- European Commission
- Fidelma O Shaughnessy DG EuropeAid
2What we are going to talk about
The What and Why of Aid Effectiveness?
The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
The European Commission Response
3What is aid effectiveness today?
- The aid effectiveness agenda describes the set of
measures being put in place by donors and partner
countries to support the achievement of the
Millennium Development Goals
46 key principles
- Partner countries are expected to
- Define their own development goals
- Implement reforms to strengthen their systems and
institutions - Focus on results, transparency and accountability
56 key principles
- Donors are expected to
- Align their support on partner country national
development strategies - Use partner country systems and institutions
- Harmonise and Co-ordinate their actions -
including through division of labour
6Why is aid-effectiveness an issue?
- Common goal the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) not on target - Commitments to scaling-up of aid and debt relief
- Monterrey, Barcelona, Gleneagles not being met - High transaction costs still too many small
projects by each donor
7(No Transcript)
8The Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness
March 2005
- Over 100 partner countries and donors have signed
- Paris goes beyond previous agreements twelve
indicators to track progress towards targets for
2010 - Stronger mechanisms for mutual accountability
9The Paris Declaration in a Pyramid
10The EU Response
- EU is committed to implementation of the Paris
Declaration - Strongly supports greater partner country
involvement in the harmonisation process - Has committed to four targets which in addition
to the Paris Declaration
11The EU Response
1. Channel 50 of government-to-government
assistance through country systems, including by
increasing the percentage of our assistance
provided through budget support or sector-wide
2. Provide all capacity building assistance
through co-ordinated programmes with an
increasing use of multi-donor arrangements
3. Avoid the establishment of any new Project
Implementation Units (PIUs)
4. Reduce number of un-coordinated missions by 50
12 EU Code of Conduct on Division of Labour in
Development Policy - Feb 2007
- maximum of three sectors in-country
- redeploy funds in country based on local
negotiations (either use delegated cooperation,
or redeploy into GBS, or exit responsibly
redeploying funds in 3 priority sectors) - in each sector establish lead donor for all donor
coordination - Apply principles to Regional Cooperation
- limited number of priority countries
13Reforming Technical Cooperation PIUs for
External Aid provided by EC - Backbone Strategy
July 2008
Improved effectiveness and sustainability of EC
development assistance, based on
Provision of quality TC that supports
country-led programmes, based on partner demand
and focused on sustainable results
Provision of support through partner-owned
Project Implementation Arrangements, with a
substantial reduction of Parallel PIUs
14Need for a Strategy for TC and PIUs ?
- OECD/DAC overview of the results to monitor
the Paris Declaration (2007) - European Court of Auditors Special Report No.
6/2007 on the effectiveness of technical
assistance in the context of capacity development
- EC internal diagnostic
- Accra High Level Forum Sept 2008 confirmed need
for increased progress in this area
15Backbone Strategy - Guiding Principles
1. Primary aim is Capacity Development
2.Demand led approach where TC is not provided by
8. Consider innovative options for TC provision
7. Avoid use of Parallel PIU promote effective
Project Implementation Arrangements
3.Strong result orientation
6. Work through harmonized and aligned actions
4.Country owned managed TC processes
5. Take account of country/sector requirements
16 The delivery of SPS assistance
- EU Strategy on Aid for Trade Oct. 2007
- Support DC integration in world trading system as
part of poverty reduction efforts in context of
globalisation - Operationalisation required of EU commitments to
increase TRA (In 2002 FfD/ Monterrey 2005
G8/Gleneagles and WTO/Hong Kong) - Follow-up required to the recommendations of the
WTO AfT Task Force of summer 2006 - To be delivered in accordance with the principles
of Aid effectiveness and in compliance with Paris
Declaration - Support to Integrated Framework, ACP increased
intevention at regional level etc.
17Thank you for your attention !
For further information
- Internet http//ec.europa.eu/europeaid/what/deliv