Title: Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML
1Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML
2Course description
- The understand the Unified Modeling Language and
orient towards Object Oriented methodology using
UML for modeling software systems. - TARGET AUDIENCE
- In particular, it is intended for software
professionals who have sound knowledge of object
concepts and some experience towards analysis and
- Good understanding of object concepts.
- Sound knowledge of any object oriented language.
- Knowledge of software engineering process.
3Course description
- Module1 Introduction
- Module2 Use case diagram
- Module3 Flow of events
- Module 4 Realization of the class diagram
- Sequence diagram and Collaboration Diagram
- Module5 Class diagram and refinement attributes
- Module6 State transition and activity diagram
- Module7 Implementation diagram
- Component diagram and Deployment diagram
- Module8 Understanding project culture
- Appendix-A
4 Module-1
5Importance of modeling
- What is a model?
- A model is a simplification of reality
- Why do we model?
- help visualizing
- permit specification
- provides a template
- document decisions
64 Principles of Modeling
- Choose your models well
- Every model may be expressed at various levels of
precision - The best models are connected to reality
- No single model is sufficient
7What is Software Engineering?
- DEFINITIONThe application of systematic,
disciplined and qualifiable approach to the
development, operation and maintenance of a
software system is software engineering. - Software development life cycle has following
8Effort Distribution for each stage
- Analysis design 40
- Development 20
- Testing 40
- Analysis - What is to be done ?
- Design - How it is to be done ?
- Two Popular methodology approaches are
- Structured Analysis Design
- Object Oriented Analysis Design-OO model
9Major benefits of OOAD
- The object oriented approach is a way of thinking
about a problem using - real world concepts instead using adhoc
function concepts. - We intent to learn OOAD approach for the
following reason - Promotes better understanding of user
requirements - Leads cleaner design
- Design flexibility'
- Decomposition of the system is consistent
- Facilitates data abstraction information hiding
- Software reuse
- Easy maintenance
- Implementation flexibility
10Elements of OO Methodology
- Following are three elements for every OO
methodology - Notation
- Process / Method
- Tool
11What is Notation?
- Notation
- It is collection of graphical symbols for
expressing model of the - system.
- The Unified Modeling Language UML provides a
very robust set - of notation which grows from analysis to
design. - This brings end of the method wars as far as
notation is concerned - with adoption of the language UML
- By unifying the notations used by these object
oriented methods, the unified modeling language
provides the basis for a de facto standard in the
domain of object oriented analysis and design
founded on a wide base of user experience
12What is UML?
- It is a Unified Modeling Language, which is
mainly a collection of graphical notation that
methods use to express the designs. - The UML is language for visualizing, specifying,
constructing and documenting the artifacts of
software system. - UML is visual modeling language for modeling
systems and is non proprietary - UML is not a radical departure from Booch, OMT,
OOSE notations but rather legitimate successor to
all three. - It is an evolutionary step, which is more
expressive and more uniform than individual
notations. - Whitehead says
- By relieving the brain of unnecessary work,
a good notation, sets it free to concentrate on
more advance and creative problems UML is not a
method or process but is the means to express the
13Where can you use the UML?
- System of several different kinds, absolutely
anywhere everywhere. - Primarily for software intensive systems like
- Systems software
- Business processes
14The Evolution of the UML
OMG vote97 Submission to OMG, sept97
Submission of OMG group
Beta version OOPSLA96
Unified Method 0.8
Other method
15Advantages of UML
- Captures business processes
- Enhance communication and ensures the right
communication - Capability to capture the logical software
architecture independent of the implementation
language - Manages the complexity
- Enables reuse of design
16UML refers to
- UML things
- Class, component, node, relationship, package
etc.. - UML diagrams
- Use case diagram, interaction diagram, class
diagram, State diagram,deployment diagram
17What is Process?
- What is Process?
- It is an extensive set of guidelines that address
the technical and - organizational aspects of software development
focusing on requirements, analysis and design. - Process basically encapsulates the activities
leading to the orderly construction of system
model. - OO model supports the iterative and incremental
model for the process.
18More about Process?
- Guidance as to the order of teams activities
- It specifies what artifacts should be developed
- It directs the task of individual developers and
team as a whole - It offers criteria for monitoring and measuring
project activities - The selection of particular process will vary
greatly depending upon things like problem
domain, implementation technology and skills of
team - Booch,OMT,OOSE and many other methods have well
defined process and UML supports almost all
methods - There has been some convergence on development
process practices but there is no consensus for
standardization. - Framework for the every stage of software
development life cycle.
19Best Practices followed by Rational Unified
- Develop software iteratively
- Manage requirements
- Use component based architectures
- Visually model software
- Verify S/W quality
- Control changes to software.
20What is a tool?
- It is automated support for every stage of
software development - life cycle.
- Since we are concentrating on requirement,
analysis and design phase, following are the
names of few tools which are greatly in use - 1. Rational Rose
- 2. Cayenne
- 3. Platinum
- 4. Select
21Why Tool?
- Helps designer for creating designs much more
quickly. - Supports validations like
- Consistency checking
- Completeness checking
- Constrain checking.
- Time required for certain operation could be
predicted . - Code generation
- Reverse engineering.
- Round trip engineering
- Conversion from SSAD to OOAD
- Quick documentationetc
22Triangle for Success
- All three components play equally important role
towards the success of the project.
23Objective of the first module
- Get introduced with Unified Modeling Language
and know the basic components of software
development life cycle.
24 Module-2
25OO model
The models of Object Oriented Development
26Models and Views
- 41 view of OO model.
- Process view
- Deployment view
- Logical view
- Dynamic view
- Use case view
- As shown in the model , for each dimension we
define a number of diagrams that denote a view of
the systems model. - The use case view is central since its contents
drive the developments of other views.
27UML diagrams
- 1. Use case diagram
- 2. Class Diagram
- 3. Behavioral diagrams
- - State chart diagrams
- - Object diagram
- - Activity diagrams
- - Interaction diagrams
- - Sequence diagrams
- - Collaboration diagrams
- 4. Implementation diagrams
- - Component diagram
- - Deployment diagram
28Semantics of Diagrams
- Use case diagrams represent the functions of a
system from the users point of view. - Sequence diagrams are a temporal representation
of objects and their interactions. - Collaboration diagrams are a spatial
representation of objects, links, and
interactions. - Object diagrams represent objects and their
relationships, and correspond to simplified
collaboration diagrams that do not represent
message broadcasts. - Class diagrams represent the static structure in
terms of classes and relationships.
29Semantics of Diagrams
- Contd...
- State chart diagrams represent the behavior of a
class in terms of states - Activity diagrams are to represent the parallel
behavior of an operation as a set of actions. - Component diagrams represent the logical
components of an application. - Deployment diagrams represent the deployment of
components on particular pieces of hardware.
30What is USE CASE diagram?
- A use case diagram establish the capability of
the system as a whole. - Components of use case diagram
- Actor
- Use case
- System boundary
- Relationship
- Actor relationship
- Semantic of the components is followed.
- What is an actor?
- An actor is some one or something that must
interact with the system under development - UML notation for actor is stickman, shown below.
- More about an actor
- It is role a user plays with respect to system.
- Actors are not part of the system they represent
anyone or anything that must interact with the
system. - Actors carry out use cases and a single actor may
perform more than one use cases. - Actors are determined by observing the direct
uses of the system, -
- Contd
- Those are responsible for its use and maintain as
well as other systems that interact with the
developed system. - An actor may
- - input information to the system.
- - receive information from the system.
- - input to and out from the system.
- How do we find the actor?
- Ask following questions to find the actors
- Who uses the system?
- Who installs the system?
- Who Starts up the system?
- What other systems use this system?
- Who gets the information from the system?
- Who provides information to the system?
- Actor is always external to the system. They are
never part of the - system to be developed.
- 4-Categories of an actor
- Principle Who uses the main system functions.
- Secondary Who takes care of administration
maintenance. - External h/w The h/w devices which are part of
application - domain and must be used.
- Other system The other system with which the
system must - interact.
- Note
- If newly identified actor is using a system in a
same way like an - existing actor, then new actor can be dropped.
- If two actors use system in the same way they are
same actors.
- What is USE case?
- A use case is a pattern of behavior, the system
exhibits - Each use case is a sequence of related
transactions performed by an actor and the system
in dialogue. - USE CASE is dialogue between an actor and the
system. - Examples
Withdrawal of cash from ATM
Open new account
- More about USE CASE
- It is a snapshot of one aspect of system.
- They model a dialog between actor and system.
- A use case typically represents a major piece of
functionality that is complete from beginning to
end. - Most of the use cases are generated in initial
phase, but you find some more as you proceed. - A use case may be small or large. It captures a
broad view of a primary functionality of the
system in a manner that can be easily grasped by
non technical user.
- Contd
- A use case must deliver something of value to an
actor. - The use cases may be decomposed into other use
cases. - Use cases also present a good vehicle for project
- How do we find the use cases?
- What functions will the actor want from the
system? - Does the system store information? What actors
will create, read, update. Or delete that
information? - Does the system need to notify an actor about
changes in its internal state?
- Generic format for documenting the use case
- - Pre condition If any
- Use case Name of the case.
- Actors List of actors(external agents),
indicating who initiates the use case. - Purpose Intention of the use case.
- Overview Description.
- Type primary / secondary.
- Post condition If any
- Typical Course of Events
- ACTOR ACTION Numbered actions of the actor.
- SYSTEM RESPONSE Numbered description of
system responses.
- USE CASE documentation example
- The following use case describes the process of
opening a new account in the bank. - Use case Open new account
- Actors Customer, Cashier, Manager
- Purpose Like to have new saving account.
- Description A customer arrives in the bank to
open the new - account. Customer requests for the new
account - form, fill the same and submits, along with
the - minimal deposit. At the end of complete
successful - process customer receives the passbook.
- Type Primary use case.
43Grouping USE CASES
- Those use case functionality which are directly
dependent on the system environment are placed in
interface objects - Those functionality dealing with storage and
handling of information are placed in entity
objects - Functionality's specific to one or few use cases
and not naturally placed in any of the other
objects are placed in control objects - By performing this division we obtain a
structure which helps us to understand the system
from logical view
44OOAD --- USE CASE driven
Design Implementation
Use cases make up the glue
Implement use cases
Verify that use cases are satisfied
Capture,clarify validate use cases
- What is System Boundary?
- It is shown as a rectangle.
- It helps to identify what is external verses
internal, and what the - responsibilities of the system are.
- The external environment is represented only by
- What is Relationship?
- Relationship between use case and actor.
- Communicates
- Relationship between two use cases
- Extends
- Uses
- Notation used to show the relationships
- ltlt gtgt
- Relationship between use case and actor is often
referred as communicates . - Relationship between two use cases is refereed as
either uses or extends. - USES
- - Multiple use cases share a piece of same
functionality. - - This functionality is placed in a separate use
case rather than - documenting in every use case that needs
- Contd...
- A uses relationship shows behavior that is
common to one or - more use cases.
- It is used to show optional behavior, which is
required only - under certain condition.
49USE CASE diagram
Use case diagram for the shown functionality.
Balance status report
Withdraw cash
50Objective of the second module
- To understand and capture the detailed
specification of a system to be developed, from
user perspective.
51 Module-3
52Beginning Analysis and Design
- Completion of first version of use case diagram
initiates the processes of analysis and design. - UML provides the framework to carry out the
process of analysis and design in form of set of
diagrams. - Every diagram and notation used in the diagram
carries the semantics. - First step towards analysis and design is to
specify the flow of events.
53Flow of Events
- A flow of events document is created for each use
case. - Details about what the system must provide to the
actor when the use is executed. - Typical contents
- How the use case starts and ends
- Normal flow of events
- Alternate flow of events
- Exceptional flow of events
- Typical Course of Events has
- Actor Action(AA)
- System Response(SR)
54Normal Flow of Events
- For withdrawal of cash
- 1.(SR) The ATM asks the user to insert a card.
- 2.(AA) The user inserts a cash card.
- 3.(SR) The ATM accepts the card and reads its
serial number. - 4.(SR) The ATM requests the password.
- 5.(AA) The user enters 1234.
- 6.(SR) The ATM verifies the serial number and
password with the - bank and gets the notification accordingly.
- 7.(SA)The ATM asks the user to select the kind of
transaction. - 8.(AA)User selects the withdrawal.
55Normal Flow of Events
- Contd...
- 9.(SR)The ATM asks for the amount of cash user
enters Rs. 2500/- - 10.(SR)The ATM verifies that the amount of cash
is within predefined policy limits and asks the
bank, to process the transaction which eventually
confirms success and returns the new account
balance. - 11.(SR) The ATM dispenses cash and asks the user
to take it. - 12.(AA) The user takes the cash.
- 13.(SR) The ATM asks whether the user wants to
continue. - 14.(AA) The user indicates no.
56Normal Flow of Events
- Contd...
- 15.(SR) The ATM prints a receipt, ejects the card
and asks the user to take them - 16.(AA) The user takes the receipt and the card.
- 17.(SR) The ATM asks a user to insert a card.
57Alternative Flow of Events
- For withdrawal of cash use case
- 9. The ATM asks for the amount of cash the user
has change of mind and hits the cancel.
58Exceptional Flow of Events
- For withdrawal of cash use case
- 3 Suspicious pattern of usage on the card.
- 10 The machine is out of cash.
- 11 Money gets stuck in the machine.
59Why flow of events?
- It helps in understanding the functionality of a
system to be developed. - Flow of events helps in finding objects of the
system to be developed. - Happens to be most important and very first step
towards analysis and design.
60What is Scenario?
- The functionality of the use case is captured in
flow of the - events.
- A scenarios is one path through the flow of
events for the use - case.
- Scenarios are developed to help identify
objects, classes and - object interactions for that use case.
61Objective of the third module
- To understand the flow of each functionality and
find out the objects and methods required to
build the system.
62 Module-4
63USE CASE Realizations
- The use case diagram presents an outside view of
the system - Interaction diagrams describe how use cases are
realized as interactions among societies of
objects. - Two types of interaction diagrams
- Sequence diagrams
- Collaboration diagrams
64What is Interaction diagram?
- Interaction diagrams are models that describe how
groups of objects collaborate in some behavior - There are 2 kinds of interaction diagrams
- Sequence diagram
- Collaboration diagram
- Sequence diagrams are a temporal representation
of objects and their interactions - Collaboration diagrams are spatial representation
of objects, links and interrelations
65What is sequence diagram?
- Typically these diagrams capture behaviors of
the single scenario. - Shows object interaction arranged in time
sequence. - They show sequence of messages among the objects.
- It has two dimensions, vertical represents time
horizontal - represents objects.
- Components of sequence diagram
- -objects
- -object lifeline
- -Message
- -pre/post conditions.
- Object are represented by rectangles and name of
the objects are - underlined.
- Object life line are denoted as dashed lines.
They are used to - model the existence of objects over time.
- They are used to model the content of
communication between objects. They are used to
convey information between objects and enable
objects to request services of other objects. - The message instance has a sender, receiver, and
possibly other information according to the
characteristics of the request. - Messages are denoted as labeled horizontal
arrows between life lines. - The sender will send the message and receiver
will receive the message.
- Contd
- May have square brackets containing a guard
conditions. This is a Boolean condition that must
be satisfied to enable the message to be sent. - May have have an asterisk followed by square
brackets containing an iteration specification.
This specifies the number of times the message is
sent. - May have return list consisting of a comma
-separated list of names that designate the
values of returned by the operation. - Must have a name or identifier string that
represents the message. - May have parentheses containing an argument list
consisting of a comma separated list of actual
parameters passed to a method.
69Sequence diagram for withdrawal of cash, normal
70What is Collaboration diagram?
- Collaboration diagrams illustrate the interaction
between the objects, using static spatial
structure. - Unlike sequence diagram the time is not
explicitly represented in these diagrams - In collaboration diagram the sequence of messages
is indicated by numbering the messages. The UML
uses the decimal numbering scheme. - In these diagrams, an actor can be displayed in
order to represent the triggering of interaction
by an element external to the system. - This helps in representing the interaction,
without going into the details of user interface.
71Components of collaboration diagram
- Named objects
- Links Links are represented by a continuous line
between objects, and indicates the exchange of
messages. - Messages has following attributes
- Synchronization --thread name, step within
thread. - Sequence number
- Message labels The name of the message often
corresponds to an operation defined in the class
of the object that is the destination of the
message. Message names may have the arguments and
return values. - iteration.
- It uses decimal notation.
- Message direction.
72Semantics of components
- Object names identify which objects are
participating and the links show which objects
collaborate - A link between two objects must exist for one
object to send message to another and vice a
versa. - Messages in the collaboration diagram get
transformed to more detailed signature. - They use the decimal notation system for
numbering the messages. - The direction of the message defines the sender
and receiver of the message
73The elements of message
- Predecessor
- Role names
- Message qualifiers
- Iteration expression
- Parameters
- Return values
- Guard
- Message stereotypes
- Concurrent thread sequencing
- Thread dependencies
- Message expression
- Pre A1(expression)doIt(p,r)return value
74The examples of message
75Collaboration diagram for withdrawal of cash,
normal flow.
1. Insert card Enter password, Enter kind Enter
amount, Take cash, Take card cancel,Terminate,
Create Transaction Transaction complete
Display main screen unreadable card
message, request password, request kind, request
amount, canceled message, eject card, failure
message, dispense cash, request take cash request
continuation, print receipt, request take
card bad account message, bad bank account message
Transaction succeed Transaction failed account
o.k. bad account, bad password, bad bank code
Verify account, process transaction
76Objective of the fifth module
- To know the interaction among the objects in
temporal and spatial form. - To know how objects collaborate among each other
and hence delegate the responsibility to the
respective objects. - To understand how the messages get matured with
more information.
77 Module-5
78What is Class diagram?
- A class diagram shows the existence of classes
and their relationships in the logical view of a
system - UML modeling elements in class diagrams are
- Classes, their structure and behavior.
- relationships components among the classes like
association, aggregation, composition, dependency
and inheritance - Multiplicity and navigation indicators
- Role names or labels.
79Major Types of classes
- Concrete classes
- A concrete class is a class that is instantiable
that is it can have different instances. - Only concrete classes may be leaf classes in the
inheritance tree. - Abstract classes
- An abstract class is a class that has no direct
instance but whose descendants classes have
direct instances. - An abstract class can define the protocol for an
operation without supplying a corresponding
method we call this as an abstract operation. - An abstract operation defines the form of
operation, for which each concrete subclass
should provide its own implementation.
- Association
- Aggregation
- Composition
- Inheritance
- Dependency
- Instantiation
- These are the most general type of relationship
- It denotes a semantic connection between two
classes - It shows BI directional connection between two
classes - It is a weak coupling as associated classes
remain somewhat independent of each other - Example
- This is a special type of association
- The association with label contains or is part
of is an aggregation - It represents has a relationship
- It is used when one object logically or
physically contains other - The container is called as aggregate
- It has a diamond at its end
- The components of aggregate can be shared with
others - It expresses a whole - part relationships
ATM card
- This is a strong form of aggregation
- It expresses the stronger coupling between the
classes - The owner is explicitly responsible for creation
and deletion of the part - Any deletion of whole is considered to cascade
its part - The aggregate has a filled diamond at its end
Client Area
- The inheritance relationship helps in managing
the complexity by ordering objects within trees
of classes with increasing levels of abstraction.
Notation used is solid line with arrowhead,shown
below. - Generalization and specialization are points of
view that are based on inheritance hierarchies.
- Dependency is semantic connection between
dependent and independent model elements. - This association is unidirectional and is shown
with dotted arrowhead line. - In the following example it shows the dependency
relationship between client and server. - The client avails services provided by server so
it should have semantic knowledge of server. - The server need not know about client.
- This relationship is defined between
parameterized class and actual class. - Parameterized class is also referred as generic
class. - A parameterized class cant have instances unless
we first instantiated it - Example
88What is Cardinality?
- Definition Number of instances of each class
involved in the dialogue is specified by
cardinality. - Common multiplicity values
- Symbol Meaning
- 1 One and only one
- 0..1 Zero or one
- MN From M to N (natural integer)
- 0.. From zero to any positive integer
- 1.. From one to any positive integer
- Also thought can be given about navigability to
every applicable relationship.
89Reaching the class diagram
- In collaboration diagram we have shown the
objects, their interaction and detailed message
signature. - This information is carried forward to the class
diagram. - At this point,we group the similar objects and
form classes. - Messages get mapped to responsibilities for
respective classes. - Find the attributes for every class.
- Transform the links to appropriate
relationships. - Relationship is further refined with respect to
multiplicity and navigability. - This complete procedure brings the minimal class
diagram for withdraw cash use case, normal
90Class diagram for withdrawal of cash, normal
91What more to the Class Diagram?
- Till this slide we have worked out the essentials
of class diagram for withdrawal of cash use case,
normal flow of events. - Similar exercise required to be carried out for
every scenario and clubbed all in the class
diagram. - At this point, we refine this integrated class
diagram to add further fine details. Approximate
sketch for this class diagram has been shown at
the end of this module. - Refinement attributes should be updated right
from sequence diagram to class diagram. - Next few slides will take into the discussion of
refinement attributes. - This process of iterative and incremental
development will continue till there is no change
in two consecutive iteration.
92OOAD---Iterative Incremental Approach
Identify objects
Identify Messages
Validate Classes Objects
Group Objects into classes
Group classes into domains
Identify classify Class relationships
Identify class behavior
93Refinement attributes
- Stereotypes
- Stereotypes are part of the range of
extensibility mechanism provided by UML - It permits user to add new model element classes
on top of the kernel predefined by UML
94Refinement attributes
- Contd
- Constraints
- Constraints are functional relationship between
the entities and object - model. The entities include objects, classes,
attributes, association, links. - A constraint restricts the values that entities
can assume. - UML doesn't specify a particular syntax for
constraints, other than they should appear
between braces, so they may therefore be
expressed using natural language, pseudo code,
navigation expression or mathematical expression - UML1.2 does prefer the use of a constraint
language OCL i.e. Object Constraint Language,
which is subset of UML.
95Refinement attributes
- Number of withdrawal transaction should be less
than five per day.
Constraint on the same class.
No. of transaction lt5 /day
- No window will have an aspect ratio i.e.
(length/width) of less than 0.8 or gt 1.5
Window length/width
A constraint between the properties of the same
0.8ltlength/width lt 1.5
96Refinement attributes
- Qualifier
- UML provides a role of constraint notation to
indicate different kind of collections that may
be inherent in the analysis model - Common role constraints for multi valued roles
include - ordered Collection is maintained in sorted
manner - bag Collection may have multiple
copies of same item. - set Collection may have at most one
copy of given item. - Some constraints may be combined such as
ordered set
97Refinement attributes
- Qualifier
- Another common design scheme is to use a key
value to retrieve an item from the collection.
This is called as qualified association and the
key value as qualifier. - A qualified association is the UML equivalent of
a programming concept variously known as
associative arrays, maps,dictionaries - A qualified association relates two object
classes and a qualifier - The qualifier is a special attribute that reduced
the effective multiplicity of an association. - One to many and many to many association may be
98Refinement attributes
- Check for many to many relationship, if any,
normalize with qualifier or association class. - Check for the scope forming abstract classes and
template classes. - Check for helper functions.
- Thought can be given for using the design
99Objective of the fifth module
- Learn to build the architecture, which contains
the entire information of the system to be
developed. - It is this architecture which is called as BLUE
PRINT is handed over for coding.
100Refined Class diagram for withdrawal of cash
Few more relationship can be further added to the
shown diagram
101 Module-6
102What is state transition diagram?
- A state transition diagram shows the states of a
single object, the events or the messages that
cause a transition from one state to another and
the action that result from a state change. - A state transition diagram will not be created
for every class in the system. - Components of State Diagram
- Start State
- Stop state
- State Transition
103Semantics of every components
- State A state is a condition during the life of
an object when it satisfies some condition,
performs some action, or waits for an event. - The UML notation for a state is a rectangle with
rounded corners. - Special statesThere are two special states.
- Start state Each state diagram must have one and
only one start - state. Notation for start state is filled solid
circle. - Stop State An object can have multiple stop
states. Notation for stop - state is bulls eye.
104Semantics of every components
- Contd...
- State transition A state transition represents a
change from an originating to a successor state. - Transition label event nameguard condition /
105State Transition Diagram for Account class.
request and fill the form for new saving account
validate / process
transaction request validate / update()
transactionStrart / Transfer_to_main_ledger ()
no transaction / Transfer_to_Dormant_Ledger
Fraud or authorized instructionValidate /
matter_resolved validate / unlockAccount()
fill_the_request_form / update()
NoteAccount can be closed from open state as well
106More about State Diagram
- A state diagram will not be created for every
class. - state diagrams are used only for those classes
that exhibit interesting behavior. - State diagrams are also useful to investigate the
behavior of user interface and control classes. - State diagram are used to show dynamics of a
individual class
107What is activity diagram?
- It is a special kind of state diagram and is
worked out at use case level. - These are mainly targeted towards representing
internal behavior of a a use case. - These may be thought as a kind of flowchart.
- Flowcharts are normally limited to sequential
process activity diagrams can handle parallel
process. - Activity diagrams are recommended in the
following situations - Analyzing use case
- Dealing with multithreaded application
- Understanding workflow across many use cases.
108 Consistency Checking
- Consistency checking is the process of ensuring
that, information in both static view of the
system(class diagram) and the dynamic view of the
system(sequence and collaboration diagram) is
telling the same story.
109Objective of the sixth module
- Understand the dynamic behavior of a class
- Way to find the parallel processes at use case
110 Module-7
111What is component diagram?
- Component diagrams illustrate the organizations
and dependencies among software components. - A component may be
- A source code component
- A run time components
- An executable component
- Dependency relationship.
112Component Diagram for withdrawal of cash
113What is deployment diagram?
- A deployment diagram shows the relationship among
software and hardware components in the delivered
system. - These diagram include nodes and connections
between nodes. - Each node in deployment diagram represents some
kind of computational unit, in most cases a piece
of hardware. - Connection among nodes show the communication
path over which the system will interact. - The connections may represent direct hardware
coupling line RS-232 cable, Ethernet connection,
they also may represent indirect coupling such as
satellite to ground communication.
114Deployment diagram
115Objective of the seventh module
- To understand the organization of software
modules and their deployment on the respective
116 Module-8
117 Understanding the project culture
- It may be
- 1.Calendar Centric
- 2.Requirement Centric
- 3.Documentation Centric
- 4.Quality Centric
- 5.Architecture Centric
118Understanding the projects culture
- Architecture driven projects represent the most
mature style of development. - These projects are characterized by a focus on
creating a frame work that satisfies all
known requirement, yet is resilient enough to
adapt to those requirements, that are not yet
known or well understood. - In every sense of the word, architect-driven
policies are in evolutionary step beyond
requirement driven policies. - Architecture driven style of development is
usually the best approach for the creation of
most complex software intensive systems
119Understanding the projects culture
- Architecture driven style of development
typically observe the following process - 1. Specify the systems desired behavior through
a collection of - scenarios. (Analysis)
- 2. Create, then validate, an architecture.
(Design) - 3. Evolve that architecture, making mid-course
corrections as - necessary to adopt to new requirements as
they are uncovered.
120OOAD---Architecture Centric
- What exactly is nature of the well structured
object oriented architecture?? - 1. A set of classes, typically organized into
multiple hierarchies. - 2. A set of collaboration that specify how those
classes co-operate - to provide various system function.
- Use case driven
- Architecture centric
- Incremental and iterative approach.
122Desire for good Architecture
- Those of us who have been trained as architects
have this desire perhaps at the very center of
our lives,that one day, some where somehow, we
shall build one building which is wonderful,
beautiful, breathtaking, a place where people can
walk and dream for centuries. - CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER
- Same desire should also be applicable in
creating software architecture as well.
123 Appendix-A
124Strong recommendation
- Object Technology
- David A. Taylor
- Object Oriented Analysis and design with
Applications - Grady Booch
- UML distilled
- Martin Fowler
- Instant UML
- Pierre - Alain Muller
- Software Engineering
- Roger S Pressman
- Contd...
- Object Oriented Modeling and Design
- James Rumbaugh
- Object Oriented Software Engineering
- Ivar Jacobson
- Clouds to code
- Jesse Liberty
- Applying use cases
- Geri Schneider
- Jason p. Winters
- UML Toolkit
- Hans-Eriksson and Magnus Penker
126 THANK-U!
127Course description
- The course will be offered in series of fourteen
hours theory session. One demonstration session
on the tool like Rational Rose can be
accompanied.The following is the suggested agenda
for the course. - Session Duration
- Module-1,2 2-hours demonstration lecture
- Module-3 2-hours
- Module-4 2-hours
- Module-5 4-hours
- Module-6 2-hours
- Module-7,8 2-hours
- Demonstration 2-hours
128Course description
- Refer to Appendix-A
- One case study should be given to the group of
four members. - TEST
- Case study given for exercise can be evaluated
as part of the test.
129Course description
- Course should emphasize on OO modeling.
- Focus should be primarily on understanding
UML1.2 and UML diagrams and then applying to a
problem. - Several excellent references are given in
Appendix-A. Following are strongly recommended
reading and should be used as supplementary with
this power point courseware. - 1.UML toolkit by Eriksson and Magnus Penker
- 2.Object oriented analysis and design with
applications by Grady Booch - Note UML toolkit should be refereed for UML
notations,their syntax and semantics. - Object oriented analysis and design
with applications should be refereed for OO
concepts. -