Title: The Authority of the Bible
1The Authority of the Bible
- Sue Bohlin www.probe.org
- Song of a Wonderer
- Thompson Chain Reference Bible
- Evidence that Demands a Verdict
- www.afcinc.org
2What we will learn about the Bible?
- Overview (This week)
- Old Testament
- New Testament
- Archeology
3As we approach the Bible we must deal with . . .
- 1. The historical gap between Bible times and
today. - We do not live in 800 B.C.
- We dont even live in 33 A.D.
4As we approach the Bible we must realize deal
with . . .
- 1. The historical gap
- 2. Social and cultural gaps
- We are not Jews,
nor do we live in
Mediterranean society
5As we approach the Bible text, we must deal with
. . .
- 1. The historical gap
- 2. Social and cultural gaps
- 3. Language differences
- We arent reading the Bible in the original
languages in which Moses or Paul or others wrote.
6As we approach the Bible text, we must deal with
. . .
- 1. A historical gap
- 2. Social and cultural gaps
- 3. Language differences
- 4. Hand copied manuscripts
- None of the original manuscripts written by Paul
or Moses or Isaiah have been found.
7The teaching of the Bible
- Answers life's most difficult questions
- Where did I come from?
- Why is there evil in the world and in me?
- Where did nations and culture come from?
- Does God love me?
- Does God forgive me?
- Who is Jesus and what is his role in life?
8What is the Bible
- Christians believe Bible is God Inspired
- Collection of Books in 2 parts
- 39 Books in Old Testament
- 27 Books in New Testament
- A testament is a promise between God and Man.
9The Old Testament
- Written in Hebrew and Aramaic
- 1400 B.C. to 400 B.C.
- Law - Gods Standard of perfection
- Genealogy (family trees)
- Poetry prayers and worship songs
- History Jewish nation
- Prophecy Telling of the future. Mainly about
Gods promise to man. - The Old Testament claims to be God speaking over
3800 times.
10New Testament
- Written in Greek
- 1st Century
- 8 different authors
- Teachings on wide variety of topics
11New Testament
- Gospel Good News of Gods Love
- Letters - Encourage people to follow God
- 1 Book about the early church
- 1 Book about the future
12The Authors Formation
- Over 40 authors from various backgrounds
- Written under many different circumstances on
three different continents - Asia
- Africa
- Europe
- Over a 1500-year period
- Consistency of theme one problemsin and how to
be forgiven - Many attempts to destroy and discredit the Bible
- Websters Definition of Unique
- One and only single sole.
- Different from all others having no like or
- The first book printed in Latin
- Printed more times, read by more than any best
seller - Billions have been published
- Translated in more than 2200 languages (90 of
all people) - By 2022 will be translated in every language
17Unique in affects Literature Music
- Countless books have been written about Jesus
the Bible - Dictionaries, encyclopedias, lexicons ??, atlases
- Devotional books, song books (hymnals)
- No other book has been more talked about or
written about than the Bible.
18Unique in affects of society
- Hospitals
- Sun calendar is based upon Jesus birth
- Universities Education
- Foot Ball games show signs of Bible verses
- Cover of magazines
19Affects on idioms
- Good Samaritan
- Doubting Thomas
- Golden Rule do to others what you would have
others do to you. - Money isnt everything (you cant serve both God
Money) - The love of money is the root of all kinds of
evil - The meek shall inherit the earth
- Practice what you preach
- Pride goes before a fall
- Dust I come from and dust I will return
20Unique fulfillment of Prophecy
- Norman Geiser William Nix said
- Other books claim divine inspiration, such as
the Koran, the Book of Mormon, and parts of the
Hindu Veda. But none of these books contains
predictive prophecy.
21Fulfilled Prophecy
- Prophecy is history written in advance.
- Only an omniscient (everywhere), omnipotent (all
knowing) God could know the future so accurately
He could have it written down. - Fulfilled prophecy is another evidence that the
Bible is Gods Word. - Other religious books have claims to be inspired.
The Bible has fulfilled prophecies.
22Prophecies - Tell of God beforehand
- Total Prophecies more than 1000
- 1 in every 4 verses talk about prophecy
- More than 300 prophecies in OT fulfilled in NT
regarding Jesus. - The probability that 16 predictions could be
fulfilled in one man has been calculated at 1 on
1045. - We will discuss this in detail in a future
23Unique in its survival
- Over time (1st writings 1400 BC)
- Through persecution and criticism.
- Voltaire, who died in 1778 said that 100 years
from his time Christianity would be swept from
existence and passed into history. - Only 50 years after his death, the Geneva Bible
Society used his press and house to produce
24Unique in the Authors
- Moses a political leader and judge trained in
the universities of Egypt - David a king, poet, musician, shepherd and
warrior - Amos a shepherd
- Joshua a military general (to Moses)
- Nehemiah a cupbearer to a pagan King
- Daniel a prime minister
25The Authors
- Solomon a king and philosopher
- Luke a physician and historian
- Peter a fisherman
- Matthew a tax collector
- Paul a rabbi
- Mark Peters secretary
26Written in different places
- Moses in the wilderness
- Jeremiah in a dungeon
- Daniel on a hillside and in a palace
- Paul inside prison walls
- Luke while traveling
- John while in exile on the isle of Patmos
27Written at different times
- David in times of war and sacrifice
- Solomon in times of peace and prosperity
28Written during different moods
- Some writings from the heights of joy
- Others writing from the depths of sorrow and
despair - Some times of certainty
- Others during days of confusion and doubt.
29Written in 3 languages
- Hebrew the picture based language of the Jews
(most of Old Testament) - Aramaic common language of the Near East during
the time of Alexander the Great sixth century BC
to fourth century BC - Greek the International language of the 1st
Century (most of the New Testament)
30Written in different literary styles
- Poetry, song, romance, history, autobiography,
biography, law - Personal correspondence a letter to one person
- Didactic treatise ???? the teaching of a moral
truth - Satire ?? - Use of sarcasm to expose folly
(foolishness) - Prophecy predictions of something to come
- Parable a short story that is told to show how
one thing is like another, usually using a real
world example to express a spiritual meaning - Memoirs a narrative composed from personal
experience, a report - Allegory use of symbolic fictional figures and
actions to express truths or generalizations
about human existence a symbolic representation
31Describes the mistakes sins of the leaders in
the Bible
- Noah got drunk
- Moses was a murderer
- King David committed adultery murder
- Paul killed Christians before he became one
- John believed Jesus and later had
questions/doubts - The Bible says we are morally bad and need
32Writing Materials of the Bible
- Papyrus is an early form of thick paper-like
material produced from the of the papyrus plant.
This is the Greek word for paper.
33Other writing materials
- Ostrava pottery in Egypt and Palestine for
storage of scolls. - Writings were on stone, clay wax tablets.
- Chisel iron instrument for engraving
34How did we get the Bible?
- Canon an officially accepted list of books
35Tests for Inclusion in the Canon
- Was the book written by a prophet of God?
- Was the writer confirmed by acts of God?
- Did the message tell the truth about God?
- Does it come with the power of God?
- Was it accepted by the people?
36Recognition of the NT Canon
- Justine Martyr, Ireneus, Ignatius, Polycarp 180
AD - Athanasius, Jerome, Augustine (350 AD)
- Church Counsel 393 AD
37Rejected Apocryphathose hidden away
- Epistle of Pseudo Barnabas
- Epistles to the Corinthians
- Apocalypse of Peter
- The acts of Paul and Thecla
- Epistle to the Laodicans
- The Gospel According to the Hebrews
- The Seven Epistles of Ignatius
38Why were they rejected?
- None had more than a temporary or local
recognition. - No major church council included them as inspired
books of the New Testament. - Some books had historical discrepancies.
39Recognition of the OT Canon
- Last books Malachi Chronicles written around
450 BC - Approximate recognition between 450 to 150 BC
- the voice of God had ceased to speak directly
40Confirmation of Jesus Christ
- Jesus was after the Canon (0 to 33 AD)
- Confirmed the law of Moses and the Prophets (Luke
2444) - Jesus disagreed with Pharisees traditions not
the Canon (John 1031-36 Luke 2444) - From the blood of Abel to the blood of
Zachariah (Luke 1151) 1st and final martyr
41 42Codex - Early Bound Copies
43Ancient versions and Texts
44Early English Versions
45Early English Versions
46Early English Versions
47English Version Since 1901
48English Version Since 1901
49English Version Since 1901
- Unique collection of books
- Books in Harmony
- Many authors
- Written over many years
- Many topics
51Bibliographical Evidence
- How do we know that the Bible of today is
even close to the original?
52Historical Accuracy of the Bible
- Memory fades
- Written records do not fade
- Obvious fact
- The earlier the historical record is written, the
more accurate it is ! - So How does the New Testament compare with
historical writings (about famous people) around
the same time ?
53Accuracy Bible vs Julius Caesar
Jesus died
Earliest Surviving Copy Mark
Caesar died
30 AD
70 AD
60 AD
350 AD
44 BC
Earliest Surviving Copy Tacitus
100 yrs
40 yrs
950 AD
54When did Christianity begin ?
- Jesus Christ did not start Christianity
- Christianity started by
- Jesus disciples (Peter, John, Matthew,..)
- Jesus brother James (in Jerusalem)
- Paul (apostle to the gentiles)
- So anyone who would know whether Jesus really
came back alive, it would be these people
55Foundation of Christianity
- What is the one thing that the whole Christian
faith is based on ? - Jesus resurrection from the death
- Supporting material
- 1Co 1514 And if Christ has not been raised,
then our proclamation is worthless, and your
faith is also worthless.
56The Old Testament
- The Scribes were professional writers.
- They believed they were transcribing the Word of
God and were therefore very careful. - The earliest complete copy of the Old Testament
was written in Hebrew, from around 900 A.D.
57The Old Testament
- When the book was copied, auditors would add up
the letters and find the middle letter. If it
didnt match the original, they tore it up and
made a new one.
- We can now be sure that copyists worked with
great care and accuracy on the Old Testament,
even back to 225 B.C. . . . indeed, it would be
rash skepticism that would now deny that we have
our Old Testament in a form very close to that
used by Ezra when he taught the word of the Lord
to those who had returned from the Babylonian
captivity. - R. Laird Harris
- Can I Trust My Bible
59The New Testament
- There are more than 5,000 different ancient Greek
manuscripts containing all or portions of the New
Testament that have survived to our time. These
are written on different materials.
60Bibliographic Evidence
- Q Is the text that we have now what was
originally written? ( of early copies) - Compare Bible with other ancient books
- Author Book Written Early copy Time gap Copies
- Aristotle Poetics 343 BC 1100 AD 1400 yrs 5
- Caesar Gallic Wars 50 BC 900 AD 950 yrs 10
- Homer Iliad 900 BC 400 BC 500 yrs 643
- Bible-NT 40-100 AD 125 AD 25 yrs 24,000
- ? Of antiquity, Bible is most reliably validated
61Consistency among copies
- Do all copies say the same thing?
- Homers Iliad Variance of 5.0 of the text
(764 lines) - New Testament Variance of 0.5 of the text
(40 lines) - Scribes were extremely careful to preserve these
sacred truths - ? Good reason to trust the reliability of the
62Internal Evidence
- Q Are the things written in it credible?
(geographical chronological proximity) - Most authors were direct eyewitnesses
- Books were circulated within the lifetimes of
those who were present - Could be refuted if incorrectbut wasnt
- In no other case is the interval of time
between the composition of the book and the date
of the earliest manuscripts so short as in that
of the New Testament. Sir Frederic Kenyon
64External Evidence
- Q Are there other confirmations outside of the
Bible? - Archaeological confirmations
- e.g. names, governors, magistrates, and customs
traditions - travel to hometown for the census
65Archeological Proof
- Tablets have confirmed ancient structures and
people. - Cities have been discovered
- A coin of a famous Biblical King was found
- Bible Fragments/Books (i.e. Dead Sea Scrolls)
- Countless other artifacts
- Many famous archaeologists have great respect for
the Bible.
66Other historians mention Jesus
- At this time there was a wise man who was called
Jesus. And his conduct was good, and he was
known to be virtuous. And many people from among
the Jews and the other nations became his
disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified
and to die. And those who had become his
disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They
reported that he appeared to them three days
after his crucifixion and that He was alive
accordingly, he was perhaps the messiah
concerning whom the prophets have recounted
wonders." Flavius Josephus (AD 37),
Antiquities XVIII, 33
67Why should you study the Bible
- Bible is most published, translated, an purchased
book in the world. - The Bible is a reliable document
- You will hear Testimonies of how others came to
know God - God loves you and has a plan for your life
- Great way to make friends learn new words
- Certainly the Bible is the most accurate and
attested document of the ancient world. To reject
it as Gods Word is more likely due to personal
bias than the evidence.
69How is the Bible Divided
- Old Testament and New Testament
- Books
- Chapters
- Verses