Title: Industrial districts and interfirm cooperation in Italy
1Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
Industrial districts and inter-firm co-operation
in Italy
2Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Content
- Introduction (Frank Pyke and Werner Sengenberger)
- The idea of the Industrial District Its genesis
(Sebastiano Brusco) - The Marshallian industrial district as a
socio-economic notion (Giacomo Becattini) - The quantitative importance of Marshallian
industrial districts in the Italian economy
(Fabio Sforzi)
3Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
Whilst economies all over the world in the late
1970s and 1980s set into recession and
stagnation, some regions prospered. ?
Industrial Districts i.e. Silicon Valley,
Baden-Württemberg and North-East Italy.
4Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- What are industrial districts?
- The districts are geographically defined
productive systems, characterized by a large
number of firms that are involved at various
stages, and in various ways, in the production of
a homogeneous product. A significant feature is
that a very high proportion of these firms are
small or very small.
5Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- What are industrial districts?
- Most of the districts can be found in North
Central or North-Eastern Italy - Industrial districts should be conceived as a
social and economic whole ? interdependence of
the firms - Flexible specialization
- Organization and leadership has developed from
small, often family owned businesses
6Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Policy Implications
- Why are these small firms so successful?
- Characteristics of the industrial structure and
the context in which it is implanted is
important - Offering opportunities to the creation of
organizational forms - Industrial districts contain the organizational
forms that provide the appropriate kind of
environment for small firms
7Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Labour standards
- What are the labour standards, working
conditions, practices, and wages to be found in
industrial districts like?
8Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Labour standards
- Wages are on average comparable to what large
firms pay - Greater degree of autonomy and space
- High degree of social mobility
- Skilled workers find their skills and knowledge
better appreciated in the district - The districts themselves are dynamic and so are
conditions for labour - No sharp split between working and
non-working spheres of life
9Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Content
- Introduction (Frank Pyke and Werner Sengenberger)
- The idea of the Industrial District Its genesis
(Sebastiano Brusco) - The Marshallian industrial district as a
socio-economic notion (Giacomo Becattini) - The quantitative importance of Marshallian
industrial districts in the Italian economy
(Fabio Sforzi)
10Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- The traditional artisan model
- 1950s and early 1960s
- The South was thought to be characterized by
very small, inefficient firms working for the
local market - Small firms were destroyed during this period by
the large firms of the North which were
building a national market
11Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- The dependent subcontractor model
- End of the 1960s
- Paci (1973, 1975), Graziani (1975) and Brusco
(1973, 1975) - Skills of workers in small firms alike to those
in large ones - Model of oligopsony (Paci, Graziani)
- Although oligopsony considerable competition
12Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- The model of the industrial district Mark I
- Mid 1970s
- Product
- Standard of technology, wages and conditions of
work - Skill and the relation between firms
- Balance between co-operation and competition
13Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- The model of the industrial district Mark II
- Large firms have already undergone an important
process of restructuring ? now small firms are
involved in a similar process - Problem of how social districts are to be
endowed with the new technologies - Real services
14Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Content
- Introduction (Frank Pyke and Werner Sengenberger)
- The idea of the Industrial District Its genesis
(Sebastiano Brusco) - The Marshallian industrial district as a
socio-economic notion (Giacomo Becattini) - The quantitative importance of Marshallian
industrial districts in the Italian economy
(Fabio Sforzi)
15Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- The Marshallian Industrial District
- Business structure is dominated by small,
locally owned firms - Scale economies are relatively low
- Substantial intra-district trade
- Long-termed commitments and contracts
- Low degrees of co-operation
- Labour market internal to the district, highly
flexible - Workers committed rather to the district than to
the firms - Evolution of local cultural identity
16Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- The Marshallian Industrial District
- Italianate variant
- High degree of co-operation among competitor
firms - Strong local government role in regulating and
promoting core industries - Disproportionate shares of workers engaged in
design and innovation
17Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Definition of the industrial district given by
Becattini - I define the industrial district as a
socio-territorial entity which is characterized
by the active presence of both a community of
people and a population of firms in one naturally
and historically bounded area. In the district,
unlike in other environments, such as
manufacturing towns, community and firms tend to
merge. (Becattini, G.)
18Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Definition of the industrial district given by
Becattini - The local community of people
- The population of firms
- Human resources
- The market
- Competition and co-operation
- An adaptive system
- Technological change
- A local credit system
- Sources of dynamism
19Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Content
- Introduction (Frank Pyke and Werner Sengenberger)
- The idea of the Industrial District Its genesis
(Sebastiano Brusco) - The Marshallian industrial district as a
socio-economic notion (Giacomo Becattini) - The quantitative importance of Marshallian
industrial districts in the Italian economy
(Fabio Sforzi)
20Figure 1 Pattern of local systems in Italy, 1981
21Table 1 A 15-fold classification of local labour
market areas, 1981
22Figure 2 Pattern of light industrialisation
local systems, 1981
23Figure 3 Marshallian industrial districts within
the pattern of light industrialisation local
systems, 1981
24- Study by Fabio Sforzi
- Distinguishing employment characteristics
- The way in which the industrial districts
changed - The quantitative importance in the Italian
25Table 4 Employment in dominant manufacturing
industries of Marshallian Industrial Districts,
26Table 10 Change of percentage employment in
industries and services by categories of local
systems, 1971-1981
27Universität Konstanz summer term 2005,
12.05.2005 course Governance of local production
systems in Europe lecture Dr. Jürgen
Grote speaker Dorothee Kries
- Literature
- Pyke, F., Becattini, G., Sengenberger, W.
(1990) Industrial Districts and Inter-Firm
Cooperation in Italy. Geneva International
Institute for Labour Studies. - lthttp//www.clubdistretti.itgt Rev. 05/05/2005.
28Table 2 Employment of Marshallian Industrial
Districts (DIMs) by thei dominant manufacturing
industries, 1981
29Table 5 Employment in industries and services
for Marshallian Industrial Districts and Italy,
30Table 6 Percentage shares of employment in
district-dominantmanufacturing industries by
categories of local systems, 1981
31Table 7 Average size of establishment in
district-dominant manufacturing industries by
categories of local systems, 1981
32Table 8 Local quotients of employment in
district-dominant manufacturing industries by
categories of local systems, 1981
33Table 9
34Table 11 Location quotients of employment in
industries and services by categories of local
systems, 1971-1981
35Table 12 Change of employment in
district-dominant manufacturing industries by
categories of local systems, 1971-1981
36Table 13 Change in percentage of employment in
district-dominant manufacturing industries by
categories of local systems, 1971-1981
37Table 14 Location quotients of employment in
district-dominant manufacturing industries by
categories of local systems, 1971 and 1981
38Figure 4 Marshallian industrial districts,
according to dominant manufacturing industries,
39Figure 5 Pattern of northern and central urban
systems, 1981
40Figure 6 Pattern of southern urban system, 1982
41Figure 7 Pattern of northern manufacturing local
systems, 1981