Title: Moving toward Independence
1Moving toward Independence
2Second Continental Congress
Left to Right Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock,
Ben Franklin
3Old faces
Left to Right Richard Henry Lee, John Adams,
Patrick Henry
4What did they do?
- Authorized the printing of colonial money
- Established a post office
- Established a continental army
- George Washington named commander
- Drafted the Olive Branch Petition
- Rejected by Britain
- King George III hired German soldiers, the
Hessians, to fight against the colonists.
6Thomas Paine Common Sense
7Declaration of Independence
Richard Henry Lee proposed that a document be
drafted that would establish the colonies as an
independent nation. The Second Continental
Congress picked Thomas Jefferson, well-known as a
brilliant thinker and writer, to write a document
stating colonial independence.
8Declaration of Independence is approved
- 12 out of 13 colonies voted for independence from
Britain (New York did not vote, later supported
independence). - Approved July 4, 1776
- Signed several days later by the Congress
- John Hancocks signature is the biggest, he
claimed he was signing to make sure King George
could read it without putting on his glasses.
9John Trumbulls painting
10(No Transcript)
11Declaration of Independence
- 4 Parts
- 1st Preamble Give reasons for forming a new
country - 2nd Rights that the colonists have
- 3rd Grievances against the King
- 4th Declares America as a new, sovereign nation