Title: MultiLayered Impostors for Accelerated Rendering
1Multi-Layered ImpostorsforAccelerated Rendering
- Xavier Decoret, iMAGIS
- This is joint work withGernot Schaufler and
Julie Dorsey at MIT - and François Sillion at iMAGIS
2Complex Environments
- Paris
- 411537 vertices
- 137179 triangles
- 32 textures(most 256x256)
- 6.1 MB geometry
3IBR in RT-Graphics
- Image-based representations simplify the scene
- Images are unaffected by the depicted scenes
complexity - Images are fast to render as textured triangles
- Images themselves can be generated with hardware
- This works if a geometric model is available
4Previous Work
- Pre-generated Representations
- Grossman98, Dally96, Maciel95, Aliaga96, Chen95,
McMillan95, - Xiong96, Sillion97, Darsa98, Pulli97, Laveau94,
Max96,Rafferty98 - Dynamically Updated Representations
- Torborg96, SGI97, Lengyel97, Regan94,Shade96,
Schaufler96, Mark97, Mann97Aliaga99
5Impostors (pre-generated)
SGI Performer (Billboards)
Id Software (3D Sprites)
6Impostors (dynamically generated)
Schaufler Stürzlinger 96
7Meshed Impostors Sillion97
Distant Geometry
Depth Map
8Artefacts in IBR
- Deformation caused by mesh
- Resolution mismatch
9Artefacts in IBR
- Incomplete representation
- Rubber sheet effects
10Artefacts in IBR
- Image cracks
- and more
- Static Shading
- no highlights
- no reflections
- No moving Objects
11Our Contributions
Reduce some of the identified artefacts
- Reducing Rubber Sheet Triangles
- Multi Mesh Impostors
- Reducing distortions to improve quality
- Dynamic Update
12The database
- The geometry is organized into objects
- We have a set of viewcells
One edge
Another edge
The street graph
13Model segmentation
14Single mesh impostor
15Rubber Sheet Triangles due to parallax
View from above
16Locating Rubber Sheet Triangles
- Parallax creates rubber sheets between objects
when objects overlap in depth
Front view
- In urban walkthrough, parallax is mainly
17Multi Mesh Impostor
- The critical zone identifies overlaps between 2
- When overlapping occurs in image space, one
object can uncover the other one
- If uncovering is too much, objects must not be on
the same mesh
18Multi Mesh Impostor
Single mesh
Several meshes
- Quantifying overlapping between 2 objects
- Place those objects in different layers which are
too distant in depth - construct a relation graph
- partition the graph
19Objects and Layers
- Two objects must go into different layers if two
points on their geometry can be seen under
sufficiently different viewing angles amin and
Object 1
Object 2
20Relation Graph
- Edges joining overlapping objects
- Coloriate the graph so that joined vertices have
different colors - Each color represent a layer
- Non unique
21Results Example
22Results Examples
Start point From which the impostor is computed
23Results Examples
Start point From which the impostor is computed
24Results Examples
25Offline vs Online
- Motion hides small artifacts of stored impostors.
- If the user stops, the correct image should
appear. - This requires knowledge of the current viewpoint.
- Offline approaches do not have this information
26Combining preprocessingwith dynamic updates
- Single mesh impostor replace too much geometry to
be updated. - Layers and their contents are suitable for
regeneration of part of the distant model. - Layers are updated front to backto improve image
quality - silhouettes
- distortions
- resolution mismatches
27System Architecture
- Preprocessing
- Take geometry and view cells
- Find visible geometry for cells
- Split into near and far part
- Create impostors for far part
- Store as scene per view cell
- Walkthrough
- Page in geometry and textures
- Do dynamic updates if possible
- LOD management
28Results Video (Paris)
Storage requirements 70 Mbs
Computation time 100 edges per hour
Achieved frame rate 50 Hz
29Future Work
- Smooth transitions between different
representations - Automatic generation of street graph from street
mesh - Extension of viewcells from edges to areas and
volumes - Reverse approach construction of viewcells to
optimize use of impostors.
- This is a joint project between iMAGIS, Grenoble
and MIT, Cambridge. - It was supported in part by a joint
collaborative research grant of NSF and INRIA
(INT-9724005), an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Research Fellowship (BR-3659), and by a grant
from Intel Corporation. - The following people contributed to the
presented results - Julie Dorsey, François Sillion, Gernot
Schaufler, Max Chen, Byong Oh Mok, Yann Argotti
and Sami Shalabi.