Title: Consequences of the chosen path
1 Consequences of the chosen path
- Independence was not been achieved through
the right to self-determination of the people of
Kosova but through negotiations of Kosovar
politicians with Belgrade and in the end as a
coordinated Declaration of Independence. - Consequently, the lack of self-determination as
method turned into lack of sovereignty as result.
The independence we got is a form without content
new name without new substance new flag and
symbols, new papers and documents, but no army,
no control over territory, borders, money and
natural resources, no government free from the
executive power of internationals. -
- We asked for water believing that implies the
glass we got a glass without water. -
2Sui generis? In order to avoid domino effect,
as seen from the perspective of the Security
Council of the UN, we were defined as sui generis
case. That is, a case never encountered before in
(law) books or in the past (history).
Consequently, experimenting has been
strengthened as policy. Ad hoc measures and
improvisations in no relations to any principles
or norms. No past, since history brings in the
concept of right and necessity for justice. No
future, since vision brings in the risk of action
and demands for responsibility.Everything is
possible in order for nothing to change.
3Paradigm of stability
- Stability, not development, is the goal.
- EULEX describes itself as crisis management
operation. EULEX is an embodiment of the EUs
Security and Foreign Policy concept of crisis
management. - No opposition between stability and crisis. It
is crisis which is stable. - The international missions in Kosova are
pre-conflict missions rather than post-conflict.
- The paradigm of stability in Kosova translates
into international executive power over the
institutions of Kosova. As a consequence, local
politicians are obedient and servile. Mutual
concealement Pieter Feith masks his omnipotence
through Government of Kosova which, in return,
masks its impotence through Pieter Feith. -
- Yes, but this is an interim mission, a
transition! We are not in a transition in
Kosova, since we are always in a transition
International rule in Kosova has never had a time
4Missing Self-determination
- Lack of self-determination
- External aspect Art.1.3 of Constitution, 6
Points of Ban Ki-moon - Internal aspect Feith, Zannieri, Kermabon and
Gay parallel structures of Serbia
5Government of Kosova
- No chrono-strategy and no geo-strategy no plans
and vision for future, no clear and concrete
allies since everybody is a friend. -
- External recognitions as top priority, not
internal sovereignty, territorial integrity and
economy. -
- Virtuality of de-territorialised independence
Hashim Thaçi is not PM of Kosova but rather
ambassador of the virtual Kosova, of the new
flag, new anthem etc. to the real Kosova. The
government building, symbolically just as an
Embassy, even looks alien to the physical ground
on which it is based not as something which was
built and grew there, but as something which has
landed there. -
6Towards where?There is no status quo1.
Attaching posteriori sovereignty to independence
domestic plan for social and economic
development 2. Bosniasation Territorialisation
of differences out of Ahtisaaris Plan and 6
Points of Ban Ki-moon perpetuation of
international ruleIndependence has future
once future becomes depended upon people.