Title: Policies and Principles Country Coordinating Mechanism CCM
1Policies and PrinciplesCountry Coordinating
Mechanism (CCM) Private Sector Engagementin
Global Fund programmes
2CCMs and Key Principles
- The Global Fund Recognition by all that the
public and non-public sector needed to work
together. The CCM is a mechanism whereby all
partners can work together for a common good. - CCMs Mirror the GFs own Board of Directors
- Key part of the GF architecture
- Central to GFs commitment to local ownership and
multi-stakeholder, participatory decision-making. - Reliance on operational partnerships to provide
valuable and important input and resources for
implementation support
3 NGO Board of Directors
4CCM PR Governance
5Governance vs. Programming
- Oversight (CCM)
- Governing body has oversight over the program
implementer (s) and the achievement of results - Governing body monitors the return on
investment - Governing body brings in needed support to
improve performance and delivery - CCMs Board of Directors
- Monitoring and Evaluation (PR)
- Routine tracking of program/project performance
- Tracking and management of Sub-Recipients
- Must insure compliance with all aspects of the
grant agreement - Must ensure delivery of results within agreed
6CCM-PR-LFA-GF/Secretariat Interface
Academic/ Educational Sector
The Global Fund
Technical Review
- Prepares and submits proposals
- Selects Principal Recipient(s)
- Provides governance during implementation
- Monitors impact
Local Fund Agent
Grant agreement
Principal Recipient(s)
PLW Diseases
Private sector
Instruction to disburse
Religious/ Faith-Based Organizations
Trustee (World Bank)
Multi-/Bilateral Development Partners
Operates like a Board of Directors providing
oversight to grant proposal development and
On going report monitoring quarterly reviews
site visits
Direct contractual relationship with GF
accountable for implementation and results sub
recipient management reports to GF and CCM
Independent Assessments Monitoring and
Verification Advice to TGF on PR
8CCM roles responsibilities
Academic Sector
National ownership
- Prepares and submits proposals
Collective engagement of Government, business and
civil society including affected communities
gender perspective desirable
- Oversight of grant implementation
PLW Diseases
- Mobilizes technical and capacity building support
Respect country partnership-led formulation and
implementation processes
Private Sector
- Requests continued funding PII, RCC,NSA
Religious/ FBOs
Build on, complement and co-ordinate with
existing regional and national programs in
support of national policies, priorities and
- Coordinates with other programs
Development Partners
9Six Minimum CCM Requirements
- CCM Requirements
- Show Membership of people living with and/or
affected by the disease. - Show There must be a transparent selection
process for CCM membership of Non-governmental
representatives. - Show Transparent and documented process to
solicit and review proposal submissions - Show Documented and transparent processes to
nominate the PR and oversee program
implementation - Show Ensure the input of a broad range of
stakeholders into proposal development and
grant-oversight. - Show Written conflict of interest plan when the
Chair and/or Vice chair of CCM are from same
entity as the PR).
10The Five Entry Points for the Private Sector
Principal Recipient Sub-Recipients
11Entry Point Proposal Development
- Key idea A company or a private organization
submits a proposal to the CCM to be included as
part of the national program - Advantages Expand scale/reach of national
program by drawing on private resources and
infrastructure. - Examples Bangladesh (Round 2) Papua New Guinea
India (Round 4) Zimbabwe (Round 5) Lesotho
(Round 6)
12Entry Point CCM Governance
- Key idea A company or a private sector
organization actively represents its constituency
in the CCM for proposal development and
oversight. In this case, the private sector
representative participates in the CCM as part of
society and not necessarily as a possible
recipient - Advantages Strengthen the functioning of CCMs,
from proposal development to ongoing oversight,
by leveraging private sector expertise and skills
(governance, project management, financial
planning etc.). - Examples Standard Chartered Bank Chairmanship of
the CCM in the Gambia disbursement rate
improved from 20 to 80 CCM India, Bangladesh
and Sri Lanka private sector member of CCM.
13Entry Point Technical Support and Pro Bono
- Key idea A company or a private sector
organization provides support to CCMs or
recipients according to its core competencies,
either on a pro bono or discounted fee basis - Advantages Improve effectiveness of CCM
functioning and grant implementation by leverage
core competencies and skills of private sector. - Examples Standard Chartered Bank (Nigeria)
providing pro bono financial services to support
14Thank you