Title: ContextDriven Visualization for Augmented Reality
1Context-Driven Visualization for Augmented Reality
- Dieter Schmalstieg
- Technische Universität Graz
2Mobile Augmented Reality
Inertial sensor
tracked touchpad
- Tracking
- dGPS
- Inertial
- Vision (marker)
notebook WLAN GPRS phone
3Handheld Augmented Reality
- Low Cost
- Robust and fool-proof
- Large variety of devices
- Intuitive user interface
- Self-contained operation
- Networking support
- Tracking support
4Example Signpost
- Wide area 3D navigation system
5Modeling Requirements for AR
- AR uses large complex models
- AR uses geometric, visual models
- AR does not use normal computer graphics models
- Visual realism not important
- Rendering performance not important because only
limited amount of detail interesting - Semantic structure important for application
goals (situation, context)
- Problem Data structures and algorithms for
visualization driven by context - Such as location, situation, user prefs etc.
- Background scene graph
- Context-driven scene graph traversal
- Background Magic lenses
- Context-driven magic lenses
7Scene Graph
- Solution for complex graphics problems
- High-level data structure
- Objects, not drawings
- Directed Acyclic graph
- Hierarchy for
- Geometric aggregation e.g., articulated body
- Semantic aggregation, e.g., parts-engine
8Coins Software Architecture
- Based on older Open Inventor standard
- Hierarchical composition
- Composite pattern
- Decorator pattern
- Work done in traversals
- Visitor pattern
- Dual-dispatch on node/traversal type
- Rendering traversal
- Reflection, garbage collection
- Scripting language
10Context-driven traversal
- Problem
- Information scattered throughout scene graph
- Finding information requires full search
- Manipulating may require changing SG in many
places - Acerbated by mix-and-match scene graph
composition, even at runtime! - Need to delegate behavior modification to local
nodes and their interaction with near nodes
Where on earth is the blue node in the SG?
- Indoor AR navigation
- Head up display
- World in miniature
- Rendered from same, consistent model
- No copy!
- Generic parameterization during traversal
- add generic parameter passing technique
- binding of parameters happens during traversal
- based on existing standard scene graph Open
Inventor - scene graph becomes a template structure
- evaluated in the last possible moment
13Traversal and state
- transformation
- material parameters
- light sources
- state contains specialized information
14Add general state - context
- Add 3 things
- Context state
- Nodes accessing context
- Affecting changes in the scene graph
15Operations on context
- Context maps string gt strings
- foreground gt 1 0 0
- position gt 10 -5 0
- node references
- Possible operations
- add
- set
- remove
- clear
- Deriving from dedicated classes in Open Inventor
framework. - SoContextElement
- Stores the context data
- SoContext
- Node to write to context
- SoContextReport
- Node to read the context
- SoContextSwitch
- Reads context and selects children to traverse
17Setting and retrieving simple context
- SoContext
- index foreground,background
- value 0 1 0, 0 0.5 0
- DEF REPORT SoContextReport
- index foreground
- Material
- diffuseColor USE REPORT.value
implicit conversion!
18Templated scene graph
- Multiple references to one graph
- Templates for
- attributes of nodes
- sub graphs
- Individual references set template parameters
19Examples mobile augmented reality
world in miniature
generic model
20Examples mobile augmented reality
Wall style
generic model
- Context driven traversal allows local behavior in
semantic space of SG - It does not allow local behavior
- In 2D screen space
- In 3D object space
- ? We want that as well!
22Example Information Filtering
- Avoid display clutter for mobile AR user
- Display only relevant information BOTH
- Important for user
- Within field of view
- Explicitely determined in object space, per
object - We want filtering implicit as part of traversal,
per pixel
Höllerer 2001
23Example for geometric locality
- Subsurface infrastructure visualization
- (collaboration with Grintec Gesmb)
24Magic Lenses
- Local behavior in screen space
- Bier 1993 2D case
- Used to
- reveal hidden information
- enhance data of interest
- suppress distracting information
- Developed in 2D as interaction tools
253D Magic Lenses, contd
- Viega 1996 HW Clipping planes
- Schmalstieg 1998 Stenciling
- Flat vs volumetric lenses
- Flat lenses are a simplification of volumetric
- Implemented using clipping planes
263D Magic Lenses contd
- Ropinski 2005
- Uses a more robust multi-pass technique
- Dual z-buffer by clever use of shadow buffer
- Programmed as HW shader object space algorithm
- Single lens only
273D Magic Lenses contd
- Mendez, ISMAR 2006
- Enhancement to Ropinski 2005
- Dual-depth buffer using float textures
- Completely general overlapping lenses
283D Magic Lenses contd
- Mendez, ISMAR 2006
- Three render passes
- Render behind and next to lens
- Render inside lens
- Render in front and next to lens
- As many lenses as available float textures but
render passes
29Putting It All Together
- Context-driven Magic Lenses
- Objects organized in context families
- Define 1 render style per (lens,context family)
- Annotate (existing) scene graph with context
- Targeted as an interaction tool and not as a
rendering technique
30Context Families
- Sub scene graphs (objects) are assigned
context information - Make smart sub graphs who know who they are
- Correctly styled regardless of their position in
the graph - Styles are also arbitrary sub-graphs
- Context-sensitive traversal concatenates styles
and objects in right order - Lens nodes create screen/object space masks
Objects affected according to their context
31Building Dynamic Sub Graphs
- Context-sensitive traversal concatenates styles
and objects in right order - Styling sub graphs are also just concatenated
root content
32CSML Dynamic Sub Graphs
- Styling contributions are correctly concatenated
in case of intersecting lenses (see lt2gt) - But no general solution for non-commutative style
sub graphs yet
lt1gt wrong
lt2gt correct
37(No Transcript)
- Collaborators
- Gerhard Reitmayr
- Erick Mendez
- Denis Kalkofen
- Michael Knapp
- Sponsors
- Austrian Science Fund FWF
- Grintec GesmbH
- www.studierstube.org