Title: Networked Sensors
1Networked Sensors
Operating System for Networked Sensors
Jason Hill, Robert Szewczyk, Alec Woo Spring
System Structure
The Study
- Implement and investigate an event-based
Operating Environment for a wireless network of
deeply embedded sensors. - The Problem
- Limited computational ability energy supply
- High levels of concurrency required
- Limited physical parallelism
- Diversity in design and usage
- Robust operation is required
- What is a Networked Sensor?
- Small (I.e. 2x2 and smaller)
- Onboard processor and communication device (e.g
IR, Radio) - Self-contained power source (e.g. Battery, Solar)
- Mote (mOt) noun a small particle
- A sub-device with attached sensor(s). Autonomous
Sensor Node.
- System image consists of scheduler and a graph of
components - Higher-level components issue commands to and
respond to events from Lower-level components - Components contain Set of command handlers, Set
of event handlers, A fixed size storage frame,
Collection of simple threads which can be
- Designed to be
- Embedded throughout the environment
- Low Cost
- Non-obtrusive
- Un-attended or Un-managed
- Dynamically reprogrammed
- Commands and Events are non-blocking requests or
signals - Threads perform primary work, run to completion,
and are atomic with respect to each other - Two level scheduling system allows events to
preempt threads
- We leverage aspects of an event based programming
model and component based object model to - Support composition of diverse applications
- Provide a natural paradigm for supporting
interaction with the physical world - Minimize dynamic memory resources required
Example Component
/ Messaging Component Declaration
addr,char type, char data) void
TOS_COMMAND(AM_POWER)(char mode) char
AM_MSG_REC(char type, char data) char
AM_MSG_SEND_DONE(char success) //HANDLES char
AM_TX_PACKET_DONE(char success) char
AM_RX_PACKET_DONE(char packet) //USES char
TOS_COMMAND(AM_SUB_POWER)(char mode) char
- Our Example Networked Sensor
- ATMEL 8535 Microcontroller (4Mhz, 512B SRAM, 8KB
Flash) - Communication RF (916.5 MHz), 10Kbps raw
- Sensors Light, Temperature
- Features Wireless reprogramming, 3 LEDs
- Has the ability to be re-programmed wirelessly
- We demonstrate
- A compact system with highly efficient resource
utilization - An efficient mechanism for achieving modularity
- The support of concurrency intensive operations
- A rich set of applications enabled by our
Composing Components
- Software Footprint
- 3.4KBytes for complete sensing communication
application - Power consumption (sleep idle states)
- Transmission cost 1uj per bit
- Inactive state 5 ? A
- Peak Load 19.5mA
- Efficient Concurrency support
- Even during periods of active communication with
bit-level processing, CPU is sleeping 50 of the
time. - Efficient Modularity
- Event can propagate through our entire
communication stack in under 40 ?s.
- Use CAD tools to compose
- Each component is created with a CAD symbol
specifying the names of commands and events used
and handled by the component - Schematic drawings are used to link together
components - Structural VHDL is exported and used at compile
time - Internally, components only refer to the
interfaces described in their declaration (IE
refer to their own pins) - Example
- If the application depicted on the left wanted to
use a different messaging component, the author
would use the schematic editor to replace the
messaging component with the desired one, export
VHDL and recompile. - This would automatically re-target events and
command of neighboring components to the new
component as well as target its commands and
Sample Application Future Work
- Route discovery application
- Nearest neighbor with a single, static root (the
base station mote) - Each mote broadcasts a beacon every 1 second
- Neighbor mote responds if it knows how to get to
base station - Beacons propagate to base-station/host
- Future Work
- Provide additional communication interfaces
(more complex MAC layers or messaging
protocols) - Dynamic uploading of handler functions.
- Comparison with other models
- Extension to multiple hardware platforms
Screen Shot of Routing Application