Title: Innovation Strategy in the East of England Observatory
1Innovation Strategy in the East of England
Observatory Foresight
- Brian Allison
- Foresight RITTS Project Manager
- East of England Development Agency
- 8 November 2001
2Areas Covered
- East of England and the Innovation Strategy
- Observatory
- Foresight
3East of England and the Innovation Strategy
4 5The East of England
- 5.5M people
- 19,000 km2
- from London to remote coastal and rural areas
- medium-sized towns and cities
- diversity
6East of England data
- 76B economy employing 2.7M people
- major assets include
- - world class expertise in RD
- - excellence in further and higher education
- - clusters of leading high-tech businesses
- - one of the largest concentrations of new and
growing businesses in the UK
7The role of EEDA
- 1 of 9 Regional Development Agencies
- main activities
- - co-ordinate regional economic strategy
- - funding programmes
- - working with partners
8Our vision is to...
make the East of England a world class
economy, renowned for its knowledge base, the
creativity and enterprise of its people and the
quality of life of all who live and work here
9East of England 2010 prosperity and opportunity
for all
1. Hamburg
4. London
6. Bremen
7. Lombardia
12. Bayern
13. Baden-Wurtemberrg
20. South East
22. Madrid
28. East of England
10East of England 2010 prosperity and opportunity
for all
1. East of England
2. Hamburg
4. London
6. Bremen
7. Lombardia
12. Bayern
13. Baden-Wurtemberrg
20. South East
22. Madrid
11The 6 key themes of the strategy
- Competitive businesses and organisations for a
world class region - Creativity, Innovation and Enterprise
- A clear identity and international profile
- Invest in success wherever it is found
- Regeneration plus supporting our people and our
communities - Leading edge infrastructure and high quality
environment -
12East of England innovation strategy
- First strategy published in October 1999
- Identified obstacles to Innovation
- This strategy underpinned by RITTS
- RITTS completed March 2001
- RITTS conclusions mainstreamed in Regional
Economic Strategy East of England 2010
prosperity and opportunity for all
13The 3 strategic themes
- Fostering an Innovation Culture
- Exploiting Regional Strengths
- Improving access to Innovation Technology
14To achieve the Vision
- The culture and image of the East of England as a
centre of Innovation and Technology must be
reinforced - Business awareness and uptake of Innovation and
Technology support is limited and needs to be
15To achieve the Vision
- Networking between businesses and between other
Innovation and technology organisations is
crucial - The East of England needs to make maximum use of
its business-led research and development and do
more to exploit commercially its University and
college sector
16To achieve the Vision
- Addressing labour and skills shortages
- A strategic approach to the development and
funding of Innovation and technology services
across the East of England is needed
- Creation of the Innovation East Groupis key
18Innovation East
- Mission
- To provide a coherent strategic direction for
- the East of England Innovation priorities
19Innovation East - Some activities
- Coordination of current and new Innovation
initiatives across the region (eg x marketing) - Steer in terms of Innovation funding decisions
- Improve support activities
- Promote and engage regional networking
- To make sure that the RITTS Outputs are delivered
20East of England Observatory
21What Does the Observatory Do?
- Collecting, analysing and disseminating the data
necessary to understand the socio-economic and
environmental structure of the East of England - The Observatory will assist the development of
strategy and policy and will assist the
monitoring of changes to the structure of the
22Project History
- Feedback from regional partners has been very
positive to the concept of an East of England
Observatory - Interest and feedback from UK Central Government
and the Deputy Prime Minister has been favourable - Observatory featured prominently in the East of
England Regional Economic Strategy
- The East of England Observatory is defined
as a dedicated and interactive web tool seeking
to collect, analyse and disseminate key regional
information in order to present an accurate and
continuously updated picture of the
socio-economic and environmental structure of the
East of England
25Main features
- Database of resources catalogued using the Dublin
Core - Database of regional information news items
- Database of people with interest in the region
- Partners are able to add to these databases as
well as the Observatory Team - The people search facility can be used to find
partners for advice - There is a discussion forum for partners
26- Latest News Contact Us About the Region
Region In Figures Health Observatory About the
Observatory About EEDA Dataset Guidelines
Reference Manual Privacy Policy Terms of Use
27- By Theme Agriculture Rural Arts Tourism
Heritage Commerce Industry Compendia
Reference Crime Justice Economy Education
Government Health Care Information
Communications Technology Innovation
Technology Transfer Labour Market Skills
Media Natural Built Environment Planning
Population Migration Research Organisations
Social Inclusion Welfare Statistics(DATASETS)
Statistics(Research Reports)
Statistics(Resources) Transport Voluntary
28- By Geography Bedfordshire Cambridgeshire
Essex EUROPEAN UNION Hertfordshire Luton
Norfolk Peterborough REGIONAL - East of
England Southend-on-Sea Suffolk Thurrock
29The users
- Over 100 organisations in the region signed up to
use the site as partners, mainly public sector - Over 600 individuals on Observatory mailing list,
we email them each month with details of new
additions to the site - Site now receiving over 1,000 external hits per
month - Steering group representing GO, LSCs, LGC, Higher
30Development Observatory Data Module
- Potential for datasets to be remotely accessed
across the internet - Metadata becomes very important when drawing
together data from many sources across the
internet - We are working closely with our partners to
develop this facility and have held 2 development
workshops earlier this year to prove the concept - Have involved our partners in the design and are
very interested in their feedback
31Regional Economic Strategy
- This third phase of the Observatory project links
directly to the Regional Economic Strategy - The indicators used to monitor the state of the
region in the economic strategy will be included
on the Observatory along with the underlying
32Indicators to be monitored
- Over 50 socio-economic and environmental
indicators will be monitored - Monitoring will cover social, economic and
environmental issues - Full list of the indicators contained in the
Regional Economic Strategy
33East of England Foresight
34In the East of England
- Appointed a Foresight Manager
- Using UK National Foresight as a basis for
Strategy - Engaging relevant business sectors
- Used Foresight to engage school children
- Looked to use the national Foresight Toolkit as a
means of engaging business and to promote
visioning techniques for SMEs
35BrianAllison_at_EEDA.org.uk www.EEDA.org.uk www.RIT
TS.org.uk http//EastofEnglandObservatory.org.uk