Title: SOVNA
- Leading the urban wind energy market
- Erez Ella Co-founder
- erez_at_sovna.net
2The Opportunity
- Wind power is a commodity - large turbines is
large mature market (30B) - Only one untapped location with great wind and no
turbines Hi-rise buildings - Motivated by
- Branding and new income source for building
owner(s) - New market for turbines manufactures
- Distributed energy production policy
- 50B market globally - 10B market in North East
3The Solution
- Integration of multiple small vertical wind
turbines into one wind farm - Wind turbines replace designed parapet in new
4Ecosystem Relative Advantages
Building owner
Technology (p. patent) - Central unit collects
power from multiple turbines and grid ties them
at a single point Harness the Wind (p. patent) -
Ability to predict and control the wind pattern
on the roof Construction - Know how to integrate
the system into the Hi-rise building
Turbine manufacture(s)
Finance Investor/ Creditor
5Project Finance Example
SOVNA 1 stake in first 10 years
Technology Project expertise
Installation profit OM
Typical project 50kW 500,000 investment capital
20 IRR
Lease or electricity at reduced rate
Finance Investor/ Creditor 99 stake in first 10
Building owner
6Road map
7Financial Model
- Installation 20 profit on installation
- OM for 20 years 1 per kW/h/a
- Future electricity or rent
- Hundreds of sites
- Guy Shahar, CEO
- MBA Haifa Univ., founded and managed 400
employees call center. Major at the IAF rescue
unit 669 - Erez Ella, COO
- Architect, led international teams on major
hi-rise buildings, managed 40 employees design
office. Major at the IAF rescue unit 669 - Danny Cohen, CTO
- Electric engineer, TAU, Part of Ceragon seed
team. Specializing in DSP and Digital
Implementations - Tomer Segev, VP RD
- M.Sc. applied physics TAU, Talpiyot -
intelligence corps technology unit. System
engineer and Project Manager at RAFAEL.
9(No Transcript)
10SOVNA System
- More power production
- Reduce cost
- Remote monitoring