Title: Radio Detection of UltraHigh Energy Cosmic Rays
1Radio Detection of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
Here Theory of Radio Air Shower Detection For
rest see subsequent talks by Dallier Buitink
- Heino Falcke
- LOFAR International Project ScientistRadboud
University, NijmegenASTRON, Dwingeloo - LOPES LOFAR CR Collaborations
2Radio Images of Cosmic Accelerators
Cygnus A
Cas A
Fornax A
1.4 , 5, 8.4 GHz
... is there anything else that radio astronomy
can offer?
3Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum
- Cosmic rays are very energetic particles (vc)
accelerated in the cosmos - The differential Cosmic Ray spectrum is described
by an almost universal power law with a E-2.75
decline. - Low-energy cosmic rays can be directly measured.
- High-energy cosmic rays are measured through
their air showers.
4Randomization of charged particles
- Charged particles are randomized by
- the interstellar magnetic field in the Milky Way
(around the knee) - the intergalactic magnetic field at the highest
energies - Projected view of 20 trajectories of proton
primaries emanating from a point source for
several energies. Trajectories are plotted until
they reach a physical distance from the source of
40Mpc. - At 1020 eV one could perhaps do cosmic ray
astronomy in the nearby universe.
1EeV 1018 eV
Cronin (2004)
5What we (dont) know about UHECRs
- We know
- their energies (up to 1020 eV).
- their overall energy spectrum
- We dont know
- where they are produced
- how they are produced
- what they are made off
- exact shape of the energy spectrum
6Auger UHECR Spectrum
- Reliable energy spectrum up to gt1020 eV from
surface detectors (SD) - Evidence for a suppresion above 1019.6 eV
- Interaction of UHECRs with cosmic microwave
background (GZK cut-off)? - UHECRs are extragalactic
Auger 2007, ICRCdivided by E-3
30 expected for E-2.6, 2 seen
7Auger Clustering of UHECRs
New data confirms correlation with AGN
clustering. Chance probability 2 10-3 The
beginning of charged particle astronomy!
AUGER Collaboration (2007), Science
9. Nov. (2007)
8Current Detection MethodsCan we do even better?
- Fluorescence
- Sees entire shower evolution
- Oversees large volume
- Only works during clear, moonless nights (10
duty cycle) - Light absorption by aerosols
- Cherenkov particle detectors
- Works 100 of time
- Well studied
- Only sees particles reaching ground
- Expensive cumbersome
9Current Detection Methods
Longitudinal Shower Profile
- Fluorescence
- Sees entire shower evolution
- Oversees large volume
- Only works during clear, moonless nights (10
duty cycle) - Light absorption by aerosols
- Cherenkov particle detectors
- Works 100 of time
- Well studied
- Only sees particles reaching ground
- Local detection only
Depth in Atmosphere
Particle Number
10Advantages of Radio Emission from Air Showers
- Cheap detectors
- High duty cycle (24 hours/day)
- Low attenuation, good calibratability (also
distant and inclined showers) - Bolometric, i.e. good energy measurement
(integral over shower evolution) - Interferometry gives precise directions
- Complementarity with SD gives composition
- But, does it work?
- Problems before 2001
- No theoretical understanding
- No experimental understanding since 1974
- .
11Radio Emission from Air Showers A Very Brief
Oscilloscope traces of CR radio pulses
- Initial motivation through prediction of
Cherenkov-like radio emission process (Askaryan
1962). - Radio pulse discovery at Jodrell Bank at 44 MHz
(Jelley et al. 1965). - Various experiments around the world but problems
with data acquisition (oscilloscopes!) and
interference. - Death and resurrection of radio detection
- ICRC 1975, Watson radio obituary it is clear
that experimental work on radio signals has been
terminated elsewhere'. - ICRC 1977, Harold 'The logical decision is to
abandon radio emission as a tool in air shower
investigations - ICRC 2007, plenary lecture on Radio Detection of
UHECRs and many other contributions - 2001 Peter Biermann points out potential
relevance for LOFAR radio telescope
Jelley et al. (1965)
12Coherent Geosynchrotron Radio Pulses in Earth
EarthB-Field0.3 G
- UHECRs produce particle showers in atmosphere
- Shower front is 2-3 m thick wavelength at 100
MHz - e emit synchrotron in geomagnetic field
- Emission from all e (Ne) add up coherently
- Radio power grows quadratically with Ne
- EtotalNeEe
- Power ? Ee2 ? Ne2
- GJy flares on 20 ns scales
shower fronte 50 MeV
Falcke Gorham (2003), Huege Falcke
(2004,2005) Tim Huege, PhD Thesis 2005
(MPIfRUniv Bonn
13Different Approaches
Buitink 2008, PhD Nijmegen, in prep.
Radiation Formulae for transversal acceleration
or current
GeosynchrotronFalcke Gorham, Huege Falcke
Kahn Lerche, Werner Scholten
The difference lies in the approximation of the
Here no emission from shower maximum dN/dt0!
Falcke Gorham, Huege Falcke
Kahn Lerche, Werner Scholten
14Simulation design
T. Huege REAS2 radio code
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Calculate electric field from a single
particleat different positions on the ground - Add pulses from many electrons and positrons
- Separation of particle and radiation codes
- Intermediate step saves calculation time
- Different sources of particle distributionsParam
eterizations,Corsika, Seneca,
15Frequency spectrum
20 m
Huege et al. (2005)
140 m
260 m
E (µV/m/MHz)
380 m
500 m
v (MHz)
16Corsika histograms
S. Lafebre LOFAR air shower library on BlueGene
- Corsika simulations with 50 slicesat equidistant
shower depths - Record e/e characteristics
- Energy
- Lateral distance
- Arrival time
- Momentum angles
20 g/cm2
17Extraction of Energy Nmax
Huege et al. (in preparation)
Shower-to-Shower fluctuation is only 5.
18Pulse shape
Raw radio pulse of a 1019 eV proton shower as
seen north of the shower core
19Contributions in terms of energy
Huege et al. (2007)
E (µV/m)
t (ns)
20Contributions in terms of depth
Huege et al. (2007)
E (µV/m)
t (ns)
Lafebre et al. (2008), in prep.
22Extraction of Xmax
Huege et al. (2008)
Lafebre et al. (2008), in prep.
23LOPESLOFAR Prototype Station
250 particle detector huts
30 Radio Antennas40-80 MHzraw RF data buffer
LOPES Collaboration MPIfR Bonn, ASTRON, FZ
Karlsruhe, RU Nijmegen, KASCADE Grande
24Imaging of CR radio pulses with LOPES
A. Nigl 2007, PhD
Horneffer, LOPES30 event
See also Falcke et al. (LOPES collaboration)
2005, Nature, 435, 313
25Cross Calibration of LOPES10 and KASCADE
UHECR Particle Energy
Horneffer-Formula 2006/2007
26Nanosecond Radio Imaging in 3D
Actual 3D radio mapping of a CR burst No
- Off-line correlation of radio waves captured in
buffer memory - We can map out a 5D image cube
- 3D space
- 2D frequency time
- Image shows brightest part of a radio airshower
in a 3D volume at ttmax and all freq.
Bähren, Horneffer, Falcke et al. (RU Nijmegen)
27Positional Accuracy
Particle Detectors vs. Radio Antennas
Interferometry gives excellent position
information! The radio emission from normal
showers is directly associated with the particle
shower within our beamsize.
Air showers are amplified and modified in
thunderstorm electric field!
linear improvement with SNR
Nigl 2007, PhD, RU Nijmegen
28Thunderstorm Events
- CORSIKA simulations with thunderstorm electric
fields - Electrons and positrons are accelerated and
deflected (Electron rain) - This can lead to increased radio emission
- The shower is modified in thunderstorms not the
radio emission - Does this have relevance for CR lightning
CORSIKA air shower simulation with thunderstorm
electric fields
Vertical E-Field
Positron Rain
Buitink et al. (LOPES coll.) 2007, (ICRC)
29Thunderstorm Events
- CORSIKA simulations with thunderstorm electric
fields - Electrons and positrons are accelerated and
deflected (Electron rain) - This can lead to increased radio emission
- The shower is modified in thunderstorms not the
radio emission - Does this have relevance for CR lightning
CORSIKA air shower simulation with thunderstorm
electric fields
Buitink et al. (LOPES coll.) 2007, (ICRC)
30CRs with LOFAR (100xLOPES)
Every dipole has a 1s Transient Buffer storing
the full electro-magnetic wave information
(all-sky, all-frequency)!
LOFAR 900 dipoles will see one shower
31LOFAR advantages
- 900 dual-polarized dipoles within 2x2 km
- 900 dual-polarized dipoles out to 50 km
- Antennas are grouped in station fields and are
synchronized and triggered centrally - Antennas can be combined later to see radio out
to large distances (SNR increase by factor 100
over LOPES antenna)! - Precise shower front and hence accurate
composition direction - Excellent energy resolution
- Limited to energies around a few 1015-18 eV
32Auger Expansion (MAXIMA) advantages
- 20 km2 dual polarized test array (100 antennas)
- Gives high duty cycle for hybrid events (SD)
- Combination with surface detectors and
fluorescence telescopes will allow triple
coincidences (tri-brid events) - Cross-calibration between methods
- Eventually will need complete Auger with radio
antennas - Accurate determination of all UHECR parameters
with 100 hybrid events - LOFAR Radio_at_Auger Beginning of High-Precision
UHECR Astrophysics
33Ultra-High Energy (Super-GZK) Neutrino Detections
- Ultra-high energy particle showers hitting the
moon produce radio Cherenkov emission (Zas,
Gorham, ). - This provides the largest and cleanest particle
detector available for direct detections at the
very highest energies. - In the forward direction (Cherenkov cone) the
maximum of the emission is in the GHz range. - Current Experiments
radio from neutrinos hitting the moon
from Gorham et al. (2000)
34Cosmic Rays in the Radio
S. Lafebre
- Challenges for UHECRs in the future
- getting better composition and energy analysis
(to reduce uncertainty in GZK cut-off
determination estimate) - Get even better directional information to
improve clustering analysis identify sources - Get to the super-GZK particles
- Become bigger, better, cheaper, smarter
- Radio emission of UHECR should give
- excellent energy resolution (5?)
- precise 3D localization and imaging (0.1)
- Composition from shower front and pulse shape
- high duty cycle
- With Auger charged particle astronomy has
begun GZK cutoff, AGN correlation, - With Radio high-precision particle astronomy will
begin - But this requires still a significant
experimental effort ...