Title: ASQ Koalaty Kid Quality Keys
1ASQ Koalaty Kid / Quality Keys
- The Spirit and Substance of Quality in Education
2American Society for Quality
- Largest membership of quality professionals world
wide - Joined with Association for Quality and
Participation - Host of NIST, the coordinators of the Malcolm
Baldrige Award and Standards - Representing the works of Deming, Juran, Wheeler,
and other leading quality professionals - Promoting the Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle/Quality
3ASQs Quality in Education
- Based on the work of W. Edwards Deming
Plan-Do-Study-Act - Also called continuous or process improvement
- Uses more than 20 quality tools to manage
processes and decision making
4How do the pieces fit together?
- Baldrige Assessment piece that lets us focus on
the issues that matter (Plan the Work) - Initiatives Benchmarking and creating best
practices (Explore the Possibilities) - Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle Integrated with Quality
Tools to work on focus areas and monitor
initiatives (Work the Plan)
5What schools have accomplished Success Stories
6School District 15 Palatine
- Used Koalaty Kid as the framework to introduce
quality process and tools to teachers, staff and
students - Worked to build internal capability in quality
management - Focused on making a good school district great
Identified key indicators - Winner Malcolm Baldrige Award Education 2003
7Avon Koalaty Kid SchoolGrayslake, Illinois
IGAP Standardized Test Results from 95 to
97 Reading 13 to 33 Math 14 to
44 Writing 24 to 32
8Avon Koalaty Kid SchoolGrayslake, Illinois
California Achievement Test Scores ( of students
scoring average or above) Language
Math Science Soc. Stud
3rd Grd 91 96 100
96 4th Grd 93 100 94
94 5th Grd 95 96 95
9Horace Mann Elementary School Shawnee, Oklahoma
- Behavior and attitude that effect learning
environment -- results after one year - Bus misconduct decrease incidents
- 112 to 33
- Disrespect--e.g., talking back, refusing to do
work decrease incidents 674 to 38
10Horace Mann Elementary School Shawnee, Oklahoma
- Initial environment for Koalaty Kid
- Title I school 98 free / reduced lunch
- 3rd graders identified at risk in 93 to 95
- Partnered with Eaton Corporation
- Addressed student behavior and attitude--
- academic achievement followed
11Horace Mann Elementary SchoolShawnee, Oklahoma
Results from Iowa Test of Basic Skills, one
year 3rd graders gained 26 points
in Reading 23 Language Arts 24
Math 20 Composition
12Mark Twain Elementary SchoolRichardson, Texas
- Historically lowest performing, poorest
- school in district
- Dallas area property values are tied to
- districts standardized test results
- Alcatel partnership began with spirit, added
substance later
13Mark Twain Elementary SchoolRichardson, Texas
- Results on Texas Assessment of Academic Skills
(TAAS) for school wide achievement after one
year (greatest gain in district) - Writing/comprehension
- 72 to 93 passage
- Mathematics
- 65 to 81 passage
14Junction Elementary SchoolKansas City, Kansas
- Initial environment for Koalaty Kid
- 50 eligible for free or reduced lunches
- 60 kindergarten students at-risk
15Junction Elementary SchoolKansas City, Kansas
- Improvements on Kansas state assessment tests
- Math Reduction from 13.9 to 4 of 4th grade
students scoring unsatisfactory - Reading Increase from 71.2 to 91 students
receiving basic or above score - Writing Increase from 89.1 to 99 students
receiving basic or above score
16Junction Elementary School Kansas City, Kansas
- Achievements
- 20 percentile improvement Iowa Test of Basic
Skills over 5 years in 5th grade math reading - 50 reduction in discipline office referrals over
three years - Awarded the 2000 Kansas Award for Excellence,
Level II
17What the schools did to get thereAdapting a
system for continuous improvement
18Quality Koalaty
quality \kwol-?-te\ n, degree
of excellence koalaty \ko-al-et-e\ n, an
initiative, striving for excellence in the
education system
19Koalaty Kid Quality Spirit
- A can-do spirit implemented through school-wide
activities - Consistent, clear expectations
- Recognition for individuals and groups
- Student centered in approach
- Educates and involves all stakeholders in
managing the school environment - Uses data to drive decisions
- Engages students in learning process
20Koalaty Kid Quality Substance
- School-wide system for continuous improvement
- Rigorous application of Total Quality
principles and tools to school improvement
objectives / classroom initiatives / individual
student performance
21Koalaty Kid School Process
22Key Benefits
- Schools
- Long-term, continuous improvement
- Student centered
- Flexible for all improvement efforts
- Life-long skills / desirable in business setting
- Focus on schools own objectives / easily
23ASQ Koalaty Kid Starting Out
- Learn the Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle
- Integrate the use of Quality Tools
- Practice and receive feedback on a process that
matters to you (SIP)
24ASQ Koalaty Kid
Starting out as a Koalaty Kid School
- Based on Deming and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)
cycle for continuous improvement - Experienced trainers education quality
- All partners participate
- Ongoing research
- Onsite professional development
25Koalaty Kid PDSA Process
Define the System
Plan Continuous Improvement
Standardize Improvement
Assess Current Situation
Study the Results
Analyze Cause
Try Out Improvement Theory
26Koalaty Kid Quality Substance
- Affinity diagrams
- Flow charts
- Control charts
- Pareto diagrams
- Process maps
- Operational Definition
- Check Sheets
- Force-field analysis
- Root cause Relations diagram
- Cause effect diagrams
- Tree diagrams
- Scatter diagrams
- Multivoting / NGT
27Koalaty Kid Team Approach
- Teachers
- Administrators
- Students
- Parents
- Sponsors/partners
- Others
28Ongoing Commitment
- ASQ Koalaty Kid self-assessment and Baldrige
criteria - Expand effort
29Ongoing Commitment
- Join ASQ
- - 121,000 quality professionals worldwide
- - Training and networking opportunities
- - Publications for continuous learning
- National Quality in Education Conference
30Inquire about ASQ Koalaty Kid/Quality Keys
- Web site (www.koalatykid.org)
- ASQ Headquarters
- (800-248-1946)
- ASQ section (chair, Koalaty Kid chair)
- Local schools involved