCV, HBV source or if
PEP given
June 2007 LTHT Infection Control
Contact OHS the next working day complete IR1