Title: Crew
1Smaller European Countries and Space Security
Jakub Ryzenko Ryzenko_at_onet.pl
Institute of International Relations Warsaw
University Polish Space Office
Collective Security in Space, Paris, 15 May 2006
2- Practical consequences of space security
developments for smaller European countries - Policy implications
3Consequences of existence of
- Missile defense system
- Space-to-Earth weapons
4Space-related security goals
- protect own territory
- protect own space systems
- protect ability to use space systems
- deny space augmentation for enemy
5Missile defense
- Limited increase of territory protection
- Increased freedom of political maneuver
- Is space component needed?
- Ground combat less asymmetric
7(No Transcript)
- Ground combat less asymmetric
- Increase of risk for own space systems
- Negative economic consequences
9Space-to-Earth weapons
- Increased risk of retaliation
- Need to seek alliances with ASAT-owners
10Space security developments ... should not
destabilize international relations must not
weaken transatlantic relations
11Space surveillance
- Increasing of space awareness
- confidence building measure
- and is a potential field for cooperation
12- Knowledge about and understanding of space
security issues in smaller countries is very
Formulation of policies will most probably be a
reaction to US or European initiative.