Title: Innovation and health technologies: celling science
1Innovation and health technologies celling
Professor Andrew Webster, Director SATSU,
University of York and of UK SCI
Australian Centre for Innovation and
International Competitiveness August 19 2008
- The emergent bioeconomy
- Technology translation an uneven story
- The case of tissue engineering
- Lessons and implications for innovation and
take-up of new TE/hESC therapies - Conclusion
3The emergent bioeconomy
- Policy debates
- US OTA Biotechnology in a Global Economy (1991)
- UK BIGT (Red Biotechnology Innovation and
Growth Team) (2008) - Australia Innovation Review (2008)
- Biotech as key part of knowledge economy
- Potential for wealth creation through development
of new high tech products, industries and jobs
4The chain of economic biovalue creation
Primary resources
Extraction analysis
Tissue engineering
Tissues e.g. blood, solid organs, skin, bone,
Tissue components, stem cells cell lines
Cell therapy
Regen Med
DNA, proteins other molecules
Protein engineering
Gene sequencing
Gene therapy
Personal medical data
Gene/ disease associations
Molecular diagnostics
5Progress in the clinic
- Mixed progress in the clinical adoption of
genomics and biotechnology - Therapeutic proteins
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Genetic tests (monogenic)
- Cell therapies (non-stem cell)
- Pharmacogenetics
- Genetic tests (complex diseases)
- Stem cell therapies (inc HSCs)
- Therapeutic vaccines -
- Gene therapy -
- (Martin and Morrison, Realising the Potential of
Genomic Medicine 2006)
6Two possible explanations
- Failure to get new technologies into the clinic
- Genetic tests (complex diseases)
- Therapeutic vaccines
- Gene therapy
- Stem cells
- Problems of proof of principle and safety
- Lack of uptake when new technologies reach the
clinic - Cell-based therapies (non-stem cells)
- Pharmacogenetics (PGx)
- Why the lack of demand?
7The engineering principle in biology
- Long tradition of conceiving body in mechanical
terms in which parts can be exchanged and
replaced artificially - e.g. Prosthetics, mechanical organs, military
cyborgs - Birth of tissue engineering (TE) in mid-1980s
- Institutionalised in 1990s, but eclipsed by and
integrated into regenerative medicine in 2000s
8Defining TE
- The application of principles and methods
of engineering and life sciences to develop
biological substitutes to restore, maintain, or
improve tissue function. WTEC Panel, 2002 - Core principle Using engineering principles and
techniques to create substitutes for organs and
tissues (i.e. replacing parts and
9Operationalising the definition (1)
- Two types of cell-based products
- Structural TE products/ applications
e.g. substitutes for skin, bone and cartilage - Metabolic TE products/ applications
e.g. functional substitutes of liver and pancreas - Two generations of products
- First generation products based on non-stem cell
therapies, grafts and implants - Second generation based on stem cells.
10Operationalising the definition (2)
- Disease targets included
- Dermatology
- Opthalmic applications
- Aesthetic applications
- Bone and cartilage disorders
- Dental disorders
- Muscle disorders
- Cardiovascular disease
- Bladder and kidney disease
- Neurological disorders
- Metabolic disorders
11Cell product/choice
- All cell sources have different risks and
- benefits concerning availability, immunogenicity,
- pathogenicity, and quality. The choice of cells
- will also influence product development time,
- the regulatory framework to comply with and
- marketing strategy
12TE Firms by Country
Mesoblast, Melbourne
Source Martin, 2008
13Growth of TE Firms by Year Founded
14Primary Products by Disease Indication
15Worldwide 2008 2185 RCTs using cell-based
Source NIH ClinicalTrials.gov
16Cumulative Growth in Launched Products
17Sales of skin cartilage products
18Hyped market sales
- Dermagraft
- Skin replacement opens million dollar markets,
Health Care Industry July 1992
The firm's "conservative revenue model"
predicted first-year Dermagraft sales of 37
million and 1998 sales of 125 million. An
aggressive model estimated sales of 280 million
by 1998.
19Current world-wide sales
Total sales 1.3b
Source M. LYSAGHT et.al. 2008 (TE, vol 14)
20Japan Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd. (J-TEC) Est
February 1, 1999 Capitalization 5,543.45 million
21A relatively mature industry
- Large number (40) of primary firms founded more
than 10 years ago, with 30 listed on public
markets - Significant number have products on the market or
in clinical development - But 90 are small with lt100 staff and only four
companies are large with gt500 staff - High level of company failure
- The number of firms has remained stable over the
last five years, but a high level of turnover - Sub-sectoral structure is slowly changing
following shift to stem cells in early 2000s - Geographically concentrated
- Relatively mature, but problem with firm growth
- Healthy number of products, but relatively poor
sales apart from a few dominant ones - Narrow development pipeline
- Few collaborations with large firms
23The Gartner Curve
Gartner hype cycles are said to distinguish
hype from reality, so enabling firms to decide
whether or not to enter the market
24Technology Push Beginning the 2nd Half of the
Gartner Curve?
Trough of Disillusionment
Peak of Inflated Expectations
Slope of Enlightment
Plateau of Productivity
2001 3000 jobs, 73 firms, mkt cap gt 3B
2000 Time MagazineTE No. 1 job
2001 Ortec FDA approved
2001 TE blood vessel enters clinic
2001 Dermagraft FDA approved
2002 ISSCR founded
1999 Intercytex founded
1999 TE bladders in clinic
1999 First TE product FDA approved (Apligraf)
2001 Bush partial ban on HESCs
Synthetic Biology??
1998 Plan to build human heart in 10 years
1998 Human ESCs first derived
1997 Dolly the sheep
1997 First cell therapyFDA approved (Carticel)
1992 Geronfounded
2003 UK Stem Cell Bank set up 2005 CIRM
founded 2006 Carticel - 10,000 patients 2006
hESCs derived without harming embryo 2006
Battens Disease trial 2006 Reneuron file IND for
stroke trial 2007 Apligraf - 200,000 patient
therapies 2007 Mouse fibroblast to mESCs 2007
Intercytex start Phase 3 ICX-PRO 2007 Osiris
Named Biotech Co. of the Year 2008 Geron expected
to file IND - spinal cord
1988 SyStemix founded
1986 ATS Organogenesis founded
1985 Term TE coined
2002 ATS Organogenesis file Chapter 11
1980 Early TE research (MIT)
Technology Trigger
Stage of Development
25hESCs and investment
Exploitation of hESCs
- hESCs
- - currently (in short to medium term) hESCs
used in drugs testing and medicines development
as disease models to explore pathology of
disease as drug screens for toxicity or efficacy - e.g Roslin Cells Centre, (Edin) ES Cell
International (Singapore) Cellartis
(Gothenburg) Invitrogen (California) HemoGenix
26Patenting activity in hESC
- Patent applicants are going via national offices
such as the UKIPO to file and secure patents on
pluripotent lines, short-circuiting the EPO in
Munich which conflates toti and pluri potent
lines - So, ironically, it is much easier to obtain
patent protection on hESCs in the US than in
Europe. - Most recent data on stem cell patents reveals a
dramatic growth in the number of stem cell patent
applications suggesting the field is ripe for the
emergence of a stem cells patent thicket and
blocking monopolies
27Patents in hESC domain
28- The technical content of the patent landscape is
highly complex. Stem cell lines and preparations,
stem cell culture methods and growth factors show
the most intense patenting activity but also have
the most potential for causing bottlenecks, with
component technologies expected to show high
degrees of interdependence while being widely
needed for downstream innovation in stem cell
applications. (Source Bergman and Graff, Nature
biotech 2007)
29Key questions
- What were/are the difficulties faced by TE
innovation? - What sort of business model e.g. product or
service based (akin to cryovial products vs
IVF clinic) - Allogeneic vs autologous therapies?
Different business models Allogeneic products
amendable to large-scale manufacturing at single
sites Autologous therapies more of a service
industry, with a heavy emphasis on local or
regional cell banking.
30Tissue engineering allogeneic paradigm
31Why slow adoption of TE?
- Multiple reasons
- High cost of manufacturing distribution
- Lack of evidence base cost-effectiveness
- No better than established alternatives and more
costly - Wrong product (e.g. skin thickness, storage)
poor choice of disease/ clinical target - Problems fitting products into established
routines - Linked problems of storage and delivery on demand
- Central issue of clinical utility not being taken
into account in product specification and design - Regulatory hurdles
32Regulatory issues
- Scale-up via automation a key issue
- consistency in bio-processing and in therapeutic
results (GMP as basis for stable product) - a scale-up that works automation (mix of mass
and customised products?), and delivery system
which has regulatory approval - measures of cost effectiveness
- regulatory intelligence e.g. assignment to
specific classification categories will funnel
products into varying regimes of risk and
functionality eg are TE products a device vs
33Lack of user-producer links
- Preliminary data on development of first
generation products suggests lack of interaction
between developers and users - Small science-based firms adopted rather linear
model poor understanding of user needs - Success of Apligraf (Organogenesis) only after
changed specification based on user feedback
because of changed business model
34Clinical utility
- Acceptance only possible if new technology
demonstrates clear benefit over current practice - Utility is framed by context e.g administration
of the cell product (compare diabetes with spinal
injury) - Utility constructed within existing work
practices, routines, infrastructures and
constrained by resources
35- Need to understand two things
- clinical relevance (what would make something
worthwhile having?) - clinical practice (what organisational and
cultural factors influence this?)
36Factors determining clinical relevance of TE
products (source Laboratoire DOrganogenese
Experimental, Canada, 2007)
37The nature of clinical practice
- Medical work is deeply embedded in entrenched
socio-technical regimes shaped by - Management of complexity and uncertainty (about
body and disease) - Established routines and interventions
- Existing technical infrastructures (therapies,
diagnostics) - Organisation of services and care
- Rationed access to resources
- Medical knowledge is much more than the appliance
of science - Other forms of knowledge are key and are only
produced in particular clinical settings e.g.
experience of disease, routines and protocols,
practice style, complementary technologies,
assessment of cost-benefit
38Australian Innovation review
- Bio21 Cluster argues for
- an innovative entity based on the highly
successful Centre for Integration of Medicine and
Innovative Technology (CIMIT, www.cimit.org) in
Boston, USA. CIMITs mission is to improve
patient care by bringing scientists, engineers
and clinicians together to catalyse development
of innovative technology. They are interested in
developing international affiliations and have
recently worked with the North West of the UK to
establish MIMIT in Manchester
39(No Transcript)
40Addressing market failure
- Reimagining the innovation process in
therapeutics - Key role of public research in early stage
clinical development major source of innovation
even in pharmaceuticals (see PUBLIN project
I.Miles) - Translational research as complex two-way flow of
knowledge between bench and bedside - Better understanding of clinical need and
delivery - New division of labour between public/ private
sector - Change in policy focus underwriting risk, cost
benefit sharing, greater steering to maximise
public health gains? - Creating public sector innovation infrastructure
41Celling science lessons for stem cells
- Successful embedding for both products and
therapies (whether hESC-based) will require - Overcoming major technical problems
- Good product specification design (user input)
- Careful choice of clinical target (user input)
- Scale manufacturing
- Investment from pharma/ device companies
- Evidence base (cost-effectiveness) also key
issue for reimbursement and insurance - Integration into existing practices institutions
- Challenges and opportunities of regen med defined
differently across globe ethical and practical
concerns express different priorities and shape
innovation patterns - Considerable scientific and clinical work needed
to be done to produce robust, workable therapies - Commercial interest in cells been cautious in
west, expanding in east but iPS likely to
change this - Need to recognise role of public sector in
innovation - Some regulatory convergence in Europe/Australia
but still highly sensitive and politicised issue
- Paul Martin, Institute for Innovation, University
of Nottingham - SCI network (www.york.ac.uk/res/sci)