Title: Diapositiva 1
1Experimenting with the communication of science
a poetic narrative
Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
2- Science and Theatre
- Theatre as a means of conveying scientific
concepts and ideas (pedagogical purpose) - Theatre borrows its contents from science, while
maintaining its own features as an artistic
2. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
3- First case
- Theatre as a means of supporting didactics
- The exploitation of the performing elements
- a. the acting area
- b. lights
- c. sounds
- d. images
- e. the dramatic vocabulary of movement
- f. the body and verbal language
- helps to lower the barriers between an
inexperienced public and scientific contents
3. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
4Main strength of theatre Emotional and sensory
communication Reconciliation between
pedagogical activity and entertainment ? To
excite curiosity in the scientific world
4. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
5Performances deriving from the tradition of the
scientific conferences started in the XVII
Century coinciding with the origin of the first
scientific Academies
5. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
6Second case Theatre preserves its artistic and
aesthetic characteristics, thus enhancing
scientific imagination for the public
6. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
7An example A Brand New Sky a. It is, first of
all, a cultural project, which assumes the form
of an experimental communication activity about
the history of science b. By means of a poetic
narration it seeks to transmit the fundamental
elements of Galileos early astronomical
discoveries and the cultural climate in which
they came to light c. To build a strong
interconnection between science and art was one
of the aims of A Brand New Sky
7. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
8A Brand New Sky was part of the EU project
World View Network Culture 2000, a project
devoted to the five historical figures that
contributed in a substantial way to the
construction of a new view of the Universe
Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johann Kepler,
Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton
8. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
9- Structure of the performance
- A monologue (50 minutes) played by an actor who
portrays a
skilled glass craftsman, Loom - A tale based on Galileos first observations with
the telescope - the Moons surface
- the Stars of the Milky Way
- the Satellites of Jupiter
9. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
10- The construction of the text
- a. Historical bibliographic research
- Main references
- - Sidereus Nuncius Venice, 10 March 1610,
- 500 copies immediately circulating in all
of - Europe
- - Letters of Galileo written before and soon
- after the publication of the book
- b. Selection of scientific nuclei
- c. Poetic-narrative transposition
10. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
11- Interest in communicating
- Galileos significant contribution to the
rupture of the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic model
of the Universe - its replacement with a model built on the basis
of new data and criteria - Main character
- The persona of the craftsman was shaped in order
to evoke the feelings of astonishment, admiration
and incredulity that were raised throughout
Europe immediately after the results of
observations were published in the Sidereus
11. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
12Particular attention was given to objects (glass,
lenses, telescopes) which provide evidence of
the material history of science
12. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
13Some technical characteristics - A Brand New
Sky was intended for a wide viewing audience,
without distinguishing between different types of
public (general/specialized/scholastic) - Staged
in a area inside the Imss - Each performance was
planned for a maximum of 30 persons - Total
number of performances 22 (including an English
13. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
14The acting area
14. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
15Images from the performance
15. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
16Images from the performance
16. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
17Some qualitative comments concerning the
audiences type of reception - Enthusiastic
reactions from the public - A high attention
level throughout the performance - Strong impact
of the actor on the audience - At the end of the
performances, often the audience stayed and
talked with the actor, the author of the text and
director, the designer of the project - Questions
about the theatrical elements (e.g. the stage
design), the images evoked, the protagonists
characteristics, the art of the actor, the
scientific elements that emerged from the
17. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
18Conclusions The publics positive reactions,
confirmed the idea that was the background of
the whole project the content carefully
translated in an artistic form has an intrinsic
potential of deep, universal communication We
reached the aim of letting theatre to maintain
its artistic integrity, while enhancing an image
of science as a human activity, an essential
element of a culture in general
18. Vantaa, Ecsite AC2005
19Il cielo nuovo A Brand New Sky