Title: Middle School Picture Books
1Middle School Picture Books
Connie Miller, Pam Thompson, Kate
Hill Centerville City Schools
2The Advantages of Using Picture
Picture books can help you...
- present part of our literary heritage.
- model intonation and the pleasure of reading.
- stimulate student writing.
3- introduce oral language activities.
- present provocative topics that stimulate
thinking. - lend fun to learning and teaching.
- develop rapport with students and a sense of
community. - teach grammar and style.
4- explain interesting information about different
cultures. - expose students to varied literary genres.
- suggest creative art activities, and
- introduce extended thematic studies.
Tiedt Tiedt, 1999
5(No Transcript)
6Written by Diane Stanley and Peter
Vennema Illustrated by Diane Stanley
7Written by Susan Goldman Rubin
8Written Illustrated by Debra Frasier
9Written by Jon Scieszka Illustrated by Lane
10Written by Cindy Neuschwander Illustrated
by Wayne Geehan
11Written by Anne Isaacs Illustrated by Paul O.
12Written Illustrated by Tomie DePaola
13Written by Sneed B. Collard III Illustrated
by Gregory Wenzel
14As told to Jon Scieszka Illustrated by Lane
15Written by Pamela Duncan Edwards Illustrated
by Henry Cole
16Written by Loreen Leedy and Pat
17(No Transcript)