Title: Study of Ion Feed Back and QE
1Study of Ion Feed Back and QE
- Outline Batch 0 History
- IFB rates from Strobe Scans
- IV curves
- QE Measurements
- Plans
- Conclusions
Stephan Eisenhardt University of Edinburgh
HPD phone meeting, 30.05.2007
2Batch 0 History
- Batch 0 HPD have worst case history for vacuum
quality - produced in a rush relatively bad vacuum quality
from the start - 1 HPD produced in 03/2004
- 8 HPD produced around 1011/2004
- relatively rough treatment in tests and testbeam
- from production to 0709/2005 stored under normal
atmosphere where Helium could diffuse into the
tube and worsen the vacuum - storage under N2 atmosphere from 2005 onwards
- 5 tubes at CERN yes
- 2 tubes at Edi yes
- 2 tubes at Gla no
- Candidates to study the effect and development of
IFB - He as main residual gas ? ionisation ? secondary
emission at PC - gain 1 e- ? 1 e- 1 e- 1 ion ? 2 e- n e-
with n2060(?)
3IFB rates from Strobe Scan
- tube 2004(CERN) 2005(PDTF) 2007(PDTF) storage
- batch 0
- H441001 (Edi) ? 0.17 0.49 N2
- H439004 (Edi) ? 0.70 0.96 N2
- H428001 (Gla) ? 0.043 1.11 air
- H446005 (Gla) ? 0.013 0.17 air
- batch 0 (5 HPD) ? n.a. to be measured N2
- batch 1 (9 HPD) n.a. 0.10.6 n.a. N2
- batch 1 (12 HPD) n.a. 0.010.08 n.a. N2
- batch 2 (27 HPD) n.a. 0.010.08 n.a. N2
- batch 3 onwards n.a. 0.0010.08 n.a. N2
- batch 5 H527009 n.a. 0.002 to be measured N2
4IV-curves for QE-Photocurrent
- Measurement of the photocurrent wrt. bias voltage
used for charge collection in the HPD - Expect charge collection efficiency to plateau
from some V
5Reference Measurements
- 12/2006 syst. check for QE (l440nm)
- absolute current amount of light QE
- voltage limit 120V, due to power supply
- low IFB tubes
- H634003 (batch 14) IFB 0.017
- H516002 (batch 2) IFB 0.024
- plateau from 20V onwards
std. V for QE measurement
- 05/2007 more detailed study (l270nm)
- power supplies matching results
- Agilent 0120V
- Kepco 0500V
- low IFB tube
- H527009 (batch 5) IFB 0.019
- plateau from 15V onwards
- 20230V 4.8 pA/100V
- 230500V 0.7 pA/100V
0120V match
6Reference Measurements II
- 12/2006 syst. check for QE (l440nm)
- absolute current amount of light QE
- voltage limit 120V, due to power supply
- low IFB tubes
- H634003 (batch 14) IFB 0.017
- H516002 (batch 2) IFB 0.024
- plateau from 20V onwards
std. V for QE measurement
- 05/2007 more detailed study (l270nm)
- power supplies matching results
- Agilent 0120V
- Kepco 0500V
- low IFB tube
- H527009 (batch 5) IFB 0.019
- plateau from 15V onwards
- 20230V 4.8 pA/100V
- 230500V 0.7 pA/100V
0120V match
7Interpretation of Slope in Plateau .
- Assumption IFB dominated by Helium gas in tube
- diffused through Quartz glass and sintered Al
body - He ionisation cross section
- rises with e- energy 25130V
- falls with e- energy gt130V
- Secondary yield
- rises with ion energy
- gas gain is exponential
- Electrostatic field in HPD
- 3D-field with local potential distribution 0V
and geom. e- probability in HPD - Slopes in IV plateau become plausible
- integrate over processes and probabilities
- 20230V rise due to increased He X-section and
secondary yield - 230500V slow-down He X-section and secondary
yield compensate
Montague, Harrison, Smith J.Phys.B 17(1984) 3295
8High IFB Measurements
- Batch 0 H441001
- IFB 0.49 (H527001 26)
- plateau 1020V
- Photocurrent rise
- 20230V 57 pA/100V
- 230500V 359 pA/100V
- Interpretation
- increased He pressure ? more secondary e-
- behaviour like H527001 but gain due to more
secondary e-12
offset due to different GND
339 pA/100V
- Batch 0 H439004
- IFB 0.96 (H527001 51)
- plateau 1020V
- Photocurrent rise
- 20230V 200 pA/100V
- 230500V exponential !
- Interpretation secondary e- ionise gas gain!
instable measurements
link of two sessions
0120V match
9IFB and DC
DC 0.02kHz
DC 1.25kHz
DC 1.87kHz
IFB (DC) 0.03
IFB (Strobe) 0.002
IFB (DC) 5.5
IFB (Strobe) 0.49
IFB (DC) 6.1
IFB (Strobe) 0.96
- IFB(DC) is relative to DC
- IFB(Strobe) is delayed and relative to light
- high IFB(Strobe) HPDs can still be low in DC!
10QE Measurements low IFB
- H527009 (batch 5) IFB0.002
- QE(100V)/(22V) to be meas.
- photo curr. 100V/20V 1.05
- QE (100V) 2007/2006 1.04
- IFB 2007/2006 to be meas.
- H516002 (batch 2) IFB0.024
- QE(100V)/(22V) 1.10
- photo curr. 100V/20V 1.09
- QE (100V) 2007/2006 1.04
- IFB 2007/2006 to be meas.
11QE Measurements high IFB
- H441001 (batch 0) IFB0.49
- QE(100V)/(22V) 1.34
- photo curr. 100V/20V 1.35
- QE (100V) 2007/2006 n.a.
- IFB 2007/2006 2.9
- H439004 (batch 0) IFB0.96
- QE(100V)/(22V) 1.76
- photo curr. 100V/20V 1.75
- QE (100V) 2007/2006 n.a.
- IFB 2007/2006 1.4
12Work Plan
- tubes IFB/DC IV QE
- CERN 2005/6 2007 0120V 0500V CERN
2006 100V 22V - batch 0 H441001_at_ Edi ? ? ? ? ? ?
n.a. ? ? - batch 0 H439004_at_ Edi ? ? ? ? ? ?
n.a. ? ? - batch 0 H428001_at_ Gla ? ? ? ? ?
n.a. ? ? - batch 0 H446005 _at_ Gla ? ? ? ? ?
n.a. ? ? - batch 0 (5 HPD) _at_ CERN ? n.a. ? ? ?
n.a. ? ? - batch 2 H516002 ? ? ? ?
? ? - batch 4 H542006 ? ? ?
- batch 4 H545002 ? ? ? ?
? ? - batch 5 H527009 ? ? ? ? ?
? ? - batch 22 H614025 (rec.) ? ? ?
n.a. ?(?) ? - batch 23 _at_ mid-air (rec.) n.a. ? ?
n.a. ? ? - ? measured, data compiled ? measured,
results to be compiled in - ? results planned for Tue 05.06.
- ? results planned after Tue 05.06. to do BP
measurement ? n of secondary e-
- When corrected for effect of IFB, the two batch 0
HPD still show same QE as measured by DEP. - Bulk of HPD starts out with very low IFB rates
- HPD properly stored under N2 atmosphere show only
small increase of IFB - IFB 1.53 / year if stored under N2
- IFB 1030 / year if stored in air
- IV behaviour is consistent with He being the
dominant gas - High IFB HPD still can have low absolute DC _at_
HV20kV - QE measurement very sensitive to IFB rate due to
time integration - can be disentangled by measuring at different
bias voltages - we will look very carefully into recovered HPD