Parathyroid Adenoma - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Parathyroid Adenoma


(2)Fail back surgery syndrome with HIVD with stenosis of ... Modern intact PTH assays have no cross-reactivity with PTH-related protein. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Parathyroid Adenoma

Parathyroid Adenoma
  • Chou Chien-Wen M.D.
  • Endocrine Metabolism Section
  • Chi-Mei Medical Center
  • 10 Jan 2003

Case Report
  • ???? 14347945
  • ?? ?X?
  • ???? 29-10-16
  • ?? ?

Present Illness Past History
  • 62-year-old female, general twitching, painful
    sensation bothered her for months.
  • Gout (), HTN ()
  • Operation history
  • (1)R't renal stone s/p ESWL (1993 Sep)
  • (2)Fail back surgery syndrome with HIVD with
    stenosis of L4-5 s/p disectomy of L5-S1
    laminectomy of L4-5 L5-S1 (91-07-17)
  • (3)HIVD with lumbar stenosis of L4-5, left s/p
    disectomy with laminectomy of L4-5

Laboratory Data
  • BUN/Cr 22.8/1.17 (91-12-12)
  • Na/K 138.1/4.72 (91-12-12)
  • Serum Ca
  • 13.7 (91-11-18)
  • 11.6 (91-12-14)
  • 12.3 (91-12-30)
  • 8.8 (92-01-02) postoperation
  • Free-Ca 5.6 (91-12-18)
  • P 2.7 (91-12-3)
  • Alk P-tase 216 (91-12-3)
  • i-PTH 223.7 pg/ml (91-12-2)

(No Transcript)
Operation Pathology
  • Operation
  • Parathyroidectomy, right
  • Partial central LNs dissection
  • Pathology
  • Parathyroid adenoma, right lower parathyroid gl
    , parathyroidectomy
  • Nodular goiter, bilateral thyroid, bilateral
    subtotal thyroidectomy

  • The estimated incidence is 1 case per 1000 men
    2 to 3 cases per 1000 women.
  • The severe complications of hyperparathyroidism,
    osteitis fibrosa cystica nephrocalcinosis, are
    rarely seen today.
  • Distinguishing primary hyperparathyroidism from
    malignancy, the next most common cause of
  • Minimally invasive surgery is now available, in
    addition to standard bilateral neck exploration,
    as curative therapy for primary

(Mayo Clinic Proceedings Volume 77(1) January
2002 pp 87-91)
Etiologic Factors Pathogenesis (1)
  • Sporadic, benign parathyroid adenomas 80-85
  • Postmenopausal women, average age of 55 years
  • External neck irradiation
  • Lithium therapy 5
  • Multiple parathyroid glands may be abnormal,
    hyperparathyroidism may persist after
    discontinuation of the drug.
  • Hereditary disorders 10, including familial
    hyperparathyroidism or MEN type 1 2A
    hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome.
  • MEN 1 95
  • present at a younger age, more severe disease
  • Associated tumors include pancreatic (30-80)
    pituitary (15-50) adenomas.
  • The gene responsible for MEN 1, menin (chromosome
    11), has been identified cloned with tumor
    suppressor function.

Etiologic Factors Pathogenesis (2)
  • MEN 2A
  • A milder form, resection of only enlarged glands
    compared to subtotal resections in patients with
    other forms of multigland disease.
  • MCT is a universal component of this syndrome.
  • Pheochromocytoma 50 primary hyperparathyroidism
  • Mutations of the ret proto-oncogene.
  • Hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumor syndrome
  • Early, relatively severe hypercalcemia in
    teenagers or young adults is the common
  • The pathologic finding is usually a single
    adenoma. Bone lesions of the jaw appear as cystic
    punched-out regions on x-ray films.
  • Frequent association with Wilms tumors or renal
  • A familial disorders

Etiologic Factors Pathogenesis (3)
  • Parathyroid carcinoma lt 0.5 of cases
  • Severe hypercalcemia, extremely high PTH levels,
    a palpable neck mass.
  • Benign familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH)
  • an autosomal dominant disorder, hypercalcemia
    relative hypocalciuria.
  • The degree of hypercalcemia is generally mild.
    Normal PTH levels but in 5 to 10 of patients,
    modestly elevated.
  • Most kindreds have an inactivating mutation of Ca
    sensing receptor, resulting in a mild increase in
    the set point for Ca suppression of PTH
  • The Ca clearance-Cr clearance ratio with a cutoff
    of .01 distinguishing from primary
  • This disorder results in hypercalcemia at birth
  • Surgery or further medical evaluation is not
    indicated because it is a benign condition
    without progressive complications.

Etiologic Factors Pathogenesis (4)
  • Insufficient Vit D /or insufficient Ca intake
  • Mild secondary hyperparathyroidism
  • Normal serum Ca level an elevated PTH level
  • Measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D 24-hour
    urinary Ca level is helpful
  • Such patients often have intermittent elevations
    of ionized Ca levels with documented stone
    disease /or osteoporosis.
  • ESRD
  • most common cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism
  • PTH secretion is stimulated by hypocalcemia,
    which results from low concentrations of
    1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D due to decreased renal
    production, by hyperphosphatemia.
  • Prevention with supplementation with
    1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D Ca control of
  • Tertiary hyperparathyroidism
  • Prolonged abnormalities can evolve into a state
    of autonomous PTH secretion hypercalcemia,

  • The total Ca level can be "corrected" by adding
    0.8 mg/dL for every 1.0 g/dL by which the serum
    albumin concentration is lower than 4.0 g/dL.
  • All patients will have increased ionized Ca
  • Hypercalcemia, an elevated or inappropriately
    high-normal PTH level is diagnostic
  • Malignancy is associated with suppressed levels
    of PTH.
  • Modern intact PTH assays have no cross-reactivity
    with PTH-related protein.
  • FHH in young patients with mild hypercalcemia
    normal or slightly elevated PTH levels.
  • The urinary Ca clearance-Cr clearance ratio,
    previous Ca levels, family history are helpful.
  • Evaluation for other endocrine disorders
    associated with one of the MEN syndromes
  • Appropriate genetic testing for MEN
  • BMD is usually measured, cortical sites such as
    the distal one-third radius.
  • A 24-hour urinary Ca measurement radiological
    evaluation for the presence of kidney stones

Radiographic manifestations of PHP.
Asubperiosteal resorption of radial side of
middle phalanges distal turfs B"Brown
tumour" (arrow) in the proximal tibia
Cresorption tapering of distal
clavicle Dcystic changes in head of humerus
Technetium-99m sestamibi/iodine scans in planar
(A), coronal (B), sagittal (C) views.
Aincreased uptake of the radiotracer in right
lower parathyroid adenoma thyroid in
early image (after 20 min) Bafter 2 h,
concentration of radiotracer in parathyroid
adenoma with disappearance of thyroid
uptake Cconfirms concentrations in parathyroid
Management (1)
  • Institution of therapy for hypercalcemia depends
    on the degree of hypercalcemia the presence or
    absence of clinical symptoms.
  • Mild hypercalcemia usually have no symptoms,
    require no Ca-lowering agents
  • Moderate hypercalcemia symptoms probably
    benefit from hypocalcemic agents.
  • Severe hypercalcemia require hospitalization
  • The combination of altered mental status,
    anorexia, nausea, defective urine-concentrating
    ability results in dehydration. Iv fluids are the
    initial therapy for severe hypercalcemia.
  • Diuretic therapy with furosemide (20 mg) should
    not be instituted until euvolemia is achieved.
  • Correction of fluid deficits alone can produce a
    decrease in the Ca level but rarely restores

Management (2)
  • Hypocalcemic agents, calcitonin (4-8 IU/kg im or
    sc q 6-8 hrs) has the most rapid onset of action.
  • Resistance to its hypocalcemic effects develops
    limits its use to 24 to 48 hrs of therapy.
  • Calcitonin alone rarely normalizes serum Ca
    levels but is useful in addition to
  • Iv bisphosphonate therapy with pamidronate (60-90
  • The onset of action for pamidronate is 24 to 48
    hours after infusion, with nadir Ca at about 7
  • Duration of treatment effect varies from weeks to
  • Plicamycin, gallium nitrate, etidronate, used
    in the past to treat severe hypercalcemia are
    rarely used today.
  • H/D in severe hypercalcemia with impaired renal

Management (3)
  • Glucocorticoids hypercalcemia due to lymphoma or
    granulomatous diseases but have no role in
    managing hypercalcemia due to hyperparathyroidism.
  • Treating the underlying cause of hypercalcemia is
  • Ca sensing receptor agonists (calcimimetics) have
    been studied in a small number of patients but
    are not available clinically.
  • Estrogen replacement therapy for postmenopausal
    women can attenuate bone resorption results in
    modest reduction in serum Ca levels.
  • Older bisphosphonates did not sustain reductions
    in serum Ca levels.
  • Surgery is the only curative therapy for primary

Management (4)
  • Up to 25 of patients develop an indication for
    surgery during medical observation.
  • Increases in BMD of both the hip the spine
    after surgical cure of hyperparathyroidism
  • Avoidance of drugs that could worsen
    hypercalcemia, especially thiazides.
  • Modest Ca intake is generally recommended because
    low Ca intake could theoretically stimulate more
    PTH production.
  • Estrogen therapy can be considered in
    postmenopausal women.
  • Yearly measurement of bone density, 24-hour
    urinary Ca values, serum Ca levels is advised,
    as is monitoring for nephrolithiasis.
  • Preventing tertiary hyperparathyroidism by
    controlling serum phosphate levels, replacing
    1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, maintaining Ca levels
    to decrease stimulation of PTH secretion
    parathyroid gland growth.

Management (5)
  • The doses of calcitriol needed to suppress serum
    PTH levels can lead to hypercalcemia or
  • New vitamin D analogues, 22-oxacalcitriol,
    19-nor-1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D2 (paricalcitol),
    1-alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 (doxercalciferol), have
    the advantages of suppressing PTH a reduced
    tendency to increase serum Ca phosphate levels
  • After tertiary hyperparathyroidism has developed,
    calcitriol must be used carefully because it can
    worsen hypercalcemia.
  • Sevelamer is a polymer-based phosphate binder
    that can be used in place of Ca-based phosphate
    binders to decrease hyperphosphatemia in patients
    with hypercalcemia.
  • Surgery is often necessary to control
    hypercalcemia in patients with tertiary
  • Indications for surgery in secondary
    hyperparathyroidism due to renal failure include
    severe metabolic bone disease (renal
    osteodystrophy, fractures), intractable bone pain
    pruritis, rarely necrotizing skin ulcers
    (calciphylaxis) not responding to dialysis
    medical therapy.

Surgery (1)
  • An experienced endocrine surgeon cures gt 95
    undergoing initial bilateral neck exploration
    incurs lt 1 perioperative morbidity.
  • Reoperations for persistent or recurrent primary
    hyperparathyroidism are less successful (about
    80 cure) much higher incidence of
  • 25 of patients remained either hypercalcemic
    (13) or permanently hypocalcemic (12), a
    reflection of previously failed procedures.
  • Preoperative localization of the abnormal
    parathyroid gland(s) is unnecessary for initial
    bilateral neck exploration.
  • In patients who have had prior neck surgery,
    preoperative localization is essential because
    scar tissue altered anatomy make surgical
    exploration more challenging.
  • Sestamibi imaging of the parathyroid gland has
    the best specificity sensitivity (90-95
    80-85, respectively)
  • In sporadic cases of primary hyperparathyroidism,
    a single adenomatous gl is usually found

A New, Practical Intraoperative Parathyroid
Hormone Assay (1)
  • PTH measurement by immuno-chemiluminometric assay
    (ICMA) is a nonradioisotopic technique that is
    more practical for use during parathyroidectomy.
  • Sixteen patients had multiple samples taken
    during parathyroidectomy.
  • PTH levels measured 5 minutes after excision of a
    suspected abnormal gland were compared with
    pre-operative or preexcision samples either
    confirmed complete excision or indicated the need
    for more exploration in each patient.
  • Correlation of 88 ICMA samples with standard
    24-hour IRMA controls was excellent (r equals
    0.9218, P lt0.0001).
  • The sensitivity of the test in predicting
    postoperative Ca levels was 94 percent.

(American Journal of Surgery Volume
168(5) November 1994 pp 466-468)
Intraoperative monitoring (with
immunochemiluminometric assay ICMA) identified 11
patients with single-gland involvement by a
marked decrease in intraoperative (QPTH) levels
after excision.
Four patients who had minimal decreases in (PTH)
required excision of a second hyperfunctioning
gland before an adequate decrease in PTH
predicted a return to normocalcemia. One patient
with an unusual tumor had a delayed (20 min) fall
in QPTH.
Surgery (2)
  • Hereditary multigland disease, more aggressive
    initial surgery is performed, usually a subtotal
    or a total parathyroidectomy with
  • Recurrence of primary hyperparathyroidism due to
    remnant gland or autotransplanted tissue is
    common in patients with MEN 1 renal failure.
  • Because of improvements in preoperative
    localization imaging of the parathyroid glands
    with sestamibi scintigraphy high-resolution
    ultrasonography coupled with intraoperative rapid
    PTH assay, minimally invasive techniques are
  • Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy refers to
    one of several procedures, including
    video-assisted or endoscopic, radioguided,
    unilateral image-guided explorations.
  • Abnormal parathyroid gland must be located
    preoperatively on imaging studies, usually
    sestamibi imaging.
  • Patients with known or suspected multigland
    disease or prior neck surgery are not generally
    candidates for this procedure.
  • Cure rates are no better than those with
    traditional bilateral neck exploration.
  • Improved cosmetic appearance, less pain,
    shorter operative time.
  • Procedures performed with local anesthesia are
    associated with fewer GI adverse effects.

Minimal InvasiveAdenectomy
(Ann of Surgery Volume 231(4) April 2000  pp
Changes in the pattern of clinical presentation
of primary hyperparathyroidism
Indications for surgery in asymptomatic patients
with hyperparathyroidism
  • (1) serum Ca level gt 1 mg/dL above reference
  • (2) any complications such as nephrolithiasis or
    bone disease
  • (3) an episode of life-threatening hypercalcemia
  • (4) severe hypercalciuria (gt400 mg/24 h)
  • (5) reduced bone mass, especially of distal
    radius (T score less than -2)
  • (6) age younger than 50 years

Role of surgery in mild primary
hyperparathyroidism in the elderly
  • The usual reasons for advising surgery in an
    'asymptomatic' or minimally symptomatic patient
    are to prevent complications such as
    nephrolithiasis, deterioration in renal function,
    accelerated bone loss and fracture
  • Elderly patients with primary HPT present more
    often with indistinct psychiatric and
    musculoskeletal symptoms, and these are the
    symptoms most likely to be improved by operation
  • Morbidity and mortality rates related to neck
    exploration in the elderly are similar to those
    in younger age groups

(British Journal of Surgery Volume
87(12) December 2000 pp 1640-1649)
Success of Cervical Exploration for Patients with
Asymptomatic Primary Hyperparathyroidism
  • 61 patients were identified. 19 (31) had no
    symptoms, 21 (34) had subjective symptoms, 21
    had associated conditions
  • Average preop postop Ca levels were 11.5 mg
    8.5 mg, respectively.
  • Average PTH levels fell from 142 pg/mL to 49
    pg/mL after surgery.
  • Preop postop Ca PTH levels for the three
    groups showed no significant differences.
  • The success of surgery in identifying pathology
    ranged from 90.5 to 95, again showed no
    difference among the three groups.
  • Long-term morbidity (gt6 months) in all groups
    was 0.
  • Cervical exploration parathyroidectomy for
    asymptomatic primary hyperparathryoidism is safe
    has similar success rates in identifying
    pathology correcting biochemical abnormalities
    compared with patients with symptomatic disease.

( Am J Surg. 199917769-74).
Ethanol Ablation
  • The abnormal parathyroid gland(s) must be
    detectable by ultrasonography confirmed by
    fine-needle aspiration for cytology PTH
    measurement before this approach.
  • Large parathyroid adenomas are difficult to cure
    by ethanol injection.
  • Patients who have undergone a subtotal
    parathyroidectomy for multigland disease have
    recurrent hyperparathyroidism due to the remnant
    gland are cidates for ethanol ablation.
  • Hypoparathyroidism recurrent laryngeal nerve
    damage are rarely seen.
  • Cure rates are much lower than those with

Angiographic Ablation of Mediastinal Parathyroid
  • 3 patients with likely mediastinal parathyroid
    adenomas that had single feeding arteries
    underwent attempted arteriographic ablation with
    a slow continuous infusion of contrast medium.
  • All 3 patients were cured (follow-up 22 to 68
    months) with no long-term complications.

(American of medicine Volume 97(6) December
1994 pp 529-534)
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