- Summary of Data Analysis on Retention,
Persistence, PerformanceMarch, 2003
2BASELINE DATA(Cohort FA01 Students Enrolled
in 7 development Courses)
3BASELINE DATA-continued(Cohort FA01 Students
Enrolled in 7 development Courses)
- Within one semester WE LOSE 28.9 or 30 of all
students enrolled in any developmental course. - Within one year WE LOSE 48.2 of all students
enrolled in any developmental course.
4Baseline Data FA 01 CohortContrasted withPilot
Section FA 02
- Baseline Persistence FA01 71.1
ENG 091 Persistence 78.6
ENG 096 Persistence 77.9
MAT 099 Persistence 80.5
ORT 110 Persistence 89.7
5Grade Performance Comparisons FA 02
- Experimental/Treatment Group
- Pilots (ENG 091, ENG 096, MAT 099) 63.9
C or higher - Control Group
- Non-Pilots (ENG 091, ENG 096, MAT 099) 58.2
C or higher
6Grade Performance Comparisons With/Without ORT
110 FA 02
- Developmental Pilots ORT 110 (C- or higher)
75.4 of students in developmental pilots
receivedgrades of C or higher in Pilots (ENG
091, ENG 096, MAT 099) - Developmental Pilots without ORT 110 60.7 of
students in Pilot sections received grades of
C or higher in Pilots (ENG 091, ENG 096,
7Role/Importance of First-Year Experience Courses
- ORT 110 First-Year Experience Course
- Most researched course in Higher Education
within the last 20 years!
8Excerpts fromAcademic Advisement and Student
Retention Empirical Connections Systemic
Interventions by Dr. Joseph B. Cuseo
- First Year experience courses began 20 years
ago. - More than 50 of students who withdraw do so in
their first year!
9More Excerpts
- Student retention is an assessment outcome.
- Student retention is now a Core Indicator of
student success - Student retention efforts designed to manage
enrollment are estimated to be 3-5 times more
cost effective than recruitment efforts
10More Excerpts
- Retention research suggests that student
commitment to educational and career goals is
perhaps the strongest factor associated with
student persistence to degree completion (Wycoff
1999). (p.6)
11More Excerpts
- Studies suggest that students final decisions
about majors/careers do not occur before entering
college instead they occur in college.
12More Excerpts
- Prolonged indecision about an academic major
and career goals is correlated with student
attrition. - Lack of certainty about a major/career decision
is number one reason students drop out of
college. (Noel-Levitz, p.7)
13Summary of Advising Implications
- Students new to the College and enrolled in
General Studies since FA02 must complete aCAPS
Plan prior to completing 20 credits. - Options for completing CAPS Plan include
- ORT 110
- PSY 115
- Alternate Path
14Steps Weve Taken to Support This Plan
- Handout
- 22 Sections of ORT 110 scheduled for Summer
03/Fall 03 - 6 Sections of PSY 115
- _at_ 600 available seats(Well add as we need to!!)
- _at_ 800 students need to complete a CAPS Plan by
December 03
15ORT 110 Addresses 3 major issues that place
students at risk for failure or withdrawal
- Lack of clear career direction
- Weak skills in reading, writing and/or math and
how to learn - Lack of familiarity/connection with College
culture and expectations
16ORT 110
- Requirement for General Studies Students
- Highly recommended for any student taking
developmental courses
Remember QCC attrition rate for developmental
students is _____ or every ______ out of _____
students is likely to be gone after one year!
17ORT 110
- ORT 110 sections are now uniform
- Student can enroll in any section regardless of
general career interest! - Lets All get on board and support students