Title: Domesticated Pekin Duck
1Domesticated Pekin Duck
Biology Summer Projectby Lynn-Ellin Zeigler
2Anas Domesticus or Domesticated Pekin DuckDate
Observed August 2Time Observed 1140 AM-1210
PMLocation Lake at University of
RichmondHabitat Description Temperatures were
moderately warm. The grassy area surrounding the
lake bore a healthy green color. The lake itself
was mostly clear and unpolluted.
3In this picture, my duck is standing upright,
showing off his long neck and webbed feet. He is
examining the area in search for a good spot to
sit down by the lake.
4He finally found a place the sit down, and after
cleaning his feathers, he rests his beak on the
bottom of his neck.
5His gray companion sits down beside him and they
begin the communicate through a series of low
quacking sounds.
6As his companion and him begin to settle down for
a nap, they are invaded by about twenty ducks.
This causes them to talk in louder quacks,
seemingly angered by the intruders.
7Finally, my duck gets to sleep through all the
chaos of college students and construction on the
University of Richmond campus.
8Brief Summary
After finally a place the curl up, my duck
attempts to sleep. Noises from construction about
50 feet from the lake wakes him up again. He has
trouble getting back to sleep from all the
distractions. While in attempt to sleep, a flock
of different ducks walks by him, and he is not
happy about it. He talks to his gray-feathered
friend before he gives a nap one more try. Its
amazing how humanlike animals can be. I have had
plenty of experiences with trying to rest amid
chaos and noises, so I could actually relate my
ducks problem. My eyes were opened to how
difficult it is for animals to try to go about
their daily lives, since they can not simply ask,
Can you turn down the volume on your radio? or
Can you move aside so I can walk past you. They
have to make do with whatever peace they can
Quacks to go before he sleeps