Title: TWiLiTE WB57 Aircraft Etalon Qualification
1TWiLiTE WB-57 Aircraft Etalon Qualification
- LIDAR Working Group
- Welches, OR
- June 28, 2006
Authors 1Michael Dehring, 1Scott Lindemann
2Bruce Gentry
1Michigan Aerospace Corporation 2NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center
2Discussion Outline
- Project description and overview of goals
- Etalon specifications and design strategy
- Vibration power spectrum inputs
- Test Set-Up and Description
- Vibration testing results
- Conclusions
3Project Description and Goals
- Development qualification of a tunable
Fabry-Perot etalon capable of operation onboard a
WB-57 aircraft for the NASA Goddard IIP TWiLiTe
program - TWiLiTE is an aircraft demonstration of a direct
detection Doppler wind LIDAR - In addition to the etalon, a digital etalon
controller will be delivered - Empirical vibration data provided from WB-57 test
flights - New development tunable FPs not typically flown
on aircraft - Qualification entails
- Verification of survival during takeoff and
landing - Verification of operation during flight profile
- Project Goal
- Etalon must maintain stability to 0.1-0.2 m/s
for operational testing, which translates to
plate parallelism of lt 0.1 Å .
4TWiLiTE Etalon Specifications
- Triple Aperture Stepped Air-gapped Tunable
Etalon - Stepped etalon plate creates three spectrally
distinct resonant cavities
5Receiver Technology Overview
Stepped Etalon
TWiLiTE Receiver
- Two Edge Filters and Locking filter generated
from stepped sub-apertures of etalon - Plate parallelism is particularly important
since filter positions must remain stable with
respect to backscattered lineshape
6Etalon Full Field Fringe Pattern
- Steps in etalon plate were created by vapor
deposition of fused silica.
7Etalon Design Strategy
- Take existing space qualified etalon design and
ruggedize it for stability in a mechanically
dynamic environment - Accomplished through FEA analysis of etalon
- Ensured that resonant frequencies are in high
frequency-low power region of anticipated
spectrum - Add vibration isolators to Doppler receiver to
dampen the vibration imparted to the etalon - Isolators dampen high frequencies however amplify
low frequencies
8Input Power Spectrum for X Y-Axis Testing
- Optical axis of etalon aligned along x-axis
9Input Power Spectrum for Z-Axis Testing
- Optical axis of etalon aligned along x-axis
10Transmitted Power to Etalon
- Rope isolators shifts power from high frequencies
to low.
11FEA of Etalon Structure
- PSD for the WB-57 indicates resonances are in
lower power region of the transmitted spectrum.
12FEA of Etalon Structure
- PSD for the WB-57 indicates resonances are in
lower power region of the transmitted spectrum.
13FEA of Etalon Structure
1813.4 Hz
- PSD for the WB-57 indicates resonances are in
lower power region of the transmitted spectrum.
14Space Versus Aircraft Design
- Space qualification purely for survival
- Aircraft qualification requires optical operation
throughout broadband vibration spectrum - Mechanical stiffness requirements are far higher
for an aircraft qualified etalon than a
spacecraft version - Increased mass over space rated version
- Reduced thermal compliance of etalon plates
compared to space version
Space Qualified Design
Aircraft Qualified Design
Thickened Extended Cylinder Wall
Shortened Spring Arm Increases Stiffness
Lower Center of Gravity
15Vibration Profile Comparison
16Test Setup for Vibration Qualification
- CW He-Cd 355nm source used to illuminate 1 of
etalon sub-apertures - Si-Diodes used for detectors
- Prior to testing etalon was aligned such that the
fringe was illuminated at the HWHH point to
achieve max sensitivity - Sampling rate for vibration testing was 1 KHz
- Prior to each testing sequence, pre-test data was
recorded as well as etalon spectral response
17Vibration Test Parameters
- Input PSD profiles Derived from 3-axis
Accelerometer Data Taken During WB-57 Flight - Accelerometer package located in plane Bomb-bay
- Scaled to simulate worst case for survival and
operation - Peak amplitude plus 3-? at each frequency used
for the various PSDs - Integrated Instrument with Etalon Shaken in Three
Orthogonal Axes - Six vibration tests performed in each axis
- Sine sweep from 10-1600 Hz at 0.1 G2/Hz
- Performed before and after PSD testing in each
axis - Survival PSD test for 3 minutes representing
take-off conditions - Test performed sequentially at 0.25, 0.5 and full
amplitude PSD - Operational PSD test for 5 minutes
18Vibration Qualification Test Setup
Signal Input Fiber
Signal Output Detector
Etalon Controller Pre-amp Board
19Vibration Qualification Test Set-Up
TWiLiTE Receiver
Fiber Input
Control Accelerometer
Vibe-Table Interface Block
Wire Rope Isolators
- Testing performed at MetLabs in Baltimore, MD on
April 28-29, 2006 - Z-Axis setup shown above
20Results of Z-Axis Testing
21Results of X-Axis Testing
22Results of Y-Axis Testing
23Results of Z-Axis Testing
24Closing Remarks
- The etalon vibration testing results for the
TWiLiTE project are encouraging - Represents an important risk reduction to the
project as the Fabry-Perot is the heart of the
receiver. - The measured instability of the etalon was 1- 2
m/s at 1 second sampling time for the worse
case operational environment - TWiLiTE will make wind measurements with 10 sec
integration times, thus the expected noise
injected from the etalon should drop by SQRT(10)
or 3x. - Data reduction is still underway to fully
understand the implications of the results and to
ensure analysis was performed properly. - The wind speed errors appear to scale linearly
with the magnitude of vibration - Possible additional noise sources that are being
evaluated - Possible E-M and acoustic interference may have
acted as a noise source in the data and skewed
the magnitudes higher than realistic - Final TWiLiTE etalon controller still in
development, one used for testing not matched to
etalon and may have contributed to slightly
higher noise - Rope isolators are being augmented with
additional vibration damping to absorb low
frequency power. - Operation during vibration not a concern for
space mission