Environmental Science ENSC 2800

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Environmental Science ENSC 2800


Diversions from the Delta ... In-Delta exports have largely remained within the range of 4 to 6 maf per year ... pumps within the Delta, is implicated in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Environmental Science ENSC 2800

Environmental Science ENSC 2800
  • Spring 2003
  • Classes 5 and 6
  • The Bay Delta Issue 1
  • Dams and Diversions

The Hydrologic Cycle
Californias Water Balance
  • On average, precipitation inputs some 200 million
    acre-feet (maf) of total water supply into
    California each year (an acre-foot is almost
    330,000 gallons).
  • Some 65 of this, or around 130 maf returns to
    the atmosphere as evaporation or transpiration by
  • Annual runoff averages at 71 maf, more than 70
    of it occurring in the northern half of the
  • The all time low runoff has been recorded as 15
    maf (1977) and the highest was more than 135 maf
  • California imports an average of 7 maf from the
    Colorado river and Oregon portion of the Klamath
  • Total water demand in the State is around 42.6
  • 11 of the runoff water goes to cities and
    industry, 43 to farmers, and 46 is left in the
    streams and rivers to flow out to the ocean or
    into inland sinks like the Salton Sea, Mono Lake
    (for more data, see DWR Water Plan Update 1998
    on line or hard copy).

From the mountains to the valley
California - dammed by human progress
  • Click to go to online dam data base
  • Shown are dams taller than 25 feet or larger than
    17m gals.

SOURCE Dams Within jurisdiction of the State of
California AUTHOR California Department of Water
Resources TYPE bulletin PUBLISHED June
1993 SERIES 17-93
Diversions from the Delta
  • Reservoir (dam) storage capacity in the
    Sacramento-San Joaquin system totals 30 maf, with
    storage equivalent to over 80 of the annual
    runoff in the Sacramento River basin and nearly
    140 of the San Joaquin River basin runoff
    (Kondolf, 2000).
  • Diversions of Bay-Delta water occurs both within
    the Delta and upstream in the Estuarys
    watersheds to irrigate farmland and supply
  • In-Delta exports have largely remained within the
    range of 4 to 6 maf per year since 1974, but the
    percent of Delta inflow diverted can vary widely
    from year to year.
  • The mean percentages of total Delta inflows
    diverted from within the Delta were 13 in 1997,
    10 in 1998 and 18 in 1999 (DWR).
  • Total basin-wide diversions for consumptive (not
    returned) use reduce average flows to the Estuary
    by about 50 and seasonal flows in dry years by
    about 85 (Williams 2000).

Note how the percentage of inflow diverted from
the Delta increases in periods with lower inflows.
From State of the Estuary 2000.
Some Dam and Diversion Milestones
  • 1850 Republic of California established and
    Office of Surveyor General begins water planning
  • 1860 Levee and reclamation districts
    established to prevent flooding and drain
    wetlands for farming/settlements.
  • 1908 SF begins Hetch Hetchy project (completed
  • 1931 First CA State Water Plan published
    oriented toward conservation (as defined as
    putting water to use, not drainage to ocean).
  • 1930s Many major federal dams begun by Army
    Corps of Engineers.
  • 1933 Federal CVP Act passed and work begun on
    the system.
  • 1951 CA authorizes beginning of SWP.
  • 1950s Many major state dams begun to go with
    state water project.
  • 1966 New Melones Dam begins construction last
    major project before environmental movement
    kicked in.

A Plumbers Paradise
Where does the water go?
  • California's crops have a combined value of about
    30 billion per year, the highest total in the
  • Directly, this is only about 3 of California's
    trillion dollar economy, say 10 when all the
    related commercial activity is included.
  • Irrigated agriculture in California uses over 80
    of the State's developed water supply to grow
    these crops.
  • The largest users of water are the lowest value
    crops irrigated pasture uses almost as much
    water as all the cities in California put
    together (Its the Cheese!).
  • Four low value crops irrigated pasture, alfalfa
    hay, cotton, and rice use about 40 of
    California's water, and by themselves add
    directly only about 0.25 to the state's overall
  • The only way California farmers can compete with
    external producers of such crops, widely grown
    elsewhere, is by having continued, cheap,
    subsidized water (Kolb 2000, DWR 1998).

Californias Thirsty Cities
  • As we have seen, California will add over 12
    million people to its population in the next
    twenty years, more than 20 million in the next
  • Most of these will be added in the southern half
    of the state which has little water.
  • The delta and its runoff is seen as a critical
    resource to support the California economy and
    facilitate its continued growth.
  • Calls are heard for more dams, more diversions, a
    greater share of wet season runoff to be stored
    as carryover rather than be allowed to run
    through the natural system to the sea.

Efficiency of use?
  • Water use can be looked at from a variety of
  • Before we take any more water out of the Delta we
    must critically examine, for the farming,
    industrial and municipal sectors, what the water
    is used for, how it gets to where it is used, and
    how it is used once it gets there.
  • In each of these areas we find inefficiencies or
    inappropriate technologies that are candidates
    for change and might obviate the need for more
    dams and diversions.
  • Whether these are addressed is a function of
    politics and economics more than anything else.

Typical use
  • 1995 data show that the total average per capita
    urban use in California is 229 gallons per day.
    Out of that, around 120 gallons are used in and
    around the average residential home although in
    some parts of S. California, this is well over
    200 gallons per day per person.
  • Irrigated crops have varying water needs from an
    additional 1-2 feet of applied water per year to
    as much as 10 feet (average rainfall is 23
    inches), e.g. pasture, alfalfa.
  • Much of our irrigation technology is highly (75
    or more) inefficient.

Chronically ill?
  • In the State of the Estuary 2000 report, Phil
    Williams of PWA considers the SF Bay-Delta as if
    it were a human and the dams and diversions as
    causes of the following illnesses
  • Arterial infarction (blocked heart vessels and
    arteries) dams impede the flow of creatures
    upstream and the movement of water and sediment
  • Arteriosclerosis (hardened, narrowed arteries)
    riprapped and dredged channels, lack of floods,
    etc. all allow maximum use of the land to the
    waters edge and inhibit natural flow dynamics.

More complaints.
  • Hemophilia (frequent and chronic bleeding of
    water out) the lifeblood of the Delta
    hemmorages south.
  • Atrial fibrillation (unnatural, erratic pulsed
    flows) the natural flood pulsing of rivers has
    been lost along with natures extremes.
  • Anemia (reduced sediment in the water) the
    transport of sediment is essential to natural
    cycles and dynamic stability.
  • All these conspire to make the system sick as
    defined by its loss of natural form and function
    and its inability to adequately repair and
    restore itself from past changes.
  • Add to this intoxication from chemicals added to
    the water from agriculture, industry and urban
    runoff and we find a very sick system indeed.

Schematic of Hydropower Dam
Lake Shasta HEP and Storage Dam
Benefits of dams
  • They produce hydropower they can do this
    without consuming much water, however, they do
    affect timing of flows and present barriers.
  • They produce flood protection cutting out the
    big peak flows and allowing coordinated timing of
    water releases from different tributaries to main
    rivers to keep flows within bankfull limits
    again, more an issue of timing and fragmentation.
  • They store and carryover water supply but water
    is not only stored, it is extracted from the
    system and sent to places where some or all of it
    will be subject to consumptive uses.

Construction of Dams and Aqueducts Divert Fresh
  • Dams create many different levels of impacts,
    both upstream and downstream, that affect
    migrating fish, several of which are now
    federally protected.
  • Diversion via pumps within the Delta, is
    implicated in declines of fish species both
    because of physical removal of young fish by the
    pumps as well as habitat changes resulting from
    changing flow patterns and salinity distributions
    (USGS 2002).
  • Sediment transport dynamics have been changed in
    complex ways and water quality is highly
    modified, due to reduced dilution capabilities
    and reduced flushing and counter-balance to tidal

Changing Delta Morphology
  • Between 1867 and 1887, approximately 115 million
    cubic meters of sediment was deposited in the
    Suisun Bay area.
  • This is equivalent to about 2.5 cm/yr (1 inch)
    accumulation over all of Suisun Bay - most of
    this is debris from hydraulic gold mining in the
    Sierra Nevada and is contaminated with mercury
    used to extract gold from tailings. (USGS).
  • Hydraulic mining ceased in 1884, while water
    distribution and flood control projects increased
    during the 20th century.
  • These factors decreased the input of sediment to
    the Bay, and from 1887 to 1990 Suisun Bay was
    erosional (USGS) due to the creation of hungry
    waters caused by sediment being trapped behind
  • This sediment was thus shunted into the San
    Francisco Bay, much of it accumulating and some
    washing out under the Golden Gate.

USGS studies show past elevation changes along
the Delta
Recent changes show scouring and subsidence now
dominate the Delta
Large dams-flow/flood benefits
  • Dams yield many downstream benefits because of
    the way they can control day-to-day, seasonal and
    multi-year flow volumes
  • Dams can reduce peak flows and the risk of
    flooding downstream from overbank conditions.
  • Dams can enhance flood flow forecasting and
    predictability by timing releases, especially on
    multi-dam river networks and when operated in
  • Dams enhance dry season flows by their delayed
    release effect can be important for navigation,
    recreation, irrigation and so forth.
  • Dams provide drought mitigation through carryover

Many Bay-Delta dams manage floods
Dam Operation Basics
Flow Rate
Bankfull flow limit
Storage volume is retained behind dam to limit
flow past dam to below bank-full capacity of
downstream channels. Water could only be released
when flow falls below bank-full equivalent or
could be retained as carryover depending on
operation rules.
Large dams-downstream effects
  • Dams can have major negative effects that have
    frequently been ignored.
  • Dams create hungry waters, producing a sediment
    deficit and creating a scouring effect on
    previously deposited alluvium and channel bed
  • Dams withhold nutrient flows and by eliminating
    seasonal flooding prevent floodplain enrichment
  • Dams smooth out extreme events which are of
    critical importance in creating and maintaining
    habitat riparian vegetation, riffles and pools,
    sand banks, etc.
  • Dams tame rivers, eliminating their wild and
    scenic nature.
  • Dams block migrating salmon and other anadromous
    fishes in their movement up and down stream.
  • Dams create false security downstream, since they
    cannot eliminate all flood potential and
    encourage intensive floodplain development for
    the 50-100 years, statistically speaking, before
    record-breaking critical runoff occurs.

Migratory fish impacts
  • Dams prevent fish movement up to spawning grounds
    and down to the Ocean.
  • Dams destroy spawning grounds by inundation and
    upstream siltation.
  • Dams and diversions change environmental
    conditions especially temperature, DO and
    turbidity but also chemical signals the fish
    might use to migrate e.g. pH.
  • Dams change food supply dynamics, predation, etc.
  • Dams and diversions change hydrology and thus
    indirectly change downstream vegetation, shade,
    cross-channel morphology and long-profile,
    salinity balances, flow directions and timing in
    estuaries, etc.

Fish Ladders A mitigation? Too expensive to
Some solutions?
  • Allocate more water at critical times to
    maintaining optimal flows in streams and the
    Bay-Delta to permit maximum survival of returning
    adults and maximum success rates in reaching
    remaining spawning areas.
  • Hauling of migrating adults from base of dams to
    above reservoir to improve reproductive potential
    of returning adults.
  • Milking of captured adults at dam and hatchery
    raising (preserves genetics) to augment
    reproduction success artificially released
    below dam.
  • Use of hatchery bred stock (dilutes genetics) to
    augment size of salmon fishery (release below
    base of dam).
  • Capture of returning juveniles above dam and
    release downstream of dam to improve return
    probabilities of potential returnees.

Conservation less dams, diversions
  • Water conservation in California or in any other
    location is ultimately about efficiency
    achieving a particular goal with a minimum
    acceptable quantity of water.
  • Conservation can be achieved by changes in
    operations, changes in technology used in those
    operations, and changing environmental conditions
    where those operations take place and the
    technology is employed.
  • Whether conservation takes place is frequently a
    product of economics how much water costs with
    respect to the cost of changing operations,
    replacing technology or modifying environmental
    conditions, amortized over an appropriate
    discount period.
  • In some situations, water use is relatively price
    inelastic, in other words, increases in the price
    of water will have very little impact on demand
    for it.
  • This is usually the case where operations or
    technologies are not easily changed and the costs
    of reduced water use would be high.

Why is water use an environmental concern?
  • Using more water than is necessary for a
    particular purpose has many environmental
    consequences from exacerbated ecological impacts
    to greater resource depletion and corresponding
    environmental effects.
  • Water resources, though variable over time, are
    finite in any period and thus we are dealing with
    a zero sum game every cubic meter of water
    removed from a stream or river is one less
    available for intrinsic, instream functions.
  • Water delivered to a given location does not get
    there on its own, and it must frequently be
    processed prior to use the energy used in
    pumping, filtering, disinfecting or other
    delivery and treatment steps is enormous (plus
    chemicals and other inputs) and proportional to
    the volume delivered.
  • Wasted or waste water similarly must be pumped
    and/or treated or the environmental impacts of
    lack of treatment must be incurred.

Assessing conservation potential
  • Evaluating conservation possibilities frequently
    involves a combination of engineering audits and
    economic analysis.
  • Time and motion type studies are required to
    identify where and how water is used and why.
  • Technological assessments are required to
    determine how and where changes can be made to
    reduce water use and any impacts on production or
    performance that might result.
  • Economic analyses are required to analyze the
    costs and benefits of different changes versus
    the current system and establish benefit/cost
    ratios, internal rates of return, and so forth.
  • Appropriate analytical procedures and
    mathematical tools must be applied to develop
    meaningful results.

Residential water uses
  • In California, generally landscaping uses 33
    (but can vary from 0 to 90) and indoor
    activities use 66.
  • Interior uses break down approximately to toilets
    (36), bathing (28), laundry (20), misc. faucet
    use (13) and dishwashing (3).
  • California average domestic consumption is around
    120 gallons per capita per day (gcd), 80 gcd
    inside, 40 gcd outside.
  • Urban use per capita is doubled by the water we
    use in the workplace and that is used on our
    behalf by local government and other
    non-residential municipal users e.g. to irrigate
    our parks, wash our streets, put out our fires.

Agricultural demand for water
  • The demand for agriculture is principally a
    function of area of land cultivated, crop types,
    type of farming system, irrigation technology,
    irrigation efficiency, climate and soil type.
  • In CA, around 9 of irrigated agriculture is by
    drip, 24 sprinkler and 67 furrow or flooding.
  • Furrow irrigation is highly inefficient,
    resulting in more than 75 of the water being
    wasted as evaporation, deep seepage, or outflow
    to drains.
  • However, water for most farmers is cheap,
    delivered subsidized by the state or federal
    government or pumped for a few cents per 1,000
    gallons from the ground or nearby river/canal.

Urban conservation
  • Conduct exterior and interior water audits and
    new facility design reviews to identify
    cost-effective savings.
  • Promote efficient plumbing (new and retrofit)
    ULFTs, shower and faucet heads, front-loaders,
  • Require landscape water use standards for new
    installations drip, minimal turfgrass,
  • Adopt conservation pricing (inclining rates and
  • Increase public information and schools programs.

Agricultural conservation
  • Improve irrigation management (e.g. irrigate
    based on evapotranspiration calculations and/or
    soil humidity sensor data).
  • Improve physical operations (e.g. line ditches
    reservoirs, capture return flows with pumps,
    install drip systems).
  • Improve institutional arrangements (renegotiate
    contracts, provide loans, eliminate subsidies,
    educate farmers, etc.).
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