Title: Central Wisconsin Dairy Series
1Central Wisconsin Dairy Series
2Forage Programs in High Producing Herds
- Central Wisconsin Agriculture Specialization
Presented byMatt Lippert, Wood County Ag Agent
Bob Kaiser and Randy Shaver Department of Dairy
Science University of Wisconsin Madison
3Survey Herds
- Hensen Bros. Dairy Inc., Waunakee
- Koepke Farms Inc., Oconomowoc
- Rosy Lane Holstein LLC, Watertown
- Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo
- SoFine Bovines LLC, Westfield
- Oechsner Farms, Brownsville
All freestall-parlor-TMR herds
4Survey Herds (Jan.-Feb, 2004)
5Survey Herds (Jan.-Feb, 2004)
6Survey Herds (Jan.-Feb, 2004)
7Survey Herds (Jan.-Feb, 2004)
8Forage Programs
9High-Group Dietary Forage
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11Corn Silage Production
- Hybrid
- Dual Purpose 5/6
- bm3 1/6
- Leafy 1/6
- Storage
- Bags 2/6
- Bunkers 4/6
- Piles 1/6
- Additives
- LAB 4/6
- Liquid Urea/Molasses 1/6
- Kernel Processing 6/6
12Corn Silage Nutrient Composition
13Corn Silage Processing ScoreMertens, USDFRC
Dairyland Labs, Arcadia, WI
- Ro-Tap Shaker
- 9 sieves (0.6 thru 19 mm) and pan
- Analyze for starch on 4.75 mm greater sieves
of starch passing 4.75 mm sieve
gt70 70 to 50 lt 50
Optimum Average Poor
14Corn Silage Processing Score
15Corn Silage Particle Size
16Corn Silage Fermentation Profiles
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18Alfalfa Silage Harvest/Storage
- Cutting Schedule
- 4x 5/6
- 4x, 3x 1/6
- Storage
- Bags 4/9
- Bunkers 3/9
- Uprights 2/9
- Additives
- LAB 6/6
19Alfalfa Silage Nutrient Composition
20Alfalfa Silage Particle Size
21Alfalfa Silage Fermentation Profiles
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23Corn Harvest Storage
- Type
- HM Shelled 4/6
- Dry Shelled 3/6
- HMSC Storage
- Uprights 2/4
- Bags 2/4
- HMSC Additives
- LAB 3/4
- Processing
- Roller Mill 3/4
- Hammer Mill 2/4
- Hammer mill 2/2
24HM Shelled Corn Particle Size
25Dry Shelled Corn Particle Size
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27Milking Cow Diet Ingredients
28Milking Cow Diet Ingredients
29Milking Cow Diet Ingredients
30Milking Cow Diet Ingredients
31High-Group Nutrient Formulations
32High-Group Nutrient Formulations
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34DMI of Milking Groups
35High-Group TMR Analysis
36High-Group TMR Analysis
37High-Group TMR Analysis
38High-Group Diet NRC-01 Model Evaluation
39High-Group Diet NRC-01 Model Evaluation
40Feed Efficiency Feed Cost Per Cwt.
41Visit UW-Madison Dairy Science Department Website
- http//www.wisc.edu/dysci/