Title: PhD Student
1 jigsaw
the puzzle of e-learning putting it together
and taking it apart
- PhD Student
- Annika Andersson
- Informatics/ ESI, Örebro
- University, Sweden
- annika.andersson_at_esi.oru.se
2e-Learning carries the greatest potential to
train masses in the developing world in anything
and everything e-Learning can and will
revolutionize learning in the Southern
E-learning will raise the number of students who
have access to higher education by being a
cheaper and more flexible alternative and it also
had the ability of reaching marginalised groups
in rural areas
3Thesis theme Inhibiting and facilitating factors
for e-learning in developing countriesCase
studies eBIT Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Virtual
4The literature study
- Which are the inhibiting and facilitating factors
that have an affect on e-learning? - Which of these factors are of specific importance
for developing countries? - Contribution a conceptual framework on factors
that contributes to enrolment and completion of
e-learning courses in developing countries.
5Putting the pieces together
6I do not have enough money to buy a computer or
access the Internet
having three kids you have to count on being
interrupted now and then, but I study the moments
when its most peaceful and quiet
I would prefer better economic prerequisites
My mother-in-law cant understand why Im going
on studying. She keeps saying that I want to
overrule her son (my husband). Once I am at home
I have to turn off from studies.
7(No Transcript)
8.and tearing it apart
- Using Grounded Theory (interviews and letters)
- Position findings/theory to structuration theory
or ANT? - Selected themes Student support functions,
e-learning pedagogics and
9In deep water?
- Arguing for a holistic approach but still just
focusing on a few factors - Categorizing and looking for differences between
developed and developing countries I am
extremely unhappy with this terminology - What will be my overall contribution?