Title: Alternate Assessment for Special Education Students
1Alternate Assessment for Special Education
- Minnesota Department of Education
- Special Education Policy
- Minneapolis Public Schools
2What tests does it apply to?All statewide and
districtwide tests MCABSTTEAE
3How do we know who is taking the alternate
assessment?The IEP team makes this
4The section of the IEP dealing with testing will
list if the student has accommodations or is
taking the alternate assessment, and for what
tests these conditions apply.
5If the IEP doesnt say the student is taking the
alternate assessment or has an accommodation they
must take the standard test
6How do teams determine who is taking the
alternate assessment?Alternate assessment may
be used for any student with a disability. It is
an IEP team decision. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
7An alternate assessment may replace the regular
MCA, BST, or TEAE when the student with an
IEP Lacks the academic skills necessary to
participate at the lowest level of the MCA, BST,
or TEAE Lacks exposure to curricular material
within the range and scope of the test or
Exhibits severe anxiety in a testing situation.
8An alternate assessment should not replace the
regular MCA, BST, or TEAE solely on the basis
of Anticipated low scores, History of low
test scores, Presence of cognitive, physical,
sensory, emotional, or communicative
disability, Administrative pressure to exclude
a student with an IEP, Program placement or
setting of services (e.g., self-contained
classroom), orDisability category.
9MDE guidelines for determining who should take an
alternate assessment IEP teams examine sample
tests and determine if there is some curricular
overlap between the test content and the
students daily instructional program. If the
easiest items of the test match the students
daily instruction, the student should be included
in the test. Students may have accommodations to
facilitate their inclusion in the testing process.
10More specific guidelines are available by areaon
the MDE website http//education.state.mn.usREAD
INGAwareness Understanding Application Alternate
Assessment Decision (1) For all grades except
10, compare the student's reading level to their
current grade level reading material (e.g. 3rd
grade student to 3rd grade material) and (2)
determine a single number evaluation for the
student on the following attribute Literal
Comprehension. See the back of this sheet for
this attribute and indicators. Evaluation _. If
you rate the student 1 or 2, it is suggested you
complete an alternate assessment with the
student. For grade 10, the same process should be
employed except that the Inferential
Comprehension attribute should be used to assist
with alternate assessment decisions. However, the
IEP team has primary responsibility and may use
other data/information to support its
decision.NOTE If you use an alternate assessment
with a student it is key that you complete the AA
by evaluating the student on each attribute based
on what is currently developmentally appropriate
for the student.
11Who completes the alternate assessment?The case
manager completes the alternate assessment for
the areas indicated on the IEP, using available
data collected as part of the IEP process.The
code ALT should be filled in on the test booklet
for the MCA.
12Forms are available by download
index.html ) or by calling Kathy at 80460. They
can be duplicated.
13(No Transcript)
14Complete only the academic area(s) or the
functional scale
15Special education teachers use current
instructional and assessment information to
complete Minnesotas Alternate Assessment. The
MDE Alternate Assessment is aligned with state
standards and consists of evaluation scales in
four areas Developmental Academic Skills
(reading, writing, and math) or Functional Skills.
16The three Developmental Academic Skills forms of
the Alternate Assessment are for reading,
writing, and math. The special education teacher
evaluates the student on a continuum that ranges
from the Awareness Level (1) to the Application
Level (7).
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20The Functional Skills form should be completed
for students whose primary goals in school are
from such basic areas as social skills, jobs and
training,community participation, and homeliving.
21Expanded definitions for each area are available
on the MDE website
22What do you do with the completed alternate
assessment?NEWTurn it in to the testing
23What happens if the alternate assessments arent
completed?The missing students will count
against AYP calculations for both participation
(95 requirement) and proficiency.
24Do the scores given on the evaluation scale
matter?Yes. Alternate assessment scores are
used in calculating proficiency.
25According to MDE There are potential fiscal
consequences for schools that do not provide
complete data required by ESEA.
26Who do I call with questions?Paul Muyskens
80467Ann Casey 85404 Juanita Lyons
80576Kathy Peterson (forms) - 80460